[1] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2013). On the  Continuation of the limit distributions of intermediate order statistics under power normalization. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability (JSAP). 2(2): 83-91.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the Alexandria International Conference of Statistics and Insurance: STATISTICAL AWARENESS AS A MEASURE OF DEVELOPMENT  (AICSI )- 1-2 September 2012.


[2] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2016). Generalized order statistics with random indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 10(3):1081-1090 .




[3] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2016). On the continuation of the limit distribution of central order statistics under power normalization. APPLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE. 43(2): 145-155.





[4] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2017). Limit distributions of order statistics with random  indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Comm. Statist. Theory  Methods,  published on line July 2016 DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2016.1148732.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference on Pure and Applied Science (ICPAS 2015) Mar. 28-30, 2015, Luxor.



[5] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O. (2017).  Limit distributions of generalized order statistics in a stationary Gaussian sequence. Quaestiones Mathematicae 1-14.

  • The paper is also has been presented in the International Conference OSDA 2016 Pireaus, Greece 25-28 of May 2016.



[6] Barakat , H. M., Nigm,  E. M. and Abo Zaid, E. O.  (2019 )

Asymptotic Distributions of Record Values under Exponential Normalizations. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin . 26 ( 5) :743-785.

  • The paper is also has been presented in OSDA 2018 Spain 22-25 of May  2018.



[7] Mohamed Abd Elaziz  , Esraa Osama Abo Zaid, Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness  and  Rehab Ali Ibrahim(2021). Automatic Superpixel-Based Clustering for Color Image Segmentation Using q-Generalized Pareto Distribution under Linear Normalization and Hunger Games Search.Mathematics 2021, 9, 2383. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9192383


[8] Abd Elaziz M, A. A. Al-qaness M, Abo Zaid EO, Lu S, Ali Ibrahim R, A. Ewees A (2021). Automatic clustering method to segment COVID-19 CT images. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0244416. https://





[9] Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid, Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Taha Radwan (2022). Some measures information for generalized and q-generalized extreme values and its properties. Fractals. 30(10) 1-14 . DOI: 10.1142/S0218348X22402460.



[10] Rasha Abd El-Wahab Attwa and Esraa Osama Ali Abo Zaid: Record Values from the Gumbel and q- Gumbel distributions with applications. Journal of Thai Statistical Association.  (Under Puplication)


[11]   M. S. Eliwa, E. O. Abo Zaid, and M. El-Morshedy . On q-generalized extreme values under power normalization with properties, estimation methods and applications to COVID-19 data .  (Under Puplication)

[12] Rasha Abd-Elwahaab Attwa, Taha Radwan and Esraa Osama Abo Zaid (2023). Bivariate q-extendedWeibull morgenstern family and correlation coefficient formulas for some of its sub-models. AIMS Mathematics, 8(11): 25325–25342. doi: 10.3934/math.20231292