ملخص السيرة الذاتية



Personal Data:

Name : Dr/ Fathi Kamel Awad


Mobile no. : 01016816947

Date & Place of birth : 3 June 1963, Alexandria, Egypt.

Marital Status : Married.

E-mail : Fathi.elgamel@BMC.edu.sa

Present Position :   Associate professor(analytical Chemistry )

Chemistry Department –faculty of science Suez University

Educational Experiences:

1-Associate professor, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University (2013-2019),Egypt.

2- Assistant professor, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University (2007-20012), Egypt.

3- Assistant professor, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University (2002-2007) , Egypt.

4- Lecturer, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University (1996-2002),Egypt.

5- Lecturer, Marine Chemistry Department, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria during (1994-1996).

6-Demanostrator, Marine Chemistry Department, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria during (1989-1993).


1. Ph.D. (Analytical chemistry) 2002, thesis title [Characterization

and determination of environmental wastes of Suez province],

Chemistry department, Faculty of science, Mansoura University, Egypt

2. M.Sc. (Analytical and inorganic Chemistry) 1993, M.Sc. thesis title

“Distribution of some trace elements in the River Nile from Isan to

Alkanater, Egypt”, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science,

Alexandria University, Egypt.

3- B.Sc. (Chemistry), June 1986 (Very Good with honor), Faculty of Science Alexandria University.


English (excellent)

French (good)

Arabic (excellent).


1. Participated in IOC-German training course on “Ocean Flux

Monitoring in Indian Ocean”, in November 1993, Kenya(supported by UNESCO).

2-Participated in the training course on “Applications of remotely sensed

data on ocean color”, which was held in Bangalore, India, from 3 to 7April 1995, (sponsored by UNESCO).

3-Participated in advanced course on “Limn logical bases for water flow management and ecological quality of rivers” which was held at the International Center for Advanced Mditerrananean Agronomic Studies, from 9 to 20 September 1996, Zaragoza, Spain.



1-Influence of the effect of water and food quality on renal stones disease under publication 2024

2-Risk Assessment and Control of the Use Some Hazardous Chemicals inside the Laboratories of Faculty of Science-Suez University – Egypt.2023 Fifth Suez Scientific students conference 2023

3-Chemical Study of Shisha Pipe Components and Cigarette    Tobacco2023 review under publication

4-Study the Effect of the Folic Acid on Removal Some Metals Ions from Aqueous Solution and Blood Samples using Atomic Absorption Technique

Fathi .K .Awad  Egypt. J. Anal.Chem, Vol. 27, PP. 50-58 (2018)

5- Study the Lead contamination in groundwater and plant samples using extraction method and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer International Conference of Egyptian committee of pure and applied Chemistry (2019)


6. A novel luminescent terbium-3-carboxycoumarin probe for time-resolved

fluorescence sensing of pesticides methomyl, aldicarb and prometryne.

Hassan A. Azab, Axel Duerkop, E.M. Saad, F.K. Awad, R.M. Abd El Aal, Rasha M. Kamel .Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy .97 (2012) 915–922.

7-Fluorescence and Electrochemical Recognition of Nucleosides

  5 and DNA by A Novel Luminescent Bioprobe Eu(lll) –TNB Hassan A. Azab & E. M. Mogahed & F. K. Awad R. M. Abd El Aal & Rasha M. Kamel J Fluoresc , (2012),22:971-992.

8.Fluorescence and Electrochemical sensing of pesticides Methomyl,Aldicarb and Prometryene by the Luminescent Europium-3-Carboxycoumarin Probe.J.Fluoresc(2012)22:659-676.HassanA .Azab.,Axel Duerk.E.M.Mogahad, F.K Awad ,R.M.Abd ElAAl,RashaM.Kamel.

9. Selective Separation of Uranium (VI) ion From Different Media using Chloromethylated Polystyrene Polymer Modified with Zincon. Accepted in

Egyptian Journal of Analytical chemistry, Cairo University, (2010). Adel M.EL-Menshawy and F.K.Awad.

10. Identification of some organic compounds released from fungal species in Suez water by Gas Chromatography mass spectrometry . FacSci J.Alex Univ.45,No1.pp.61-70,2007. F.K.Awad .

11. Ion chromatographic determination of some anions in saline water,Mansoura Journal of Chemistry,Vol34(1),2007.pp.45-57. * Emara M.M*, El-Sabbagh I.A.A*, Awad F.K**and Shahine E.A.A*.

12.Chemical remidation of the Effluents of Suez oil processing Company.8th International Symposium on New trends in Chemistry,3-7 January (2009) Cairo University, Emara M.M*, El-Sabbagh I.A.A*, Awad F.K**and Shahine E.A.A*

13. Removal of Cu II from an aqueous solution and environmental samples using strong cationic resin,Ultrapure water Journal,September 2008,USA.pp.1-5. F.K.Awad.

14.Phsico chemical study of effluents which discharge from the oil refining at Suez province.Mansoura Journal of chemistry V.35 (2), December 2008.pp1-15. Emara M.M*, El-Sabbagh I.A.A*, Awad F.K**and Shahine E.A.A.

16. Evaluation the performance of the wastewater treatment plant through measuring physical and chemical parameters. Al-Azhar Bull.SCi.V.20, No.2 (Dec.):pp.155-166, (2009). Emara M.M*, El-Sabbagh I.A.A*, Awad F.K**and Hussein N.M.

17.Distribution of some trace elements in the River Nile, published in the Bulletin of Faculty of Faculty of Science, Assiut University Volume 23, June 1994 Number 1.pp .67-82.Masoud,M.M.,Awad.F.K.(M.sc).

18.Study the influence of organic matter on distribution of some elements in the River Nile sediments in the region from Isna to Alkanater El- Khairiya”, published in the Bulleting of the Faculty of Science, Assiut University V.23, June 1994 No1.pp52-56. Masoud,M.M.,Awad.F.K. .(M.sc).

19. Analytical determination of dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons components in wastewater using Coupling system (GC – MS) Abdullah.A.M, Khalifa.M.E and Awad .F.K.The 10 th International Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Africa 18-21 November2007 (Ph.D).

20.The partationing of heavy metals among suspended particulates and dissolved phases in the contaminated water of the Suez province. Abdullah.A.M, Khalifa.M.E and Awad .F.K.The 7 th international Conference on Chemistry and Its role in Development 16-19 April 2003. (Ph.D).



Member in the Environment Friends Society, Alexandria, Egypt

Member in he Scientific Syndicate, Egypt.



I participated with the staff team work of Suez Canal University in study the pollution of drinking water in Suez province during the period from April to 30 August 2003.

Current research:

Investigating on identification and the treatment of some environmental pollutants such as heavy metals using modified polymers and drugs .


1-The partitioning of heavy metals among suspended Particulates and dissolved Phases in the contaminated Water of the Suez Province” 7th ICCRD Mansoura, sharm EL-sheikh, 14-17, April 2003 Mansoura university, Egypt (Conference).

2. Abdalla.A.M*, Khalifa.M.E* and Awad. F.K the 10th International Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Africa (10 -ICCA). held in Benghazi (Libya) on 18- 21 November, 2007. Paper No.: ICCA1-27.

الأعارات :  1-أعارة فى كلية البترجى للعلوم الطبيه2015-2019 السعوديه جدة  قسم العلوم الاساسيه    -فسم الكيمياء - كلية الصيدلة-جامعة الزاوية/ ليبيا2012-2014م

الأنتداب : أنتداب بقسم علوم مواد بمعهد الدراسات العليا والبجوث جامعة الاسكندرية لمدة عام 2011م

تجضير بعض  مركبات النانو والاستحدام فى مقاومة التأكل المعادن ويعض الأفات


العضــــويــــة :-

  1. عضو في جمعية أصدقاء البيئة بالإسكندرية (جمعية أهلية).
  2. عضو في نقابة المهن العلمية.
  3. عضو بالجمعية المصرية للكيمياء التحليلية(جامعة القاهرة-كلية العلوم)

العنـــــــــوان :-

  1. العمل : قسم الكيمياء كلية العلوم بالسويس الجامعة الجديدة السويس-مصر.

المقررات  الدراسية التى قمت بتدريسها فى كلية العلوم


1-مادة االكيمياء العامة  تركيب الذرة-نظريات الحمض والقاعدة-الروابط الكيميائية

الاتزان الكيميائى-التهجين-الجدول الدورى للعناصر.

2-مادة الكيمياء التحليلية {التحليل الحجمى بكافة انواعه}

3-الكيمياء الكهربية{الخلايا الكهروكيميائية}

4- مادة الكيمياء التحليلية{التحليل الوزنى}

5- مادة الكيمياء التحليلية{التحليل بأستخدام الأجهزة}وتشمل الأشعة تحت الحمراء-الأشعة فوق بنفسجية-جهاز السبكتروفوتومتر-جهاز الأمتصاص الذرى-جهاز الكروماتوغرافيا الغازى والكروماتوغرافيا الورقى-جهاز قياس التفلور-جهاز قياس الجهد الكهربائى-التحليل البولاروجرافى لقياس تركيز بعض العناصر.

6- جهاز مطياف الكتلة وأستخدامته وجهاز الرنين النووى وتطبيقاته

7- كيمياء مواد النانو واستخداماتها المختلفة

8- أدارة المخلفات الصلبة (تصنيف المخلفات الصلبة-أعادة تدوير المخلفات الصلبة)

9- كيمياءالمياه ( التركيب الكيمائى للمياه –انواع ملوثات المياه –تحليل            ومعالجة المياه وتشمل معالجة كيميائية-معالجة بيولوجية)

          10-  التحليل الوزنى الحرارى        

11-كيمياء التغليف والتعبئة (أنواع الاغلفة المحتلفة ورقى-معدن-بلاستك-التركيب الكيمائى              للأغلفة-أهمية التغليف-الباركود والتغلبف)

                    12- أستخلاص العناصر بأستخدام المذيبات والراتنجات الكاتيونية.

                   13جهاز قياس التعكير فى المحاليل واستخدامة فى تحليل المياة.