ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Curriculum Vitae for Prof. Eman M. Saad



Personal Information


Eman Mohamed Mogahed Saad


Professor of Physical Chemistry, Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez, Egypt



e-mail: emmsaad@yahoo.com, eman.Mohamed@suezuni.edu.eg





Scopus ID




Educational qualifications


- Ph. D. (Analytical Chemistry): Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, University (Mansoura-Egypt); 2002. Studies on The Complex Formation of Uracil Derivatives and its Applications in The Separation and Micro-determination of Some Pollutants and Precious Metal Ions.


- M. Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry): Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt; 1993, The Direct Electrochemical Synthesis of Some Ester and Acid Complexes.


- B. Sc. in Chemistry: Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura,                   Egypt; 1987 with grade very good.


Professional and Research Experience



28/10/2021- Present

Professor of Physical Chemistry, Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.

28/5/2013 –28/10/202

Associated Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.


18/2/2008 - 8/5/2013

Lecturer of Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.


2/9/2006 - 18/2/2008

Lecturer of Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

27/5/2003 – 2/9/2006

Lecturer of Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Arish, Egypt.



Theses Supervision


  1. Earned the degree

2007: Ramadan Abdelghany Mansour, Ph. D.

2008: Hala saleh Ibrahim

2012: Rasha Mostafa Kamel, Ph. D.

2011: Neven Elmahdy Anaan, M. Sc.

2017: Safaa Mahmoud Ali, M. Sc.

2014: Mohamed Saad Sultan, M. Sc.

2017: Aya mostafa Taha, M. Sc.

2019: Naglaa Mohamed Hassan, M. Sc.

2015: Ali Maged Ali, M. Sc.

2020: Mohamed Said Gaber, M. Sc.

2023: Esraa Ibrahim Ali, M.Sc.

2023: Eslam Talat Ahmed, M. Sc.

2023: Safaa Ali Mahmodu, Ph. D.


2024: Eman Rabea Abdallah



  1. Under progress

Radwa Khaled Ahmed M. Sc.

Aya Gamal Abd Elaziz M. Sc.

Mohamed Farghaly Abdel Hafize M. Sc.

Marwa Mahmoud Ahmed Abdellah M. Sc.

Hesham Ahmed Hussien M.Sc.

Eman Abdelhamid Abdelaziz M. Sc.

Manar Wagdy Mohamed M. Sc.

Marwa Gamal M. Sc

Esraa Ibrahim Ali Ph. D.


International Activities


- National external reviewer of the Scientific Committee to examine scientific production to fill the professors and assistant professors positions


- National external examiner for M. Sc. theses.


- Reviewer in International and National Journals:


* Journal of Hazardous Materials


* Environmental Challenge


* Journal of American Chemical Society (OMGA)


*Journal of Water Process Engineering


*Emergent materials


*Advances in Environmental and Life Sciences


* Catrina: The International Journal of Environmental Sciences


List of Publications

  1. Adsorption and interaction studies of methylene blue dye onto agar-carboxymethylcellulose-silver nanocomposite in aqueous media.

Mostafa SI, Ali MA, El-Wassefy NA, Saad EM, Hussein MH. Biomass Convers Biorefin. 14(3) (2024) 3363–3383


  1.  Evaluation of trace elements concentration using sediments and mussels as bioindicators and pollution indices in the Egyptian Red Sea.

Safaa A. Mahmoud,  Lamiaa I. Mohamedein, Adel S. Orabi, Khalid M. El-Moselhy, Eman M. Saad. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115623

  1. Eco‑friend shellfish powder of the mussel Brachidontes variabilis for uptake lead (II) ions Safaa  A. Mahmoud, Adel S. Orabi,  Lamiaa I. Mohamedein, Khalid M. El‑Moselhy, Eman M. Saad. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-023-03950-2


  1. Two-dimensional sulfur-doped carbon stacked sheets electrode design for potential adrenaline screening in human fluids and pharmaceutical drugs.

 Eslam Talaat, Mohammed Y. Emran, Hassanien Gomaa, Ahmed Kotb, Adel A. Abdelwahab, Mohamed Abdel-Hakim, Eman M. Saad, Mohamed.A. Shenashen, Sherif A. El-Safty. Surfaces and Interfaces 36 (2023) 102481


  1. Development of an optical sensor for the determination of phenolic compounds in environmental samples.

M. Khairy, Esraa I. Ali and Eman M. Saad. Analytical Methods 15 (2023) 6425


  1. Efficient Bioreduction of Sulfate from Industrial Wastewater Effluents Using Enterobacter cloacae emr69.

Eman R. Abduallah, Eman M. Saad , Akram A. Aboseidah, Abdel-Hamied M. Rasmey. Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 13 (2023) 1949-1953

  1. Distribution and assessment of heavy metals in sediments from the Red Sea, Egypt during 2019.

Safaa A. Mahmoud , Lamiaa I. Mohamedein , Adel S. Orabi , Khalid M. El-Moselhy and Eman M. Saad. Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology 7 (2023) 97 - 107

  1. New Ratiometric Luminescent Probe for Detection of Phenol in industrial Effluents.

 Gasser M. Khairy, Esraa I. Ali and Eman M. Saad. Advances in Environmental and Life Sciences 4(1) (2023) 1-7


  1. Occurrence of trace elements in coastal seawater of the Egyptian Red Sea.

 Safaa A. Mahmoud , Lamiaa I. Mohamedein , Adel S. Orabi , Khalid M. El-Moselhy and Eman M. Saad. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Develop., 24 (1) (2023)1-11


  1. New Ulva Lactuca Algae Based Chitosan Bio-Composites for Bioremediation of Cd (II) Ions, Eman M. Saad, Reda M. Elshaarawy, Safaa M. Ali, Khalid Elmoselhy, Bioresources and bioproducts journal, (2021) in Press.


  1. 2-Hydroxynaphthaldehyde Chitosan Schiff-base; New Complexes, Biosorbent to Remove Cadmium(II) Ions from Aqueous Media and Aquatic Ecotoxicity Against Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella-subcapitata,  

Shadia A. Elsayed, Eman M. Saad, Ian S. Butler, Sahar I. Mostafa, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 6 (2018) 3451–3468.


  1. A palladium(II) 4-Hydroxysalicylidene Schiff-base Complex Anchored on Functionalized MCM-41: An Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst for The Epoxidation of Olefins.

Hassan M.A. Hassan, Eman M. Saad, Mohamed S. Soltan, Mohamed A. Betiha, Ian S. Butler, Sahar I. Mostafa, Applied catalysis A: 488 (2014) 148–159.


  1. Removal of Copper(II) Ions from Aqueous Media by Chemically Modified MCM-41 with N-(3(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl)   ethylenediamine and Its 4 Hydroxysalicylidene Schiff-Base.

Eman M. Saad, Hassan M.A. Hassan, Mohamed S. Soltan, Ian S. Butler, and Sahar I. Mostafa, Environ. Prog,& sustain. Energy 37 (2017) 746-760.


  1. Applicability of Water-Spray Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slag for Removal of Cd and Mn Ions From Aqueous Solutions and Industrial Wastewaters.

Hoda Abd El-Azim, Mohamed M. El-Sayed Seleman, Eman M. Saad, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 7 (2019) 102915.


  1. Carbon Nanotubes Hybridized Graphene Oxide Composite for Efficient Capture of Cationic Dye From Aqueous Solution.

Eman M. Saad, E.A. El-Sharkawy, Mohamed S. Gaber, Hassan M.A. Hassan, desalination and Water Treatment, (2020) 1–15.


  1. Adsorption of Reduced Chromium(IV) Ions by Vitamin C Tablets onto Functionalized Cellulose Derivative and its Composite with Cyanobacteria Green Algae in Aqueous media, Eman M. Saad, Ian S. Butler, and Sahar I. Mostafa, Environmental Progress& Sustainable Energy, (2021); DOI: 10.1002/ep.13608



  1. Influence of Hollow Sphere Surface Heterogeneity and Geometry of N-Doped Carbon on Sensitive Monitoring of Acetaminophen in Human Fluids and Pharmaceutical Products, Mohamed Emran, Eslam Talat, Sherif El-Safty, Mohamed Shenashen, Eman M. Saad. New Journal of Chemistry, 45 (2021) 5452-5462; DOI: 10.1039/d0nj05442a


  1. pH-Metric and Spectroscopic Properties of New 4-Hydroxysalicylidene-2-aminopyrimidine Shiff-base Transition Metal Complexes,

Abd El-Fatah Ouf. Mayada S. Ali, Eman M. Saad, SWahar I. Mostafa, J. Mole. Struct. 2010, 69-75.

  1. Preparation, Characterization and pH-Metric Measurements of 4-Hydroxysalicylidenechitosan Schiff-base Complexes of Fe(III),Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Ru(III), Rh(III), Pd(II) and Au(III),
  2. Neveen A. Anan, Shawky M. Hassan, Eman M. Saad, Ian S. Butler, Sahar I. Mostafa, Carbohydrate research 2011, 775-793.


  1. A Novel Luminescent Terbium-3-carboxycoumarin Probe for Time-resolved Fluorescence Sensing of Pesticides Methomyl, Aldicarb and Prometryne,

Hassan A. Azab, E. M. Saad, F. K. Awad, R. M. Abd El Aal, Rasha M.  Kamel. Spectrochimica Acta. 2012, 915-922.


  1. Fluorescence and Electrochemical Sensing of Pesticides Methomyl, Aldicarb and Prometryn by the Luminescent Europium- 3-Carboxycoumarin,

Hassan A. Azab, Axel Duerkop, E. M. Saad, F. K. Awad, R. M. Abd El Aal, Rasha M. Kamel. J. Fluoresc. 2012, 956-976.


  1. Fluorescence and Electrochemical Recognition of Nucleosides and DNA by a Novel Luminescent Bioprobe Eu(III)-TNB,

Hassan A. Azab, E. M. Saad, F. K. Awad, R. M. Abd El Aal, Rasha M. Kamel. J. Fluoresc. 2012, 971-992.

  1. Simultaneous Separation of Copper(II), Silver(I) and Gold(III) Using Phthaloylbis (thiosemicarbazoe) by Flotation Technique,

Eman M. Saad, Analytical Science, Mansoura journal of chemistry.


  1. Sorption Characterisitic and Choromatographic Separation of Uranyl Ions From Aqueous Media onto Solid Sorbent Date Pits,

E. M. Saad, R. A. Mansour, A.A. EL-Asmy, S. M.  El- Shahawi, , Talanta., 2008,76, 1041.


  1. Studies on Bismuth(III) Complexes of Ligands Containing Nitrogen/ Sulfur and Extractive Procedure for Determination of Bi(III),

E. M. Saad, S. M.  El- Shahawi, H. Salh, A. A. EL-Asmy, Transition Met .Chem., 2007,32, 155-162.


  1. A Spectral, Magnetic, Thermal and Electrochemical Studies of Phthaloyl bis(thiosemicarbazid) Complexes,
  1. Abou-Hussen, N. M. El-Metwally, E. M. Saad, A. A. EL-Asmy , J. Coord. Chem., 2005, 58, 1735.


  1. Ligational and Analytical Applications on Uracil Derivative Towards Some Transition Metal Ions.
  1. A. EL-Asmy , S. I. Mostafa, M. A. Kabil, E. M. Saad  J. Coord. Chem., 2006, 59,279.


  1. Synthesis and Physico-chemical Studies on New Iron, Cobalt, Nickel and Copper Complexes of Some Carboxylic Acids,

M. A. Hafez, A. A. EL-Asmy, F. I. Taha, E. M. Saad; Synth.React. Inorg. Met.-Org. Chem., 1995, 25, 551.


  1. Electrochemical Synthesis of Benzoylglycine and Ethylphthaloylglycine Complexes of Transition Metal Ions,

A. A. EL-Asmy , M. A. Hafez, E. M. Saad, F. I. Taha , Transition Met .Chem., 1994,19, 603.


  1. Electrochemical Synthesis, Magnetic, Spectral and Cyclic Voltammetric Studies on Lactic Acid Complexes,

A.A. EL-Asmy , E. M. Saad, M. S. El-Shahawi, Transition Met .Chem., 1994,19,406.


       32- Complexes based N,N-donors (2,2′-bipyridyl & 2-(2-aminophenyl)benzimidazole); Synthesis, characterization, DNA interaction and toxicity assessment against Chlorella vulgaris      microchlorophyte; X-ray crystal structure of [Zn(bpy)3)]Cl2

         Neveen A. Annan, Ian S. Butler, Yehia A. Osman, Mervat H. Hussein, Bertrand J. Jean-    Claude, Eman M. Saad, Sahar I. Mostafa, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2020.


33-Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution using Sediments and Bivalve Brachidontes variabilisas Bioindicator in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Khalid M. El-Moselhy,

     Eman M. Saad, Reda F. El-Shaarway, Lamiaa I. Mohamadein1,Safaa A. Mahmoud, International Journal of Marine Science 2016, 6, 1-13


34-Adsorption of Copper form Aqueous Solutions by Using Natural Clay.

Ismael Sayed ISMAEL , Sherif KHARBISH , Eman M. SAAD & Ali MAGED, ACTA UNIVERSITATIS MATTHIAE BELII séria Environmentálne manažérstvo, 2016, 1.


35-Monitoring of Cadmium (II) Ions in Seawater from Suez Bay, Egypt.  

Khalid M El Moselhy, Eman M Saad, Reda F Elshaarawy and Safaa A Mahmoud. Advances in    Oceanography & Marine Biology, 2019, 1-3.


Conferences and Workshops

  1. 16th International Conference of Chemistry and its Role in Development, Adsorption of Reduced Chromium(IV) Ions by Vitamin C Tablets onto Functionalized Cellulose Derivative and its Composite with Cyanobacteria Green Algae in Aqueous media, Eman M. Saad, Ian S. Butler, and Sahar I. Mostafa, Mansoura University, 2023.


  1. Drug Delivery; Smart Nano-size Materials, Mansoura University, 2018.
  1. Bisphosphonate Metal Complexes as Anti-osteoporosis Agents, Mansoura University, 2018.


  1. 2nd International Conference of Applied Chemistry, Hurdghada University, 2017.


  1. 3rd Training Workshop on Workplace Radioactive Materials Safety and Security, Suez University, 2015.
  1. 2nd Workshop on Chemical Safety and Security Industrial Perspective, Suez University, 2014.


  1. Introduction to Bioinformatics, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Applications of Statistics in Scientific Research, Faculty of Science, Suez University, 2013.



  1. The Role of Scientific Research in the Development of the Red Sea's Fisheries and Environment, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, 2018.


  1. The Egyptian Seas: Governance, Law and Management for a Sustainable Future, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, 2018.


  1. Quality Assurance Course, Suez Canal University, Faculty of Education, 2007


  1. "Preparation of exam paper" period, Faculty of Leadership Development Project, Suez Canal University, Faculty of Education, 2006.


"Preparation of lecturer" period, Faculty of Leadership Development Project, Suez Canal University, Faculty of Education, Suez, 2007.


  1. Human Rights Basics Training Course, International Human Rights Law Outreach Program, Suez, 2007.


  1. Human Rights Basics Training Course, International Human Rights Law      Outreach Program, Suez, 2008.


  1. Faculty of Leadership Development Project, Credit hour system Basics Training Course, Suez Canal University, 2008.   


  1. Nanotechnology of biomaterials; New Trends in Bone Tissue Engineering; Removal of Copper(II) Ions from Aqueous Media by Chemically Modified MCM-41 with N-(3(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl)   Ethylenediamine and Its 4 Hydroxysalicylidene Schiff-Base.

Eman M. Saad, Hassan M.A. Hassan, Mohamed S. Soltan, Ian S. Butler, Sahar I. Mostafa.


  1. 2nd International Conference on Applied Chemistry; 2-Hydroxynaphthaldehyde Chitosan Schiff-base; New Complexes, Biosorbent to Remove Cadmium(II) Ions From Aqueous Media and Aquatic Ecotoxicity Against Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella-subcapitata.

Shadia A. Elsayed, Eman M. Saad, Ian S. Butler, Sahar I. Mostafa


  1. 9th International Conference in Chemistry and its Role in Developments; Sorption characterisitic and choromatographic separation of uranyl ions from aqueous media onto solid sorbent date pits,

E. M. Saad, R. A. Mansour, A. A. EL-Asmy, S. M.  El- Shahawi; (2007) Mansoura University. Mansoura, Egypt.


  1. 8th International Conference in Chemistry and its Role in Developments; Analytical Applications on Uracil Derivative Towards Some Transion Metal Ions,
  1. A. EL-Asmy , S. I. Mostafa, M. A. Kabil and , E. M. Saad; (2005) Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.



  1. 6th International Conference in Chemistry and its Role in Developments; Transition metal complexes of 5,6- diamino-2,4 dihydroxypyrimidine and the separation and microdetermination of some pollutants and precious metal ions,

S. I. Mostafa, M. A. Kabil, E. M. Saad, A.A.EL-Asmy; (2001) Mansoura University. Mansoura, Egypt.





Prof. Sahar I. Mostafa


Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt      (sihmostafa@yahoo.com).


Prof. Mohamed F. El-Shahat


Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Ain-Shams University, Egypt

Prof. Mohamed S. El-Shahawi

Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Egypt

 (mohammad el shahawi@hotmail.com)

Prof. Mohamed Shokry

Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt     


Prof. Shawky M. Hassan

Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt     
