List of publications:

1. N.A. Gazouly, Ahmed E. Hannora, Hesham A. Yousef, M.A. Sayed, Atif Mossad Ali, M.M. El-Desoky "Structure analysis, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties in nanostructured Bi2O3 –Fe2O3 –PbTiO3 for magnetoelectric applications" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.  619 (2023) 122570.

2. N.A. Gazouly, Ahmed E. Hannora, Hesham A. Yousef, Atif M. Ali, M.M. El-Desoky "Study of nanostructural and non-adiabatic small polaron hopping conduction in nanostructured Bi2O3 - Fe2O3 – BaTiO3" Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 16 (2023)107532.

3. M. M. El-Desoky, N. A. Gazouly, Ahmed E. Hannor and Hesham. A. Yousef "Adiabatic small polaron hopping conduction in nanostructured Bi2O3–Fe2O3–PbTiO3 prepared by high energy planetary ball mill" Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 34(829), (2023)1-13.

4. M. Mitwalli, W. Badawy, H. Yousef, S. Salama, G. Saleh, and A. H. El-Farrash. "Radon Measurement and Radiological Dose Assessment from Terrestrial Rocks Using Solid-State Nuclear Track Detectors" Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Vol. 56, No.1 (2023)1-8.

5. M. M. El‑Desoky, N. A. Gazouly, Ahmed E. Hannor, and Hesham. A. Yousef. "Relaxor multiferroic properties of nanostructured BaTiO3–Fe2O3–Bi2O3 lead free for energy storage applications"Applied Physics A (2022) 128:1033.


6. Maitham Kadhem, Mohammed Sallah, Hesham A. Yousef, Ali EL-Farrash "Radiological Impact and Excess Cancer Risk of Terrestrial Radionuclides From Alzubair Petroleum Station (Iraq) using NaI(Tl) Detector" Mansoura Journal of Physics, Vol. 44 No.1 (2022)1-9.

7. S. Kamel, N. Abdallah, Hesham A. Yousef, and E. El-Falaky "Emission characteristics of target black fragments in 16O-Emulsion collisions at 3.7 A GeV" International Journal of Modern Physics E,Vol. 30 No. 6 (2021).

8. Hesham A. Yousef, K. A. Korany, Hamed I. Mira, Sayed F. Hassan, and Gehad M. Saleh "The annual effective dose of granite rock samples using alpha track detector" Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, Vol. 12,  No. 1(2019)112–117.

9. Gehad M. Saleh, Hesham A. Yousef, Mohamed S. Mitwalli and Ali H. El-Farrash "Environmental Radioactivity of Radon and its Hazards in Hamash Gold Mine, Egypt" Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Vol. 52, No.4 (2019) 190-196.

10. Hesham A. Yousef, Hamed. I. Mira, and K. A. Korany "Assessment of Radiological Hazard Indices in
Abu Rusheid area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt, Using Gamma Ray Spectroscopy" Arab Journal of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Vol.,52 No. 2 (2019) 132-141.

11. Hesham A. Yousef, "Effect of Grain Size on Radon Exhalation Rate from Calcium Silicate Rocks Using Alpha Track Detector" Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications,Vol.,52 No.4
(2019) pp. 15-20.

12. Hesham A. Yousef, "Assessment of the Annual Effective dose of Bottled Mineral Waters Using Closed Can Technique". Journal of Advances in Physics, Vol. 14, No.3 (2018) 5696-5707.

13. Hesham A. Yousef, " The Annual Effective Dose For Some Food Corps Samples Using Alpha Track Detector". Journal of Advances in Physics, Vol. 13, No.7 (2017) 5049-5053.

14. Hesham A. Yousef, A. H. El-Farrash, and A. Magdy "Radon Levels in Surface Water Samples from Manzala Lake East Nile Delta, Egypt Using Nuclear Track Detectors". Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vol. 7, No.2 (2017) 36-42.

15. Hesham A. Yousef "Effect of Alpha Particles on the Bulk Etching Rate of CR-39 Nuclear Track Detector" Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vol. 7, No.2 (2017) 23-26.

16. Hesham A. Yousef "Effect of Gamma Ray on the Bulk Etching Rate of LR-115 Detector" IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 9, No.2 Ver. I (2017) 14-16.

17. Hesham A. Yousef, Gehad M. Saleh, A. H. El-Farrash, and A. Hamza "Radon Exhalation Rate for Phosphate Rocks Samples Using Alpha Track Detectors" Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, Vol., 9 (2016) 41-46.

18. Hesham A. Yousef, and Gehad M. Saleh "Natural radioactivity levels of the Egyptian phosphate rocks using BGO detector based portable gamma-ray spectrometer" Journal of Radiation Protection and Environment, Vol. 39 , No.2 (2016) 101-106.

19. A. H. El-Farrash, Hesham A. Yousef, A. Abu El-Ela and A. Magdy "Assessment of radon level in soil samples from Manzala Lake East Nile Delta, Egypt using passive technique" International Journal of Scientific Reports,Vol.2, No.12 (2016) 312-318.

20. A. A. Embaby, Hesham A. Yousef, and H. A. Laken " Estimation of Radon Levels in Groundwater Samples From Graduate’s Villages in West Nile Delta, Egypt using Alpha Track Detectors" International Journal of Physics and Research,Vol.6, No.4, (2016) 1-10.

21. Hesham A. Yousef, A. H. El-Farrash, A. Abu El-Ela and Q. Merza "Measurement of Radon exhalation rate in Some Building Materials Using Nuclear Track detectors" World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2015) 141-148.

22. Hesham A. Youssef, A. A. Embaby, A. H. El-Farrash and H. A. Laken "Radon Exhalation Rate in Surface Soil of Graduate’s Villages in West Nile Delta, Egypt Using Can Technique" Inter.  Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 6, No.4, (2015) 3440-3446.

23. Hesham A. Yousef, A. H. El-Farrash, Gehad M. Saleh, and M. D. Khalf "Estimation of Radon Concentration for Granite Rocks Samples Using LR-115 detector" International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 6, and No.9, (2015) 6207-6212.

24. Hesham A. Yousef, A. H. El-Farrash, A. Abu El-Ela and Q. Merza "Determination of the Radon Concentrations in Some Building Materials Using Passive Technique" International Journal of Physics and Research, Vol.5, No.2, (2015) 35-46.

25. A.H. El-Farrash, A.M. Abedelghany, Hesham A. Yousef, M. Mekhimar, and S.M. Najim "Using UV Irradiation to Shorten Track Formation Time on CR-39 detector" Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Vol., 6 No. 6 (2015) 1049-1055.   

26. Hesham A. Yousef, Gehad M. Saleh, A. H. El-Farrash, and A. Hamza "Indoor Radon Concentration for Phosphate Rocks Samples Using CR-39 Detector" International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3 (2015) 367-373.

27. Hesham A. Yousef, and Gehad M. Saleh "Measurement of the Natural Radioactivity in Cataclastic Rock Samples Using RS-230 Spectrometer" Greener Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 3, No.5 (2013) 165-176.

28. Abd-Elmoneim M. Shamah, Ahmed E. Hannora, Hesham A. Yousef, and Mai M. Gad "Structural Analysis of PbO-B2O3-ZnO Glasses by High Energy Ball Milling (Attritor) " Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol., 1 No.4 (2015) 168-173.

29. M. I. Yousef, A. Abu El-Ela and H. A. Yousef " Natural Radioactivity Levels in Surface Soil of Kitchener Drain in The Nile Delta of Egypt " Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics Vol. 2, No.1 (2007) 61-68.

30. A. H. El-Farrash, H. A. Yousef and A. F. Hafez " Activity Concentration of 238U and 232Th in Some Soil and Fertilizer Samples using Passive and Active Techniques” Journal of Radiation Measurements, Vol. 47, No. 8 (2012) 644-648.

31. Hesham A. Yousef and Ali H. El-Farrash "Effect of Stirring on the Bulk Etch Rate of Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors" Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 41, No. 1, (2012)1-7.

32. A. F. Hafez, A. H. El-Farrash and H. A. Yousef "Determination of Radon Concentration in Some Environmental Samples using Cup Technique” Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 40, No.4 (2011) 535-548. 

33. A.H. El-Farrash, H. A. Yousef and A. F. Hafez "238U and 232Th Concentration in Rock Samples using alpha autoradiography and Gamma Spectroscopy Techniques " Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Nuclear and Particles Physics, 11-15 Nov. 2009, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

34. A.H. El-Farrash, A. Abu El-Ela, S. H. Ibrahim and H. A. Yousef "Natural Radioactivity Levels in Some Archeological Sites in Dakahlia Governorate"Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 28, (2004) 153-161.

35. A.H. El-Farrash, A. Abu El-Ela, A.S. El-Mahmoudi, S. H. Ibrahim, and H. A. Yousef "Natural Radioactivity Levels for Samples of Sand-Islands (Turtle Backes), East Nile Delta" Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, 34, No.2 (2001)51-60.

36. S. H. Ibrahim, A.H. El-Farrash, A. Abu El-Ela, and H. A. Yousef "Environmental Natural Radioactivity Levels in Sediment Samples From Bahr El-Baqar Drain, East of Nile Delta" Journal of Mansoura Science Bulletin, Mansoura University, Vol. 27, No. 2(2000)13-24.




Date de publication

24/04/2019 00:00:00



Date de publication

17/03/2019 00:00:00



Date de publication

17/09/2019 00:00:00



Date de publication

31/05/2019 00:00:00



Date de publication

07/01/2021 00:00:00



Date de publication

02/10/2022 00:00:00



Date de publication

02/01/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

09/03/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

12/04/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

12/08/2023 00:00:00

