ملخص السيرة الذاتية




 الإسم : د/ أحمد عيسى يسن 

الجنسية: مصري

تاريخ الميلاد : 18/2/1954

محل الميلاد : المحلة الكبرى.. محافظة الغربية ... مصر

الحالة الاجتماعية : متزوج (ورزقه الله بثلاث بنات )

الوظيفة الحالية : أستاذ متفرغ بقسم علم الحيوان – كلية العلو بالسويس - جامعة السويس – جمهورية مصر العربية .

المؤهلات العلمية : -

 *  بكالوريوس العلوم من جامعة طنطا عام 1976م . 
 *  ماجيستير عام 1982 من جامعة الأزهر فى مجال الوراثة البشرية .

 *  دكتوراه فى الوراثة الخلوية من إنجلترا عام 1986م .

التدرج الوظيفى : -

*حصل على درجة أستاذ مساعدعام 1992

*حصل على درجة أستاذ فى مجال الوراثة الخلوية عام 1998

الوظائف و النشاطات العلمية و الأكاديمية: - 

    * تدرج فى الوظائف من درجة معيد إلى  درجة أستاذ بكلية العلوم بقنا -جامعة أسيوط ثم 
جامعة جنوب الوادى بعد ذلك .
    * رئيساً لقسم علم الحيوان-كلية العلوم- جامعة جنوب الوادى عام 1999م_2001م . 
    * رئيساً لقسم العلوم البيولوجية و الجيولوجية بكلية التربية بالعريش منذ عام 2002م حتى 
عام 2006.
    *وكيلا لكلية التربية بالعريش لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة منذ عام2006 حتى عام 2007

    * رئيساً لقسم علم الحيوان بكلية العلوم بالسويس منذ عام 2007م حتى عام 2009

*وكيلا لكلية العلوم بالسويس لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة منذ عام2009 حتى عام2011
   *وكيلا لكلية الحاسبات والمعلومات بجامعة قناة السويس لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة منذ           عام2009 حتى عام  2014

المؤتمرات العلمية : -
  حضر العديد من المؤتمرات المحلية وكذلك الدولية (سويسرا – المانيا – انجلترا ) .

 الجمعيات العلمية : -

  *عضو فى هيئة تحسين العلوم الامريكية .

  *عضو فى الأكاديمية الامريكية للعلوم .

. WHO IS WHO  *ادرج اسمه فى الموسوعة العالمية  
من العلماء المتميزين لعام 2002  بانجلترا . * 
*أختير عضواً للجنة الإعجاز العلمى فى القرآن الكريم و السنة النبوية المطهره بالمجلس الأعلى
 للشئون الإسلامية - القاهرة .

الإشراف العلمي:

*أشرف حتى الآن على عدد سبعة وعشرين رسالة ماجستير و دكتوراه وناقش العديد 
من رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه فى العديد من الجامعات المصرية.

* له واحد وخمسون بحثا تم نشرهم فى مجلات محلية و عالمية  ( أمريكا -إنجلترا –
  فرنسا - سويسرا - هولندا – اليابان – ايطاليا ) . 
 *له سلسلة من المحاضرات العلمية الثقافية فى مجال الاعجاز العلمى والتى تختص بمجال الوراثة .
محكم فى اللجنة العلمية الدائمة لترقية الاساتذة والاساتذة المساعدين فى علم الحيوان  منذ عام 2007 وحتى الان

    عضو مجلس ادارة مركز التقنية الحيوية بجامعة قناة السويس
    اللغات : -
       العربية (اللغة الأم)، الانجليزية (جيد)       

     * قسم علم الحيوان – كلية العلوم بالسويس - جامعة قناة السويس – جمهورية مصر العربية
تليفون:    منزل: 0020643209533*     
            محمول: 0020125428431

YASEEN182@yahoo.com     * بريد الكتروني


Curriculum Vitae

Ahmed Essa Yassen
Professor of Cytogenetics EDUCATION / TRAINING
Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt B.Sc. 1976 Zoology
Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Egypt
M.Sc. 1982 Human Genetics

Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Egypt Ph.D. 1986 Cytotaxonomy
1:Personal Data:Name:Ahmed Essa Yassen
Date of birth:Feb,18, 1954
Place of birth: Al Mehalla El kobra, Egypt
Marital status: Married
Zoology Department , Faculty of Science , Suez , Suez Canal University
Voice:020 (0) 020(0) 64-3203395 (H ) Mobile 020 (0)
12 5428431
E-mail: YASEEN182@yahoo.com
2: Main Research Interests: • Human Genetics• Cytotaxonomy
• Cytogenetics

3.Positionand Employment: 1977-1982:

Teaching Assistant, Zoological Department, Assiut University, Egypt.
1982-1986: Associate Lecturer, Zoological Department, Assiut University, Egypt.
1986-1992: Lecturer, Zoological Department , Assiut University, Egypt.
1992-1997: Associate Professor, Zoological Department, Assiut University, Egypt.
1997-2001: Professor, The head of Zoological Department, South Valley University,.
2001-2007: The head of Biological & Geological Department , Faculty of Education, , Suez Canal University , Al Aresh , branch 2007-2008: Vice Dean for of Enviromental Affairs and Community Service, Biological & Geological Department,Faculty of Education,Suez Canal University, Al Aresh ,

. of Education, Suez Canal University , Al Aresh , branch 2oo9-2009- : Professor , The head of Zoological Department , Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University ,
Suez branch
2009-2011 : Vice Dean for Enviromental Affairs and Community Service, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Suez .
2012-2014 : Vice Dean for Enviromental Affairs and Community Service, Faculty of, Suez Canal University.

4. Other Experience and Professional Membership:
Member of Egyptian – German Society, Cairo University.
Member of New York Akademy Of Science .
Member of Amerecan Association For The Advancement Of Science .
Member of Who'sWho in Science and Engineering , 7th Edition .

Publications : ( Professor Dr. : Ahmed Essa Yassen )

1. Yaseen, A.E. (1990) : Chromosomal studies on the Earth worm of Egypt (Allolobophora caliginosa : Oligochaeta-Annelida). ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 19(1-E) : 37-40.
2. Yaseen, A.E. and El-Shimy, N.A. (1990) : Taxonomical and karyological studies on the freswater planarian Dugesia tigrina (Turbellaria : Tricladida) in Egypt. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assuit Univ., 19 (2-E) : 27-34.
3. Yassen, A.E., Mona, A.H. and Abo. Shafey, H. (990) : Karyological and scanming electron microscopic studies on three species of Egyptian marine Isopods, Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 19(2-E) : 177-190.
4. Mona, M.H., Yassen, A.E. Abed Abo. Shafey H. (1990) : A comparative electron microscopic and chromosomal studies of two Isopods, Sphaeroma serratum and S. walkeri from Suez Canal. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci. Zagazig Univ. 12(2) : 102-1039.
5. Moussa, Abdel M., Skaker, M, Whshahi, H.F. and Yassen, A.E. (1990) : Lack of chromosomal abnormalities in Otosclerosis. Assiut Medical Journal (4) : 191-197.
6. Yassen, A.E. (1991) : Dermatoglyphic in mentally retarded Otosclerotic and Amblyopic (Impaired hearing and Vision) children of Upper Egypt. Assiut Medical Journal. 15 (1) : 117-126).
7. Yassen, A.E., Hassan, H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) : Cytogenentic Dernatoglyphic and Sociological survey on mute-deaf children in Qena provence. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci, Assiut Univ., 20(1-E) : 199-212.
8. Yassen, A.E. Ebaid, A.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) : Studies on the chromosomal analysis and shell measurements of two species, Bellamya Unicolor and Lanistes bolteni (Presobranchiata : Gastropoda). International Journal of Cytologia 56: 503-509.
9. Yassen, A.E., Ebaid, A.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) Comparative cytogenetic study of three of the common fresh water pulmonate snails in Upper Egypt. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. 20 (2-E) : 1-12.
10. Yassen, A.E., Hassan, H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) : The incidence of cytogenetic, dermatoglyphic and social manifestations of Down syndrome in a sample of Upper Egypt's handicapped children. J. Egypt Ger. Soc. Zool. Vol. (6) C, 27-38, June, 1991.
11. Yassen, A.E. (1993) Chromosome studies of Nile Tilapia nilotica in Upper Egypt (Teleostei : Cichlidae). J. Egypt. Ger soc. Zool. Vol. 11 (C). 79-88 International conference.
12. Yassen, A.E. (1993) : Cytogenetic and Biology of the intermediate host of Human Bilharziasis in Upper Egypt . International Journal of Cytologia, 58:53-60.
13. Yassen, A.E. (1994) Chromosomal studies of the freshwater sinal Cleopatra bulimoides common in Upper Egypt. International Journal of Cytologia, 59: 317-322.
14. Yassen, A.E., Hassan H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1994) : Comparative karytological studies of two Egyptian lizard species of genus Chalcides (Scincidae : Reptilia). International Journal of Cytologea 59: 143-147.
15. Yassen, A.E., Hassan H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1994) : Comparative study of the karyotypes of two Egyptian species of bats, Taphozous perforatus and Taphozous nudiventris. International J. of Experieintia, 50: 1111-1114.
16. Yassen, A.E., Abdel-Baset M. Ebaid and Kawashti, I.S. (1994) : Karyological studies on two Egyptian marine gastropods Aplysia argus and Hexabranchus sanguineus (Oposthobranchiata-Mollusca). J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. Vol. 14 (C) : 21-32 International conference.
17. Yassen, A.E. (1994) : The chromosome numbers of two Egyptian isopoda, Porcellionides pruinosus and Procellio laevis. International Journal of Crustaceana 66(1) : 122-123.
18. Yassen, A.E. (1994): Cytogenetic studies of Calosoma chlorostictum in Upper Egypt (Carabidae : Cleoptera). ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. Vol. 23 (2-E), 43-49.
19. Badran, R.A.M. and Yassen, A.E. (1994) : The interactive effect of some molluscicides on the intermediate host of human Bilharziasis and their associate mycoflora in the River Nile, Egypt. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 32, No. 3. 31-44.20.
Yassen, A.E., Hussein, F. Wishahi and Mohammad S. Ammar (1994) : Dermatoglyphic findings in otosclerosis of Upper Egypt. Assiut Med. J. Vol. 18(1) : 111-118.
21. Abul-Dahab, H.M., El-Helow, M.R., Yassen, A.E. and Amin, G.S. (1994) : Morphological and taxonomical studies on Dosinia radiata (Mollisca : Bivalvia) from the Red Sea. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 30 No. 60, 329-362.
22. Abul-Dahab, H.M., El-Helow, M.R., Yassen, A.E. and Amin, G.S. (1994) : The digestive system of Dosinia radiata (Mollisca : Bivalvia) collected from the Red Sea . Assiut Vet. Med.J.Vol.31 No.61,56-86 .
23. Abul-Dahab, H.M., El-Helow, M.R., Yassen, A.E. and Amin, G.S. (1994) : On the respiratory and nervous system of Dosinia radiata (Mollisca : Bivalvia) from the Red Sea . Assiut Vet. Med.J.Vol.31 No.61,37-55 .
24. Yassen, A.E., Ebaid, A.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1995) : Karyological studies on some Egyptian marine species of gastropods (Prosobranchiata - Mollusca). J. Egypt. Ger. Sco. Zool., Vol. 17 (C), 297-31 - International conference.
25. Yassen, A.E., Hassan H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1995) : Chromosomes of three Egyptian Lizards of the family Gekkonidae (Squamata : Reptilia) International Journal of Cytologia, 60, 233-242.
26. Yassen, A.E., Abdel-Baset M. Ebaid and Kawashti, I.S. (1995) : Comparative karyology of two Egyptian marine species of Genus Nerita (Archaeogastropda : Mollusca). Caryologia (International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics), Vol 48, No. 1 75-83.
27. Yassen, A.E., Abul-Dahab, H.M. El-Helow and G.S. Amin (1995) : Cytogenetical studies on Egyptian Marine Bivalves Dosinia radiata (Veneridae : Mollusca). Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 32 No. 64, 71-79.
28. Yassen, A.E., Ebaid, A.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1995): Comoparative karyological studies and shell measurements of two Egyptian marine species of genus Cerithium (Prosobranchiata - Gastropoda) : International Journal of Cytologia, 60: 205-210.
29. Yassen, A.E., Abdel. Baset M. Ebaid and Kawashti I.S. (1995) : Karyological studies on the common rocky Egyptian Chiton, Acanthopleura gemmata (Polyplacophora : Mollusca). Bulletin of Marine Science, Vol. 56 No. 1, 339-343.
30. 1. Ghobashy, A.F.A., Mona, M.H., Al-Zahaby, A., Yassin, A.E. and Desouky, M.M. (1995): Achromosomic study of the marine bivalve, Modiolus arcuatulus (Hanely, 1884) (Pteriomorphia,Mytilidae). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 37: 227–280.
31. Yassen, A.E., Ebaid, A.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1996) : Comparative karyological studies of two Egyptian marine species of genus Aplysia (Gastropoda - Mollusca). Caryologia (International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics), vol. 49, No. 1, 91-99.
32. Yassen, A.E., Mostafa, F.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1996) : Comparative karytological studies on three Egyptian species of the family Gryllidae (Orthoptera : Insecta) J. Egytp. Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol 20 (C), 49-, sixth International conference.
33. Yassen, A.E., Mustafa, F.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1996) : Karyological studies on five Egyptian species of Dictyoptera (Pterygota : Insecta). International cytologia, Vol. 61, No. 3, 285-295.
34. Yassen, A.E. (1996) : The chromosomes of the Egyptian fresh water snail Melanoides tuberculata (Gastropoda - prosobranchiata) J. Moll. Stud., (U.K.) 62, 137-141.
35. Yassen, A.E., Mustafa, F.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1997) : Chromosomal studies of five Egyptian species of bats (Chiroptera : Mammalia ) . International congress of Speleology,volume 3,371:374,Switzerland .
36. Yassen, A.E. (1998): Karyological studies on some bird species . Cytologia (63)155-169 .
37. Yassen, A.E. (1999) : Comparative Karyological studies on three species of the family Gryllotalpidae (Insecta : Orthoptera). X V III th Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society, Gottengen, Germany,12-17/9/1999.
38. Hassan,H.; Ebied,A.; Aohammed. R and Yassen, A.E. (2000) : Chromosomes of seven species of Egyptian fresh water fishes ( Pisces:Teleostei). J.Egypt . Ger.Soc.Zool.33©:277-294.
39. Ebied,A.; Hassan,H.; Abu-Almaaty,A, and Yassen, A.E.(2000) : Cytogenetic studies of metaphase chromosomes of eight gastropod species of orders Mesogastropoda and Neogastropoda from the red sea (Prosobranchiata-Mollusca). J.Egypt . Ger.Soc.Zool.33©317-336.
40. Ebied,A.; Mustapha,F.; Yassen, A.E. and Kawashti; I.S. (2000) : Studies on the Chromosomal analysis of nine Egyptian species of families Tenebrionidae and Scarabaeoidae (Coleoptera:Insecta) . J.Egypt . Ger.Soc.Zool.33© 295-315
41. Hassan,H.; Darder,N.and Yassen, A.E.(2000): Cytogenetic studies of metaphase chromosomes of nine mammalian species ( Mammalia:Ungulata) . J.Egypt . Ger.Soc.Zool.33©:239-262 .
42. Ebied,A.M; Hassan,H.A.; Abu-Almaaty,A.H. and Yassen, A.E. (2005) : First Karyological description of ten species of Egyptian birds . Assiut Univ. J. of Zoology,34(1),P.P.69-67 .
43. Ebied,A.M; Hassan,H.A.; Abu-Almaaty,A.H. and Yassen, A.E. (2005) : Karyotypic characterization of ten species of birds . Cytologia 70(2):181-194.
44. Mohsen,A.Moustafa, A. M. Alaa,M.H. Moustafa and Yassen, A.E.(2005) : Chromosomal Studies on four Egyptian scorpion species of genus Androctonus ( Family : Buthiae ) . Cytologia 70(2)
45. Hassan,H. A, Darder,N.A.and Yassen, A.E. (2006):cytogenetic studies and ideogram analysis of nine mammalian species. J.U nion Arab Biol . 25 A , (Zoology)13 International conference , 25-30 November , 2006.
46. Hassan,H. A, Ebied, A.M, Abu- Almaaty, A.H. Yassen, A.E. (2006):A comparative study of Avian Cytogeneics with Special Refernce to Karyotypic Evolution. J.U nion Arab Biol . 25 A , (Zoology)13 International conference , 25-30 November , 2006.
47.Mansour, N.M; Tawfik, M.N.; Yaseen, A.E. and Rahmy, T.R. (2007): Prophylactic effect of Ambrosia maritima plant extract on hepatic tissues of rats envenomed with Leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion. Egy. J. Nat. Tox., 4(2): 69-100.
48. Mansour, N.M.; Tawfik, M.N.; Rahmy, T.R. and Yaseen, A.E. (2007): Prophylactic effectof Ambrosia maritima plant extract on renal tissues of rats envenomed with Leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion. Egy. J. Nat. Tox., 4(2): 101-130.
49. Mansour, N.M.; Tawfik, M.N.; Rahmy, T.R. and Yaseen, A.E. (2011): Protective role of ambrosia maritima plant extract against alterations induced by leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion venom on skeletal muscles and intestinal tissues of rats. Egy. J. Nat. Tox., 8(1,2): 81-103
50.Nancy A. Radwan , Samia H Mohamad , Saad Z , Mohamed and Yasin , A , E . (2009): Rrproduction and gonad development of the gastropod Thais carinifera in Lake Timsah , Suez Canal , Egypt . Egypt. J . Aquat . Biol.and Fish.,Vol13,No.2: 53-67.
51.Ahmad A.A. Alia, Nahla M Wassimb, Moataz Dowaidar b , and A. E. Yaseen( 2013) : Association of eNOS (E298D) and CYP2J2 (-50G/T) genes polymorphism with hypertension among Egyptian cases : Journal of basic and applied zoology .
52.Ahmad A.A. Alia, Nahla M Wassimb, Moataz Dowaidar b , and A E. Yaseen ( 2013) : Genetic Polymorphism of CYP2D6 Gene among Egyptian Hypertensive cases :Journal of basic and applied zoology .
53.Moustafa M.H. Sarhan, Ahmed B. Sayed, Mohsen A. Mostafa & A. E. Yaseen, (2013) :P rey-capture behaviour of the Egyptian scorpion Scorpio maurus palmatus (Ehrenberg, 1828) (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae) Volume 13 Part 3-4, SERKETP: Cairo, Egypt.
54.Abu-Almati, A.H.; Hala El-Sayed Abd-Alaty; Mohamed K. Hassan, Yaseen A. E. (2014): Comparative Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Three Marine Fishes Species of Genus Epinephelus (Family: Serranidae) from Mediterranean Sea: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014.
55. Abu-Almaaty,A.H,Mary Welson Zekry and yaseen A.E (2015) :Usingcytogenetic analysis and RAPD in determinationof genetic variations using four species of ornamentalfishes of family :P oecilidae ( Order:Cyprinodontiform) Genetika,Vol47,No.3,1131-1148.
56. Hanan R. H. Mohamed, Mary Welson, Ahmed Essa Yasin & Akmal El-Ghor(2019): Induction of chromosomal and DNA damage and histological alterations by graphene oxide nanoparticles in Swiss mice: DRUG AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY ISSN: 0148-0545 .
57. Hanan R. H. Mohamed1 & Mary Welson & Ahmed Essa Yasin & Akmal A. EL- Ghor(2020): Estimation of genomic instability and mutation induction by graphene oxide nanoparticles in mice liver and brain tissues: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2020) 27:264–278.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.


أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية

Publications : ( Professor Dr. : Ahmed Essa Yassen )

1. Yaseen, A.E. (1990) : Chromosomal studies on the Earth worm of Egypt (Allolobophora caliginosa : Oligochaeta-Annelida). ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 19(1-E) : 37-40.
2. Yaseen, A.E. and El-Shimy, N.A. (1990) : Taxonomical and karyological studies on the freswater planarian Dugesia tigrina (Turbellaria : Tricladida) in Egypt. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assuit Univ., 19 (2-E) : 27-34.
3. Yassen, A.E., Mona, A.H. and Abo. Shafey, H. (990) : Karyological and scanming electron microscopic studies on three species of Egyptian marine Isopods, Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 19(2-E) : 177-190.
4. Mona, M.H., Yassen, A.E. Abyad Abo. Shafey H. (1990) : A comparative electron microscopic and chromosomal studies of two Isopods, Sphaeroma serratum and S. walkeri from Suez Canal. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci. Zagazig Univ. 12(2) : 102-1039.
5. Moussa, Abdel M., Skaker, M, Whshahi, H.F. and Yassen, A.E. (1990) : Lack of chromosomal abnormalities in Otosclerosis. Assiut Medical Journal (4) : 191-197.
6. Yassen, A.E. (1991) : Dermatoglyphic in mentally retarded Otosclerotic and Amblyopic (Impaired hearing and Vision) children of Upper Egypt. Assiut Medical Journal. 15 (1) : 117-126).
7. Yassen, A.E., Hassan, H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) : Cytogenentic Dernatoglyphic and Sociological survey on mute-deaf children in Qena provence. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci, Assiut Univ., 20(1-E) : 199-212.
8. Yassen, A.E. Ebaid, A.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) : Studies on the chromosomal analysis and shell measurements of two species, Bellamya Unicolor and Lanistes bolteni (Presobranchiata : Gastropoda). International Journal of Cytologia 56: 503-509.
9. Yassen, A.E., Ebaid, A.M. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) Comparative cytogenetic study of three of the common fresh water pulmonate snails in Upper Egypt. ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. 20 (2-E) : 1-12.
10. Yassen, A.E., Hassan, H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1991) : The incidence of cytogenetic, dermatoglyphic and social manifestations of Down syndrome in a sample of Upper Egypt's handicapped children. J. Egypt Ger. Soc. Zool. Vol. (6) C, 27-38, June, 1991.
11. Yassen, A.E. (1993) Chromosome studies of Nile Tilapia nilotica in Upper Egypt (Teleostei : Cichlidae). J. Egypt. Ger soc. Zool. Vol. 11 (C). 79-88 International conference.
12. Yassen, A.E. (1993) : Cytogenetic and Biology of the intermediate host of Human Bilharziasis in Upper Egypt . International Journal of Cytologia, 58:53-60.
13. Yassen, A.E. (1994) Chromosomal studies of the freshwater sinal Cleopatra bulimoides common in Upper Egypt. International Journal of Cytologia, 59: 317-322.
14. Yassen, A.E., Hassan H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1994) : Comparative karytological studies of two Egyptian lizard species of genus Chalcides (Scincidae : Reptilia). International Journal of Cytologea 59: 143-147.
15. Yassen, A.E., Hassan H.A. and Kawashti, I.S. (1994) : Comparative study of the karyotypes of two Egyptian species of bats, Taphozous perforatus and Taphozous nudiventris. International J. of Experieintia, 50: 1111-1114.
16. Yassen, A.E., Abdel-Baset M. Ebaid and Kawashti, I.S. (1994) : Karyological studies on two Egyptian marine gastropods Aplysia argus and Hexabranchus sanguineus (Oposthobranchiata-Mollusca). J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. Vol. 14 (C) : 21-32 International conference.
17. Yassen, A.E. (1994) : The chromosome numbers of two Egyptian isopoda, Porcellionides pruinosus and Procellio laevis. International Journal of Crustaceana 66(1) : 122-123.
18. Yassen, A.E. (1994): Cytogenetic studies of Calosoma chlorostictum in Upper Egypt (Carabidae : Cleoptera). ◗ Wait, wait. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. Vol. 23 (2-E), 43-49.
19. Badran, R.A.M. and Yassen, A.E. (1994) : The interactive effect of some molluscicides on the intermediate host of human Bilharziasis and their associate mycoflora in the River Nile, Egypt. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 32, No. 3. 31-44.20.Yassen
, A.E., Hussein, F. Wishahi and Mohammad S. Ammar (1994) : Dermatoglyphic findings in otosclerosis of Upper Egypt. Assiut Med. J. Vol. 18(1) : 111-118.
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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.