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Medical Entomology

Insect Pysiology

General Entomology



Electron Microscope


An ex vivo system for investigation of Plasmodium berghei invasion of the salivary gland of Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes
Mai I. Hussien, Belal A. Soliman, Maha K. Tewfick & David A. O’Brochta

Pathogens and Global Health 2022


Factors Triggering Plasmodium Development Following Anopheles Salivary Gland Invasion
Mai I. Hussein1,2, Belal A. Soliman2, Maha K. Tewfick2, David O'Brochta1

CATRINA (2022), 25(1): 41-50

Ingestion Rate by Culex pipiens Larvae as a Factor in the Effectiveness of Different Bacillus sphaericus Strains

M.K. Tewfick

African Entomology, 25(2):375-386 (2017).


Genetic diversity based on autogeny and ISSR markers in Culex pipiens mosquitoes from northern coast of Egypt
M.K. Tewfick*, M.H. Abd El-Aziz & B.A. Soliman

African Entomology 27(1): 228–237 (2019)

Detection of antibacterial protein in Bacillus sphaericus-treated Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae)
Maha K. Tewfick*, Waleed M. Serag and Belal A. Soliman

Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control (2018) 28:33


Ultrastructural alterations in the midgut of Bacillus sphaericus-treated Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae
Maha K. Tewfick* and Belal A. Soliman

Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control (2018) 28:35


Nahla M. Wassim & Maha K. Tewfick (2018).

Molecular Genetic Variations of Culex pipiens Complex (Diptera:Culicidae) of Egypt.

Global Veterinaria 20 (6): 252-259.


Morphological diversity of buccopharyngeal armatures in susceptible and refractory sandflies to Leishmania major

A.B. Darwish, Maha K. Tewfick, S.A. Doha, A.H. Abo-Ghalia & B.A. Soliman (2017).

Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 10 (2): 15-24.


The effects of Androctonus amoreuxi scorpion extract and sitagliptin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 in animal models

A.H. Farrag, Howayda A. Khaled, Maha K. Tewfick & Joliet A. Hanna Kamel (2016).


Comparative susceptibility of autogenous and anautogenous Aedes caspius Pallas (Diptera: Culicidae) to filaria parasite Wuchereria bancrofti (Filariidea: Dipetalonematidae).

B.A. Soliman, Nahla M. Wassim & Maha K. Tewfick (2014).

Egyptian Journal of Experimental Biology (Zoology), 10 (1): 67 – 70.


Comparative fine structure of the feeding mouth brushes and siphon of five culicine mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae).

Maha K. Tewfick, Nahla M. Wassim & B.A. Soliman (2014).

Egyptian Journal of Experimental Biology (Zoology) 10(1): 47-51.


Comparative fine structure of eggs of autogenous and anautogenous Cx. pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae).

B.A. Soliman, Maha K. Tewfick & Nahla M. Wassim (2014).

Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 44 (3): 693- 701.


Vectorial competence of Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae) to transmit two old world Leishmania species: Leishmania major and L. tropica.

A.B. Darwish, Maha.K. Tewfick, S.A. Doha, A.H. Abo-Ghalia & B.A.Soliman (2011).

J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 41 (3), 2011: 563 – 562.


Maha K. Tewfick (2006).

Biological fitness of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) susceptible and resistant to Bacillus sphaericus

J. Egypt.Ger. Soc. Zool., 49E:  65-75.


B.A. Soliman & Maha K. Tewfick (1999).

Activity and efficacy of azadirachtin (Neem product) on the eggs of the filarial vector, Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae).

J. Union Arab Biol., 12 (A) Zool.: 33-41.


B.A. Soliman, Maha K.Tewfick & A.N. Hassan (1999).

Sequential release of Wuchereria bancrofti infective larvae released by Culex pipiens  (Diptera: Culicidae) during the second blood feeding.

J. Hepatology, Gasteorology, and Infectious Diseases: 123-132


Maha K. Tewfick, A.K. El-Sayed & B.A. Soliman (2000).

The combined effect of Bacillus sphaericus and ivermectin on some biological aspects and vector competence of Culex pipiens.

J. Egypt.Ger. Soc. Zool., 33 (E), Entomology 181-193.  


B.A. Soliman, Maha K. Tewfick & Gehane A. Hafez (2000). 

Potential for Culex pipiens to develop resistance against Bacillus sphaericus toxins.

J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 30 (3): 839-849.


Hala A. Kassem, Maha K. Tewfick & Bahira M. El Sawaf (2001).

Evaluation of avermectins as sandfly control agents.

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 95 (4): 405-411.


Maha K. Tewfick, Nagwa E. Mohamed, Gehane A. Hafez & B.A. Soliman (2004).

Cross resistance of a stable Bacillus sphaericus-resistant Culex pipiens to other control agents.

J. Union Arab Biol., 22 (A): 167-180.


Maha K. Tewfick & B.A. Soliman (2005).

Comparative larvicidal toxicities of two insect growth regulators on the mosquitoes Culex pipiens, Aedes caspius, and Anopheles pharoensis

J. Union Arab Biol., 24 (A): 113- 126.


B.A. Soliman, Maha K. Tewfick, Nahla M. Wassim & M. Soliman (2005).

Cuticular hydrocarbon variations among autogenous and anautogenous  populations of Culex pipiens and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) caspius (Diptera: Culicidae).

J. Egypt.Ger. Soc. Zool., 46E: 105-114.


Date de publication

16/02/2024 00:00:00

