تدريس المقررات العلمية و الانشطة التدريسية:

اولا: كلية العلوم (مرحلة البكارليوس)


  • Sedimentary basin analysis
  • Sedimentary petrology
  • Sedimentology
  • Stratigraphy
  • Micro-facies and depositional environments
  • General geology
  • Physical geology
  • Historical geology
  • Macro paleontology
  • Micro paleontology
  • Marine geology
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Petroleum geology


ثانيا: كلية العلوم (مرحلة الدرسات العليا)

  • Advanced sedimentary basin analysis
  • Advanced terrigenous sedimentary petrology
  • Advanced non-terrigenous sedimentary petrology
  • Advanced sedimentology
  • Advanced stratigraphy
  • Advanced micro-facies and depositional environments
  • Advanced macro paleontology
  • Advanced micro paleontology
  • Advanced geology of Egypt


ثالثا: كلية التربية

  • صخور رسوبية
  • جيولوجيا عامة
  • حفريات لا فقارية دقيقة
  • حفريات لافقارية كبيرة
  • حفريات و طبقات
  • مصادر طاقة
  • جيولوجيا بيئية
  • جيولوجيا مصر







1.         Researcher Assistant, NIOF, Marine Environment Division (College),  Northern Lakes and Mediterranean Sea branch, from February 2002 to March 2003.

2.         Researcher Assistant, NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College), Inland-water and Aquaculture Branch, from February 2003 to March 2006.


3.         Assistant Researcher, NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College) ,  Inland-water & Aquaculture Branch, from March 2006 to 2010.


4.    Ass. Prof., NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College), Inland-water & Aquaculture Branch, from August 2010 to December 2015.

5.         Ass. Prof., Suez University, Faculty of Sciences (College), Geology Department, from December 2015 to October 2018.

6.         Associated Prof., Suez University, Faculty of Sciences (College), Geology Department, from October 2018 till December 2023.

7.         Prof., Suez University, Faculty of Sciences (College), Geology Department, from December 2023 till now.

B.Sc.               2001, Geology, Faculty of Science, Helwan Univ.


M.Sc.              2006, Titled: (Sedimentary Processes Act on Bardawil Lagoon, North Saini, Egypt.), Geology (Stratigraphy and Sedimentology), Faculty of Science, Benha Univ.


Ph. D           2010, Titled: (Particle Size Distribution and Geochemical Studies on the Recent Sediment of Damietta and Rosetta Nile Branches, Egypt.), Geology (Stratigraphy and Sedimentology), Faculty of Science, Benha Univ.



Associated Prof. of Sedimentology, Suez University, Faculty of Sciences, Geology Department, from October, 2018 till December 2023.

  1. Prof. of Sedimentary Geology, Suez University, Faculty of Sciences, Geology Department, from December 2023 till now.


1.         Researcher Assistant, NIOF, Marine Environment Division (College),  Northern Lakes and Mediterranean Sea branch, from February 2002 to March 2003.

2.         Researcher Assistant, NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College), Inland-water and Aquaculture Branch, from February 2003 to March 2006.


3.         Assistant Researcher, NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College) ,  Inland-water & Aquaculture Branch, from March 2006 to 2010.


4.    Ass. Prof., NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College), Inland-water & Aquaculture Branch, from August 2010 to December 2015.

5.         Ass. Prof., Suez University, Faculty of Sciences (College), Geology Department, from December 2015 to October 2018.

6.         Associated Prof., Suez University, Faculty of Sciences (College), Geology Department, from October 2018 till now.

Farhat, H.I. and Salem G.S., 2014. Geology of Lake Nasser, ElShabrawy, G. M.,  Ecological basis for Lake Nasser Ecosystem, LABERT Academic Publishing (LAP), 269pp.

English Language

Writing: Excellent

Reading: Excellent

Speaking: Fluent




1- Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of  Lake Bardawil from January, 2004 to December, 2004.

2- Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan Lakes from 2005 to 2006.

3- Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Damietta and Rosetta  Nile Branches from 2005 to 2006.

4. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Manzalah. from January, 2006 till December, 2006.

5. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of River Nile from Aswan to Cairo from January, 2007 till December, 2008.


6. Survey some physical and chemical parameters of recent sediments of the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea for many Environmental Impact Assessment studies to some petroleum companies (GPC, Luckoil, etc..)

7. Integrated scientific system to protect River Nile from pollution and develop its fish resources. Funded by the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, from 2009 to 2011.

8. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Ismailia Canal from Cairo to Ismailia, Port Said and Suez branches during 2011.

9. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Bardawil during 2012.

10. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Siwa Lakes during 2012 and 2015.

11. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Nasser (2013 to 2015).

12. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Nile Main Rayahat (2014 to 2015).


foreign Research PROJECTS


  1. Assessment of fisheries and marine biodiversity of Salum Gulf within the broader context of Marsa Matrouh. CONTRACT No. IUCN-MED/09-07. Funded by IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation.

2.  Principle investigator of the project titled “Data of lake Qarun” in a subcontract of (Egypt infrastrucure Improvments) project which is carried out by CDM International Incorporation and funded by USAID. (2007).

3. The project (Lake Maryut Data Acquisition). Sub-contract from ALAMIM «Alexandria LAke Maryut Integrated Management» Alexandria, Egypt CEDARE. The project funded by EU.

4. The project (Monitoring of North Egyptian wetlands) which is funded by EEAA, Egypt., ( Bardwil Lagoon, Lake Manzalah, Lake Burulus, Lake Edku, and Lake Maryut). (2009-2010).

5. The project “Preparation of Designation of Two Egyptian Lakes as Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance”. It was funded by Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use (SGF) (2010-2011).

6. The project (Monitoring of Egyptian wetlands) which is funded by EEAA, Egypt., ( Lake Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan Lakes). (2011-till 2015)




Name                     : Hassan Ibrahiem Hassan Farhat

Present Job             :  Associated Professor – Geology Department – Faculty of Sciences - Suez University

Place of Birth         :  Cairo, Egypt.

Date of Birth          :  21/04/1980

Citizenship            :  Egyptian

Marital Status        :  Married

Languages             :  Arabic, English.


Present Mailing Address


Tel.     Mobil :        (+2) 01113626992 – (+2) 01008616048


E-mail           :         hassan.farhat@suezuniv.edu.eg, Hassan.farhat@sci.suezuni.edu.eg hf_niof@yahoo.com, hf_geo@hotmail.com


Google Scholar citation:    http://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=RTOFw8EAAAAJ&hl=en

Scopus profile



Home Address:      1 El-Omda From El-Khalig El-masry St., El-Hafier, El-Khosos, Cairo, Egypt.


Educational STATUS


B.Sc.            2001, Geology, Faculty of Science, Helwan Univ.


M.Sc.           2006, Titled: (Sedimentary Processes Act on Bardawil Lagoon, North Saini, Egypt.), Geology (Stratigraphy and Sedimentology), Faculty of Science, Benha Univ.


Ph. D           2010, Titled: (Particle Size Distribution and Geochemical Studies on the Recent Sediment of Damietta and Rosetta Nile Branches, Egypt.), Geology (Stratigraphy and Sedimentology), Faculty of Science, Benha Univ.







1.       Researcher Assistant, NIOF, Marine Environment Division (College),  Northern Lakes and Mediterranean Sea branch, from February 2002 to March 2003.

2.       Researcher Assistant, NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College), Inland-water and Aquaculture Branch, from February 2003 to March 2006.


3.       Assistant Researcher, NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College) ,  Inland-water & Aquaculture Branch, from March 2006 to 2010.


4.    Ass. Prof., NIOF, Environment of Fresh Water and Lakes Division (College), Inland-water & Aquaculture Branch, from August 2010 to December, 2015.

5.       Ass. Prof., Suez University, Faculty of Sciences, Geology Department, from December, 2015 to October, 2018.

6.       Associated Prof., Suez University, Faculty of Sciences, Geology Department, from October, 2018 till now.







1- Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of  Lake Bardawil from January, 2004 to December, 2004.

2- Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan Lakes from 2005 to 2006.

3- Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Damietta and Rosetta  Nile Branches from 2005 to 2006.

4. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Manzalah. from January, 2006 till December, 2006.

5. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of River Nile from Aswan to Cairo from January, 2007 till December, 2008.


6. Survey some physical and chemical parameters of recent sediments of the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea for many Environmental Impact Assessment studies to some petroleum companies (GPC, Luckoil, etc..)

7. Integrated scientific system to protect River Nile from pollution and develop its fish resources. Funded by the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, from 2009 to 2011.

8. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Ismailia Canal from Cairo to Ismailia, Port Said and Suez branches during 2011.

9. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Bardawil during 2012.

10. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Siwa Lakes during 2012 and 2015.

11. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Lake Nasser (2013 to 2015).

12. Comprehensive program of the Fresh water and Lakes Division for studying the environmental condition of Nile Main Rayahat (2014 to 2015).


  1. المشروع رقم (30116) تحت عنوان (تقييم موارد المياه الجوفية بمنطقة المثلث الذهبي في صعيد مصر بإستخدام البيانات الجيولوجية و الجيوفيزيائية).
  2. المشروع رقم (37233) تحت عنوان (تقييم الموارد المعدنية لمنطقة المثلث الذهبي في صعيد مصر بإستخدام البيانات الجيولوجية و الجيوفيزيائية).
  3. المشروع رقم (41628) تحت عنوان (تقييم تلوث التربة و الهواء حول مدينة القاهرة باستخدام التحليل الجيوكيميائي و تقنية المغناطيسية البيئية).



foreign Research PROJECTS


  1. Assessment of fisheries and marine biodiversity of Salum Gulf within the broader context of Marsa Matrouh. CONTRACT No. IUCN-MED/09-07. Funded by IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation.

2.  Principle investigator of the project titled “Data of lake Qarun” in a subcontract of (Egypt infrastrucure Improvments) project which is carried out by CDM International Incorporation and funded by USAID. (2007).

3. The project (Lake Maryut Data Acquisition). Sub-contract from ALAMIM «Alexandria Lake Maryut Integrated Management» Alexandria, Egypt CEDARE. The project funded by EU.

4. The project (Monitoring of North Egyptian wetlands) which is funded by EEAA, Egypt., ( Bardwil Lagoon, Lake Manzalah, Lake Burulus, Lake Edku, and Lake Maryut). (2009-2010).

5. The project “Preparation of Designation of Two Egyptian Lakes as Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance”. It was funded by Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use (SGF) (2010-2011).

6. The project (Monitoring of Egyptian wetlands) which is funded by EEAA, Egypt., ( Lake Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan Lakes). (2011-till now)

Other skills


  • Dive Master: Diving coarse supported from CMAS for (3rd stars) 2011.
  • Dive Master: Diving course supported from PADI 2013.




Publication List


  1.  Papers:


Mostafa, M.T., El. Nady, H., Gomma, R.M., Abdelgwad, H.F., Farhat, H.I., Khalifa, I.H., Salman, S.A., 2023. Geochemical Baseline and Pre Mining Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metals at Iron Exploration Area, Northeastern Aswan, Egypt. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1–19.


Khedr, A.I., Goher, M.E., Salem, S.G., El Sayed, S.M., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Assessment of pollution and metal toxicity in the bed sediment of El-Rayan Lakes, Fayoum, Egypt. SN Appl. Sci. 5. 190 (2023)


Abu El- Magd, S.A., Sayed, I., El-Sbri, M. A. Sh., Sayed, M., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Integrated machine learning–based model and WQI for groundwater quality assessment: ML, geospatial, and hydroindex approaches. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 53862–53875.


Saleh, A.; Gad, A., Ahmed, A., Arman, H., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Groundwater Hydrochemical Characteristics and Water Quality in Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert. Water 2023, 15 (5), 971.


Farhat, H.I., Gad, A., Saleh, A., Abd El Bakey, S.M., 2022. Risks Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements’ Contamination in the Egyptian Red Sea Surficial Sediments. Land 11 (9), 1560.


Gad, A., Saleh, A., Farhat, H.I., Dawood, Y.H., Abd El Bakey, S.M., 2022. Spatial Distribution, Contamination Levels, and Health Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in Household Dust in Cairo City, Egypt. Toxics 10, 466.


Abu El-Magd, S.A., Maged, A., Farhat, H.I., 2022. Hybrid-based Bayesian algorithm and hydrologic indices for flash flood vulnerability assessment in coastal regions: machine learning, risk prediction, and environmental impact. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 29, 57345–57356.


Abu El- Magd, S.A., Sayed, I., El-Sbri, M. A. Sh., Sayed, M., Farhat, H.I., 2022. Groundwater Quality Assessment for Heavy Metals : A Case Study in the Area between Abu Sweir and Abu Hammad, Ismalia, Egypt. Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology FSRT J 3 (2022) 51-61.


Mobarak, S.A., Farhat, H.I., Younis, A.M., Kharbish, S., 2021. Pollution assessment of potential ecological hazards of heavy metals in sediment in northern area of the Gulf of Suez as brownfield area , Egypt. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG) e-ISSN: 2321–0990, p-ISSN: 2321–0982.Volume 9, Issue 5 Ser. II (Sep. – Oct. 2021), PP 55-72.


Mostafa, M.H., Aita, S.K., Farhat, H.I., Kharbish, S., 2021. Sedimentological Studies of Early Carboniferous Um Bogma Formation , Southwestern Sinai , Egypt. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG) e-ISSN: 2321–0990, p-ISSN: 2321–0982.Volume 9, Issue 3 Ser. II (May – June 2021), PP 65-74


Farhat, H. I., 2019. Textural features and transportation mode of Nile Delta coastal lagoon surficial sediments (Lake Burullus, Ramsar Site). SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:1013


Farhat, H. I., 2019. Impact of drains effluents on Mediterranean Coastal Wetland Surficial Sediments: sedimentological characteristics and Metal pollution status; Lake Manzala; Egypt. Journal of Ocean University of China 2019 18 (4): 834-848


Farhat, H. I., Aly, W., 2018. Effect of site on sedimentological characteristics and metal pollution in two semi-enclosed embayments of great freshwater reservoir: Lake Nasser, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences 141 (2018) 194-206.


Kharbish Sh., and Farhat, H.I., 2017. Mineralogy and physico-chemical properties of Wadi Badaa clays (Cairo-Suez district, Egypt): a prospective resource for the ceramics industry. Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:174.


Abdel Mola, H., R. and Farhat, H.I., 2015. Effect of Sedimentological and Geochemical Changes on Macrobenthos Structure in Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt. Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences 5(2): 549-560.

 Farhat, H.I. and Salem G.S., 2015. Effect of flooding on distribution and mode of transportation of Lake Nasser sediments, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. (41): 165- 176.


Goher, M.E., Farhat, H.I., Abdo, M.H., and Salem G.S., 2014. Metal pollution assessment in the surface sediment of Lake Nasser, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. (40): 213- 224.


Farhat, H.I., 2013. Sedimentlogical Characteristics, Depositional Environment, and Mode of Transportation of Fayoum Depression Lakes Bottom Sediments. Life Sci. J., (12s):966-979.

Farhat, H.I., Ali, W.M., 2012. Effect of sedimentlogical characteristics on the distribution of some geochemical parameters in Ismailia Canal, Egypt. International Journal of Environment 1(1): 38-47.


  1. Books:


Farhat, H.I. and Salem G.S., 2014. Geology of Lake Nasser, ElShabrawy, G. M.,  Ecological basis for Lake Nasser Ecosystem, LABERT Academic Publishing (LAP), 269pp.


تدريس المقررات العلمية و الانشطة التدريسية:

اولا: كلية العلوم (مرحلة البكارليوس)


  • Sedimentary basin analysis
  • Sedimentary petrology
  • Sedimentology
  • Stratigraphy
  • Micro-facies and depositional environments
  • General geology
  • Physical geology
  • Historical geology
  • Macro paleontology
  • Micro paleontology
  • Marine geology
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Petroleum geology


ثانيا: كلية العلوم (مرحلة الدرسات العليا)

  • Advanced sedimentary basin analysis
  • Advanced terrigenous sedimentary petrology
  • Advanced non-terrigenous sedimentary petrology
  • Advanced sedimentology
  • Advanced stratigraphy
  • Advanced micro-facies and depositional environments
  • Advanced macro paleontology
  • Advanced micro paleontology
  • Advanced geology of Egypt


ثالثا: كلية التربية

  • صخور رسوبية
  • جيولوجيا عامة
  • حفريات لا فقارية دقيقة
  • حفريات لافقارية كبيرة
  • حفريات و طبقات
  • مصادر طاقة
  • جيولوجيا بيئية
  • جيولوجيا مصر



الاشراف العلمي علي الرسائل

  • الماجستير
  • Sedimentology and Mineralization of Um Bogma Formation, Um Bogma area, West-Central Sinai, Egypt.
  • Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment in Brownfields of
    Gulf of Suez Area, Egypt.
  • Stratigraphical Studies on the Campanian-Maastrichtian Succession of West-Central Sinai, Egypt




المؤتمرات والندوات و الانشطة العلمية:

  • مدرب معتمد بمركز تنمية القدرات الجامعية بجامعة السويس.
  • مدير وحدة النشر الدولي بمركز تنمية القدرات الجامعية بجامعة السويس.
  • عضو وحدة التخطيط الاستراتيجي بجامعة السويس.
  • مدير وحدة الاعتماد و الجودة بالكلية.
  • أمين مجلس قسم الجيولوجيا بكلية العلوم – جامعة السويس منذ 01/09/2016 حتي الان.
  • أمين مجلس شعبة (كلية) بيئة المياه العذبة و البحيرات منذ 12/2012 حتي 30/11/2015.
  • نقطة الاتصال للمعهد القومي لعلوم البحار و المصايد بالمرصد المصري للعلوم و التكنولوجيا و الابتكار "ESTIO" منذ 12/2012 حتي 30/11/2015.
  • نقطة الاتصال للمعهد القومي لعلوم البحار و المصايد بمشروع تشغيل قاعدة بيانات الباحثين المصريين منذ 12/2012 حتي 30/11/2015.
  • عضو لجنة تنظيم ورشة العمل "الافاق المستقبلية لتنمية بحيرة ناصر" ديسمبر 2014.
  • المشاركة في اعمال ندوة " التنوع البيولوجي في سيناء" و التي نظمتها اللجنة الوطنية للعلوم البيولوجية نوفمبر 2014.
  • الاشتراك في المؤتمر العلمي السابع عشر للجمعية المصرية لتنمية الثروة السمكية "حول التنمية المتواصلة للموارد المائية استخدام تنيات الاستشعار عن بعد في تنمية البحيرات الشمالية" مارس 2015
  • رئيس اللجنة المنظمة لورشة العمل "الاثار البيئية لمشروع تطوير قناة السويس" فبراير 2015.
  • المشاركة في الدورة التدريبية لطلبة كليات العلوم بجامعات "عين شمس و المنوفية و بنها" سبتمبر 2012.
  • الاشتراك في المؤتمر الأول للمعهد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد بعنوان (مصادر المياه- الاحتياجات والفوائد) خلال الفترة من 18– 21 / 9 /2006
  • الاشتراك في المؤتمر السنوى الحادي عشر للجمعية المصرية للثروة السمكية – كلية العلوم – جامعة عين شمس 28-30/6 /2007.
  • الاشتراك في المؤتمر الثاني للمعهد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد بعنوان (مصادر المياه- الاحتياجات والفوائد) خلال الفترة من 22– 25 / 11 /2008.
  • الأشتراك في افتتاح المؤتمر الأول حول الأفاق المستقبلية للتنمية المستدامة في الدول العربية و الأفريقية و الذي نظمته الجمعية الأفريقية للتنمية المستدامة في 17/12/2008.
  • عضو لجنة تنظيم ورشة العمل الخاصة بأتفاقية رامسار لصيانة الأراضي الرطبة بأكاديمية البحث العلمي 31/5/2011.
  • القاء محاضرة في ورشة العمل الخاصة بأتفاقية رامسار لصيانة الأراضي الرطبة بأكاديمية البحث العلمي 31/5/2011 تحت عنوان جيولوجيا بحيرتي وادي الريان و بحيرة قارون.


 الدورات التدريبية:

  • تدريب المدربين (TOT)
  • اخلاقيات البحث العلمي
  • اداب وسلوكيات المهنة في العمل الجامعي
  • الارشاد الاكاديمي و الدعم الطلابي
  • نظام الساعات المعتمدة
  • مهارات العـــرض الفـــــــعال
  • ادارة الفريق البـحثــي
  • مهارات التفكير
  • النشر الدولي للبحوث العلمية
  • اتخاذ القرارات و حل المشكلات
  • الطرق الاحصائية في البحث العلمي
  • نظم الامتحانات و طرق التقويم


انشطة جامعية اخري:


  • الأشراف على طلاب المستوي الثاني والثالث بقسم الجيولوجيا في التدريب الصيفي بالشركات المختلفة.
  • القيام بمهام المنسق الأكاديمي بقسم الجيولوجيا للعام 2021-2022 و برنامج الجيولوجيا و الكيمياء للعام 2022-2023 لتوجيه الطلاب دراسياً ومساعدتهم على حل المشكلات الدراسية والاجتماعية (حال وجودها).
  • المشاركة باللجنة التنظيمية لمؤتمر الاقتصاد الأزرق لتحقيق الأجندة الأفريقية 2063 والتنمية المستدامة عام 2019.
  • المشاركة بالمؤتمر الطلابي العلمي للاعوام2019 و 2021 و 2023 بكلية العلوم – جامعة السويس.
  • عضواللجنة التأسيسة لمجلة كلية العلوم بجامعة السويس Frontiers in Scientific Research & Technology.
  • عضو وحدة التخطيط الاستراتيجي بجامعة السويس عن كلية العلوم للاعوام 2019-2020 و 2020-2021.
  • المشاركة في وحدة التسجيل الإلكتروني بكلية العلوم.
  • عضو وحدة التصنيف الجامعي بجامعة السويس.
  • مدير وحدة ضمان الجودة بكلية العلوم للعام الجامعي 2020-2021.
  • نائب رئيس وحدة ضمان الجودة بكلية العلوم للعام الجامعي 2019-2020.
  • رئاسة فريق اعداد الاستراتيجية بالقسم بلجان الجودة 2022-2023.
  • عضو لجنة المراجعة و تطوير البرنامج بلجان الجودة بالقسم 2022-2023.
  • رئيس لجنة النظم الادارية بلجان الجودة بالقسم 2022-2023.
  • رئيس لجنة معيار قيادة و تنظيم البرنامج لبرامج قسم الجيولوجيا.
  • رئيس لجنة معيار مؤشرات نجاح البرنامج لبرامج قسم الجيولوجيا.
  • عضو لجنة وضع مخرجات التعلم للبرامج المزدوجة بالكلية.
  • عضو لجنة وضع مخرجات التعلم لبرامج المستوي الاول بالكلية.
  • توصيف مقررات المواد الموجودة بلائحة قسم الجيولوجيا للمرحلة الجامعية الأولي ومرحلة الدراسات العليا.
  • الأشراف على العديد من طلاب مرحلة البكالوريوس في مشروع التخرج (البحث والمقال) والمشاركة في مناقشته داخل القسم.
  • المساهمة في اعداد المحتوي العلمي للكتب الالكترونية للمقررات الدراسية لطلاب كليتي العلوم و التربية.
  • المشاركة في وضع و تطبيق الخطة البحثية للقسم.
  • المشاركة في العديد من لجان فحص الأجهزة والكيماويات الواردة إلى القسم.
  • رئيس لجنة الجداول بالقسم من 2018 حتي تاريخه.
  • مشرف علي التسجيل الالكتروني بالقسم.
  • القيام بأعمال الارشاد الاكاديمي للمراحل المختلفة للطلاب بالقسم.


Publication List


  1.  Papers:


Mostafa, M.T., El. Nady, H., Gomma, R.M., Abdelgwad, H.F., Farhat, H.I., Khalifa, I.H., Salman, S.A., 2023. Geochemical Baseline and Pre Mining Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metals at Iron Exploration Area, Northeastern Aswan, Egypt. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1–19.


Khedr, A.I., Goher, M.E., Salem, S.G., El Sayed, S.M., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Assessment of pollution and metal toxicity in the bed sediment of El-Rayan Lakes, Fayoum, Egypt. SN Appl. Sci. 5. 190 (2023)


Abu El- Magd, S.A., Sayed, I., El-Sbri, M. A. Sh., Sayed, M., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Integrated machine learning–based model and WQI for groundwater quality assessment: ML, geospatial, and hydroindex approaches. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 53862–53875.


Saleh, A.; Gad, A., Ahmed, A., Arman, H., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Groundwater Hydrochemical Characteristics and Water Quality in Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert. Water 2023, 15 (5), 971.


Farhat, H.I., Gad, A., Saleh, A., Abd El Bakey, S.M., 2022. Risks Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements’ Contamination in the Egyptian Red Sea Surficial Sediments. Land 11 (9), 1560.


Gad, A., Saleh, A., Farhat, H.I., Dawood, Y.H., Abd El Bakey, S.M., 2022. Spatial Distribution, Contamination Levels, and Health Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in Household Dust in Cairo City, Egypt. Toxics 10, 466.


Abu El-Magd, S.A., Maged, A., Farhat, H.I., 2022. Hybrid-based Bayesian algorithm and hydrologic indices for flash flood vulnerability assessment in coastal regions: machine learning, risk prediction, and environmental impact. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 29, 57345–57356.


Abu El- Magd, S.A., Sayed, I., El-Sbri, M. A. Sh., Sayed, M., Farhat, H.I., 2022. Groundwater Quality Assessment for Heavy Metals : A Case Study in the Area between Abu Sweir and Abu Hammad, Ismalia, Egypt. Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology FSRT J 3 (2022) 51-61.


Mobarak, S.A., Farhat, H.I., Younis, A.M., Kharbish, S., 2021. Pollution assessment of potential ecological hazards of heavy metals in sediment in northern area of the Gulf of Suez as brownfield area , Egypt. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG) e-ISSN: 2321–0990, p-ISSN: 2321–0982.Volume 9, Issue 5 Ser. II (Sep. – Oct. 2021), PP 55-72.


Mostafa, M.H., Aita, S.K., Farhat, H.I., Kharbish, S., 2021. Sedimentological Studies of Early Carboniferous Um Bogma Formation , Southwestern Sinai , Egypt. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG) e-ISSN: 2321–0990, p-ISSN: 2321–0982.Volume 9, Issue 3 Ser. II (May – June 2021), PP 65-74


Farhat, H. I., 2019. Textural features and transportation mode of Nile Delta coastal lagoon surficial sediments (Lake Burullus, Ramsar Site). SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:1013


Farhat, H. I., 2019. Impact of drains effluents on Mediterranean Coastal Wetland Surficial Sediments: sedimentological characteristics and Metal pollution status; Lake Manzala; Egypt. Journal of Ocean University of China 2019 18 (4): 834-848


Farhat, H. I., Aly, W., 2018. Effect of site on sedimentological characteristics and metal pollution in two semi-enclosed embayments of great freshwater reservoir: Lake Nasser, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences 141 (2018) 194-206.


Kharbish Sh., and Farhat, H.I., 2017. Mineralogy and physico-chemical properties of Wadi Badaa clays (Cairo-Suez district, Egypt): a prospective resource for the ceramics industry. Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:174.


Abdel Mola, H., R. and Farhat, H.I., 2015. Effect of Sedimentological and Geochemical Changes on Macrobenthos Structure in Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt. Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences 5(2): 549-560.

 Farhat, H.I. and Salem G.S., 2015. Effect of flooding on distribution and mode of transportation of Lake Nasser sediments, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. (41): 165- 176.


Goher, M.E., Farhat, H.I., Abdo, M.H., and Salem G.S., 2014. Metal pollution assessment in the surface sediment of Lake Nasser, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. (40): 213- 224.


Farhat, H.I., 2013. Sedimentlogical Characteristics, Depositional Environment, and Mode of Transportation of Fayoum Depression Lakes Bottom Sediments. Life Sci. J., (12s):966-979.

Farhat, H.I., Ali, W.M., 2012. Effect of sedimentlogical characteristics on the distribution of some geochemical parameters in Ismailia Canal, Egypt. International Journal of Environment 1(1): 38-47.


  1. Books:


Farhat, H.I. and Salem G.S., 2014. Geology of Lake Nasser, ElShabrawy, G. M.,  Ecological basis for Lake Nasser Ecosystem, LABERT Academic Publishing (LAP), 269pp.

Publication List


  1.  Papers:


Mostafa, M.T., El. Nady, H., Gomma, R.M., Abdelgwad, H.F., Farhat, H.I., Khalifa, I.H., Salman, S.A., 2023. Geochemical Baseline and Pre Mining Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metals at Iron Exploration Area, Northeastern Aswan, Egypt. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1–19.


Khedr, A.I., Goher, M.E., Salem, S.G., El Sayed, S.M., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Assessment of pollution and metal toxicity in the bed sediment of El-Rayan Lakes, Fayoum, Egypt. SN Appl. Sci. 5. 190 (2023)


Abu El- Magd, S.A., Sayed, I., El-Sbri, M. A. Sh., Sayed, M., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Integrated machine learning–based model and WQI for groundwater quality assessment: ML, geospatial, and hydroindex approaches. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 53862–53875.


Saleh, A.; Gad, A., Ahmed, A., Arman, H., Farhat, H.I., 2023. Groundwater Hydrochemical Characteristics and Water Quality in Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert. Water 2023, 15 (5), 971.


Farhat, H.I., Gad, A., Saleh, A., Abd El Bakey, S.M., 2022. Risks Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements’ Contamination in the Egyptian Red Sea Surficial Sediments. Land 11 (9), 1560.


Gad, A., Saleh, A., Farhat, H.I., Dawood, Y.H., Abd El Bakey, S.M., 2022. Spatial Distribution, Contamination Levels, and Health Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in Household Dust in Cairo City, Egypt. Toxics 10, 466.


Abu El-Magd, S.A., Maged, A., Farhat, H.I., 2022. Hybrid-based Bayesian algorithm and hydrologic indices for flash flood vulnerability assessment in coastal regions: machine learning, risk prediction, and environmental impact. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 29, 57345–57356.


Abu El- Magd, S.A., Sayed, I., El-Sbri, M. A. Sh., Sayed, M., Farhat, H.I., 2022. Groundwater Quality Assessment for Heavy Metals : A Case Study in the Area between Abu Sweir and Abu Hammad, Ismalia, Egypt. Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology FSRT J 3 (2022) 51-61.


Mobarak, S.A., Farhat, H.I., Younis, A.M., Kharbish, S., 2021. Pollution assessment of potential ecological hazards of heavy metals in sediment in northern area of the Gulf of Suez as brownfield area , Egypt. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG) e-ISSN: 2321–0990, p-ISSN: 2321–0982.Volume 9, Issue 5 Ser. II (Sep. – Oct. 2021), PP 55-72.


Mostafa, M.H., Aita, S.K., Farhat, H.I., Kharbish, S., 2021. Sedimentological Studies of Early Carboniferous Um Bogma Formation , Southwestern Sinai , Egypt. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG) e-ISSN: 2321–0990, p-ISSN: 2321–0982.Volume 9, Issue 3 Ser. II (May – June 2021), PP 65-74


Farhat, H. I., 2019. Textural features and transportation mode of Nile Delta coastal lagoon surficial sediments (Lake Burullus, Ramsar Site). SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:1013


Farhat, H. I., 2019. Impact of drains effluents on Mediterranean Coastal Wetland Surficial Sediments: sedimentological characteristics and Metal pollution status; Lake Manzala; Egypt. Journal of Ocean University of China 2019 18 (4): 834-848


Farhat, H. I., Aly, W., 2018. Effect of site on sedimentological characteristics and metal pollution in two semi-enclosed embayments of great freshwater reservoir: Lake Nasser, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences 141 (2018) 194-206.


Kharbish Sh., and Farhat, H.I., 2017. Mineralogy and physico-chemical properties of Wadi Badaa clays (Cairo-Suez district, Egypt): a prospective resource for the ceramics industry. Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:174.


Abdel Mola, H., R. and Farhat, H.I., 2015. Effect of Sedimentological and Geochemical Changes on Macrobenthos Structure in Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt. Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences 5(2): 549-560.

 Farhat, H.I. and Salem G.S., 2015. Effect of flooding on distribution and mode of transportation of Lake Nasser sediments, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. (41): 165- 176.


Goher, M.E., Farhat, H.I., Abdo, M.H., and Salem G.S., 2014. Metal pollution assessment in the surface sediment of Lake Nasser, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. (40): 213- 224.


Farhat, H.I., 2013. Sedimentlogical Characteristics, Depositional Environment, and Mode of Transportation of Fayoum Depression Lakes Bottom Sediments. Life Sci. J., (12s):966-979.

Farhat, H.I., Ali, W.M., 2012. Effect of sedimentlogical characteristics on the distribution of some geochemical parameters in Ismailia Canal, Egypt. International Journal of Environment 1(1): 38-47.


  1. Books:


Farhat, H.I. and Salem G.S., 2014. Geology of Lake Nasser, ElShabrawy, G. M.,  Ecological basis for Lake Nasser Ecosystem, LABERT Academic Publishing (LAP), 269pp.

الاشراف العلمي علي الرسائل

  • الماجستير
  • Sedimentology and Mineralization of Um Bogma Formation, Um Bogma area, West-Central Sinai, Egypt.
  • Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment in Brownfields of
    Gulf of Suez Area, Egypt.
  • Stratigraphical Studies on the Campanian-Maastrichtian Succession of West-Central Sinai, Egypt



  • Sedimentology and Mineralization of Um Bogma Formation, Um Bogma area, West-Central Sinai, Egypt.
  • Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment in Brownfields of Gulf of Suez Area, Egypt.

Scopus ID






Date de publication

06/06/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

17/06/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

03/03/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

03/03/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

14/09/2022 00:00:00



Date de publication

11/08/2022 00:00:00



Date de publication

21/03/2022 00:00:00



Date de publication

19/11/2021 00:00:00



Date de publication

06/09/2021 00:00:00



Date de publication

06/05/2021 00:00:00



Date de publication

09/08/2019 00:00:00



Date de publication

27/04/2019 00:00:00



Date de publication

22/03/2018 00:00:00



Date de publication

06/06/2015 00:00:00



Date de publication

28/03/2015 00:00:00



Date de publication

27/02/2018 00:00:00



Date de publication

06/01/2013 00:00:00



Date de publication

25/10/2014 00:00:00



Date de publication

06/01/2012 00:00:00

