أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية

[1] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2013). On the  Continuation of the limit distributions of intermediate order statistics under power normalization. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability (JSAP). 2(2): 83-91.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the Alexandria International Conference of Statistics and Insurance: STATISTICAL AWARENESS AS A MEASURE OF DEVELOPMENT  (AICSI )- 1-2 September 2012.


[2] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2016). Generalized order statistics with random indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 10(3):1081-1090 .




[3] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2016). On the continuation of the limit distribution of central order statistics under power normalization. APPLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE. 43(2): 145-155.





[4] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2017). Limit distributions of order statistics with random  indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Comm. Statist. Theory  Methods,  published on line July 2016 DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2016.1148732.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference on Pure and Applied Science (ICPAS 2015) Mar. 28-30, 2015, Luxor.



[5] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2017).  Limit distributions of generalized order statistics in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Quaestiones Mathematicae 1-14.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference OSDA 2016 Pireaus, Greece 25-28 of May 2016.



[6] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2019 )

Asymptotic Distributions of Record Values under Exponential Normalizations. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin . 26 ( 5) :743-785.

  • The paper is also has been presented in OSDA 2018 Spain 22-25 of May  2018.



[7] Mohamed Abd Elaziz  , Esraa Osama Abo Zaid, Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness  and  Rehab Ali Ibrahim(2021). Automatic Superpixel-Based Clustering for Color Image Segmentation Using q-Generalized Pareto Distribution under Linear Normalization and Hunger Games Search.Mathematics 2021, 9, 2383. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9192383


[8] Abd Elaziz M, A. A. Al-qaness M, Abo Zaid EO, Lu S, Ali Ibrahim R, A. Ewees A (2021). Automatic clustering method to segment COVID-19 CT images. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0244416. https://





[9] Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid, Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Taha Radwan (2022). Some measures information for generalized and q-generalized extreme values and its properties. Fractals. 30(10) 1-14 . DOI: 10.1142/S0218348X22402460.



[10] Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid: Record Values from the Gumbel and q- Gumbel distributions with applications. Journal of Thai Statistical Association.  (Under Puplication)


[11]   M. S. Eliwa, E. O. Abo Zaid, and M. El-Morshedy . On q-generalized extreme values under power normalization with properties, estimation methods and applications to COVID-19 data .  (Under Puplication)

[12] Rasha Abd-Elwahaab Attwa, Taha Radwan and Esraa Osama Abo Zaid (2023). Bivariate q-extendedWeibull morgenstern family and correlation coefficient formulas for some of its sub-models. AIMS Mathematics, 8(11): 25325–25342. doi: 10.3934/math.20231292

المشاريع البحثية والزيارات الميدانية

                                                     أكاديمية البحث العلمى والتكنولوجيا                                                                                                 التقرير الفني

                                          مبادرة Science Up  قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم جامعة السويس


  الجهه المنفذة 

كلية العلوم جامعة السويس

ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid

E. O. Abo Zaid

Lecturer of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Computer science

Suez Univerisity – Egypt

E-mail Address: eabozaid31@yahoo.com



Birthday  :         December 24, 1987, Dakahlia, Egypt.


Home Phone:    (0020554) 482393

Mobile:               01274382371,  01015575904


  1. Academic Qualifications


B.Sc.:         (Mathematics and Statistics )

             Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Egypt (2008).


M.Sc.:        Mathematics (Mathematical Statistics), Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Egypt (2012).


Title of M.Sc. Thesis:


Some limit theorems of order statistics under nonlinear normalizations

-The main aim of this thesis is to prove the weak convergence continuation

property of the limit distribution functions of the central and intermediate order statistics under power normalization.

Ph.D.:        Mathematics (Mathematical Statistics), Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Egypt (2015).


Title of Ph.D. Thesis:


Limit theorems of order statistics in Gaussian sequence

-The first aim of this thesis is to study the random upper extremes under mild conditions. Also, we derive the necessary conditions of the weak convergence of the random extreme and central order statistic in the most considered cases. In addition, we study the asymptotic behavior of the intermediate order statistic of the stationary Gaussian sequences under equi-correlated set up. The second object is to study the limit distributions of extreme, intermediate and central m-generalised order statistic, as well as m-dual generalised order statistic  of a stationary Gaussian sequence under

equi-correlated set up.


  1. Professional and Academic Experience


  • Lecturer, Department of Basic Science , Zagazig , Higher    

     Technology and Engineering Institute (September 2016- 2018).

  • Assistant Professor,  Department of Mathematics,  Faculty of    

        Science, Taibah University (2018-2019).

  • Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Computer science

      - Faculty of science- Suez University (2019- until now).


  • Teaching experience : Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses of Mathematics and Statistics, such as from Math1 to Math 5 in Higher Technology and Engineering Institute, teaching mathematics and statistics in Faculty of          Science, Taibah University and teaching many courses of statistics in Faculty of science- Suez University such as probability, statistics, statistical theory, biostatistics, order statistics, stochastic process , Bayesian analysis and so on. Consultation and research. 




(1) Participated in Egypt-France   Mathematical Conference, French Center for Culture and Cooperation, 3-5 May 2010, Cairo, Egypt.


(2) Participated in the Workshop on The Role of Basic Science in Engineering Education, Arab Academy for Science and Technology Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Basic and Applied Science-8-2-2010.


(3) Participated in the international organizer committee and the co-chair of Ninth International Conference on order statistical data and their applications, July 11-13, 2010, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt.


(4) Participated in Alexandria International Conference of Statistics and Insurance: STATISTICAL AWARENESS AS A MEASURE OF DEVELOPMENT (AICSI)-1-2 September 2012.


(5) Participated in the second Alexandria international conference for statistics 2-3 November 2013.


(6) Participated in the fourth International Conference Mathematics and Information Sciences (ICMIS 2015) ,Zewail City of Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt. 5-7 Feb.


(7) Participated in  International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2015), Luxor City  Egypt. 28-30 Mar.


(8) Participated in workshop in Mathematical Statistics and its Applications. Zagazig University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics (2-8-2015).


(9) Participated in workshop in Computer Science and its Applications. Zagazig University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics (2-8-2016).


(10) Participated in workshop in Mathematical Statistics and its Applications. Tanta University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics (30-7-2016).


(11) Participated in International Conference on Mathematics, and Applications (Mathematics pillar for the transition to the era of knowledge) 13 – 16 May, 2017, Cairo, Egypt, held by National Committee of Mathematics.


(12) Participated in the International Conference for Mathematics and Applications,  Trends and Development  (ICMTD17), 27 – 29 Dec. 2017.


  1. Training courses in university capacity development unit


  1. Passed all requirements for the Effective Presentation Skills Program.
  2. All requirements of the Scientific Research Ethics Program have been passed.
  3. All requirements of the international publication program for scientific research have been passed.
  4. All requirements of the research team management program have been passed.
  5. Passed all requirements of the Thinking Skills Program.
  6. Passed all requirements of the Decision Making and Problem Solving program.                                                                                                                                                                  


  1. List of Scientific Publications



[1] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2013). On the  Continuation of the limit distributions of intermediate order statistics under power normalization. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability (JSAP). 2(2): 83-91.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the Alexandria International Conference of Statistics and Insurance: STATISTICAL AWARENESS AS A MEASURE OF DEVELOPMENT  (AICSI )- 1-2 September 2012.


[2] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2016). Generalized order statistics with random indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 10(3):1081-1090 .




[3] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2016). On the continuation of the limit distribution of central order statistics under power normalization. APPLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE. 43(2): 145-155.





[4] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2017). Limit distributions of order statistics with random  indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Comm. Statist. Theory  Methods,  published on line July 2016 DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2016.1148732.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference on Pure and Applied Science (ICPAS 2015) Mar. 28-30, 2015, Luxor.



[5] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2017).  Limit distributions of generalized order statistics in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Quaestiones Mathematicae 1-14.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference OSDA 2016 Pireaus, Greece 25-28 of May 2016.



[6] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2019 )

Asymptotic Distributions of Record Values under Exponential Normalizations. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin . 26 ( 5) :743-785.

  • The paper is also has been presented in OSDA 2018 Spain 22-25 of May  2018.



[7] Mohamed Abd Elaziz  , Esraa Osama Abo Zaid, Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness  and  Rehab Ali Ibrahim(2021). Automatic Superpixel-Based Clustering for Color Image Segmentation Using q-Generalized Pareto Distribution under Linear Normalization and Hunger Games Search.Mathematics 2021, 9, 2383. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9192383


[8] Abd Elaziz M, A. A. Al-qaness M, Abo Zaid EO, Lu S, Ali Ibrahim R, A. Ewees A (2021). Automatic clustering method to segment COVID-19 CT images. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0244416. https://





[9] Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid, Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Taha Radwan (2022). Some measures information for generalized and q-generalized extreme values and its properties. Fractals. 30(10) 1-14 . DOI: 10.1142/S0218348X22402460.



[10] Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid: Record Values from the Gumbel and q- Gumbel distributions with applications. Journal of Thai Statistical Association.  (Under Puplication)


[11]   M. S. Eliwa, E. O. Abo Zaid, and M. El-Morshedy . On q-generalized extreme values under power normalization with properties, estimation methods and applications to COVID-19 data .  (Under Puplication)

[12] Rasha Abd-Elwahaab Attwa, Taha Radwan and Esraa Osama Abo Zaid (2023). Bivariate q-extendedWeibull morgenstern family and correlation coefficient formulas for some of its sub-models. AIMS Mathematics, 8(11): 25325–25342. doi: 10.3934/math.20231292

Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid

E. O. Abo Zaid

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Computer science

Suez Univerisity – Egypt

E-mail Address: eabozaid31@yahoo.com



Birthday  :         December 24, 1987, Dakahlia, Egypt.


Home Phone:    (0020554) 482393

Mobile:               01274382371,  01015575904


  1. Academic Qualifications


B.Sc.:         (Mathematics and Statistics )

             Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Egypt (2008).


M.Sc.:        Mathematics (Mathematical Statistics), Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Egypt (2012).


Title of M.Sc. Thesis:


Some limit theorems of order statistics under nonlinear normalizations

-The main aim of this thesis is to prove the weak convergence continuation

property of the limit distribution functions of the central and intermediate order statistics under power normalization.

Ph.D.:        Mathematics (Mathematical Statistics), Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Egypt (2015).


Title of Ph.D. Thesis:


Limit theorems of order statistics in Gaussian sequence

-The first aim of this thesis is to study the random upper extremes under mild conditions. Also, we derive the necessary conditions of the weak convergence of the random extreme and central order statistic in the most considered cases. In addition, we study the asymptotic behavior of the intermediate order statistic of the stationary Gaussian sequences under equi-correlated set up. The second object is to study the limit distributions of extreme, intermediate and central m-generalised order statistic, as well as m-dual generalised order statistic  of a stationary Gaussian sequence under

equi-correlated set up.


  1. Professional and Academic Experience


  • Lecturer, Department of Basic Science , Zagazig , Higher    

     Technology and Engineering Institute (September 2016- 2018).

  • Assistant Professor,  Department of Mathematics,  Faculty of    

        Science, Taibah University (2018-2019).

  • Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Computer science

      - Faculty of science- Suez University (2019- until now).


  • Teaching experience : Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses of Mathematics and Statistics, such as from Math1 to Math 5 in Higher Technology and Engineering Institute, teaching mathematics and statistics in Faculty of          Science, Taibah University and teaching many courses of statistics in Faculty of science- Suez University such as probability, statistics, statistical theory, biostatistics, order statistics, stochastic process , Bayesian analysis and so on. Consultation and research. 




(1) Participated in Egypt-France   Mathematical Conference, French Center for Culture and Cooperation, 3-5 May 2010, Cairo, Egypt.


(2) Participated in the Workshop on The Role of Basic Science in Engineering Education, Arab Academy for Science and Technology Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Basic and Applied Science-8-2-2010.


(3) Participated in the international organizer committee and the co-chair of Ninth International Conference on order statistical data and their applications, July 11-13, 2010, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt.


(4) Participated in Alexandria International Conference of Statistics and Insurance: STATISTICAL AWARENESS AS A MEASURE OF DEVELOPMENT (AICSI)-1-2 September 2012.


(5) Participated in the second Alexandria international conference for statistics 2-3 November 2013.


(6) Participated in the fourth International Conference Mathematics and Information Sciences (ICMIS 2015) ,Zewail City of Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt. 5-7 Feb.


(7) Participated in  International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2015), Luxor City  Egypt. 28-30 Mar.


(8) Participated in workshop in Mathematical Statistics and its Applications. Zagazig University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics (2-8-2015).


(9) Participated in workshop in Computer Science and its Applications. Zagazig University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics (2-8-2016).


(10) Participated in workshop in Mathematical Statistics and its Applications. Tanta University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics (30-7-2016).


(11) Participated in International Conference on Mathematics, and Applications (Mathematics pillar for the transition to the era of knowledge) 13 – 16 May, 2017, Cairo, Egypt, held by National Committee of Mathematics.


(12) Participated in the International Conference for Mathematics and Applications,  Trends and Development  (ICMTD17), 27 – 29 Dec. 2017.


  1. Training courses in university capacity development unit


  1. Passed all requirements for the Effective Presentation Skills Program.
  2. All requirements of the Scientific Research Ethics Program have been passed.
  3. All requirements of the international publication program for scientific research have been passed.
  4. All requirements of the research team management program have been passed.
  5. Passed all requirements of the Thinking Skills Program.
  6. Passed all requirements of the Decision Making and Problem Solving program.                                                                                                                                                                  


  1. List of Scientific Publications



[1] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2013). On the  Continuation of the limit distributions of intermediate order statistics under power normalization. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability (JSAP). 2(2): 83-91.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the Alexandria International Conference of Statistics and Insurance: STATISTICAL AWARENESS AS A MEASURE OF DEVELOPMENT  (AICSI )- 1-2 September 2012.


[2] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2016). Generalized order statistics with random indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 10(3):1081-1090 .




[3] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2016). On the continuation of the limit distribution of central order statistics under power normalization. APPLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE. 43(2): 145-155.





[4] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2017). Limit distributions of order statistics with random  indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Comm. Statist. Theory  Methods,  published on line July 2016 DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2016.1148732.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference on Pure and Applied Science (ICPAS 2015) Mar. 28-30, 2015, Luxor.



[5] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2017).  Limit distributions of generalized order statistics in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Quaestiones Mathematicae 1-14.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference OSDA 2016 Pireaus, Greece 25-28 of May 2016.



[6] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2019 )

Asymptotic Distributions of Record Values under Exponential Normalizations. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin . 26 ( 5) :743-785.

  • The paper is also has been presented in OSDA 2018 Spain 22-25 of May  2018.



[7] Mohamed Abd Elaziz  , Esraa Osama Abo Zaid, Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness  and  Rehab Ali Ibrahim(2021). Automatic Superpixel-Based Clustering for Color Image Segmentation Using q-Generalized Pareto Distribution under Linear Normalization and Hunger Games Search.Mathematics 2021, 9, 2383. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9192383


[8] Abd Elaziz M, A. A. Al-qaness M, Abo Zaid EO, Lu S, Ali Ibrahim R, A. Ewees A (2021). Automatic clustering method to segment COVID-19 CT images. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0244416. https://





[9] Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid, Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Taha Radwan (2022). Some measures information for generalized and q-generalized extreme values and its properties. Fractals. 30(10) 1-14 . DOI: 10.1142/S0218348X22402460.



[10] Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid: Record Values from the Gumbel and q- Gumbel distributions with applications. Journal of Thai Statistical Association.  (Under Puplication)


[11]   M. S. Eliwa, E. O. Abo Zaid, and M. El-Morshedy . On q-generalized extreme values under power normalization with properties, estimation methods and applications to COVID-19 data .  (Under Puplication)

[12] Rasha Abd-Elwahaab Attwa, Taha Radwan and Esraa Osama Abo Zaid (2023). Bivariate q-extendedWeibull morgenstern family and correlation coefficient formulas for some of its sub-models. AIMS Mathematics, 8(11): 25325–25342. doi: 10.3934/math.20231292