Possible teratogenic and adults abnormalities induced by insecticide pyriproxyfen on non-target organisms

Publish Date

11/17/2023 12:00:00 AM



Hani S. Hafeza ; Rasha A. Sedeeka, *; Mahmoud E. Mohallalb ; Nour E. Sherifb ; Yomn M. Mobarak


Pyriproxyfen (PPF) is an insecticide with multiple uses, such as antiparasitic for pets and pest management in homes, and farms. It functions as a juvenile hormone analogue. PPF thus interferes with both adult emergence and development.





Pyriproxyfen is an insecticide that is used in a wide range against various insects and causes potentially harmful effects on animals and their embryological stages such as effective microcephaly and other teratogenic abnormalities. Pyriproxyfen has the ability to cross react with retinoic acid receptors, part of the mammalian regulatory system for neurological development, inducing neurodevelopmental abnormalities like microcephaly. This causal chain offers strong support for conducting a thorough investigation of pyriproxyfen's involvement in neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodevelopmental toxicity such as low brain weight in rat pups. More incentive research carried out in widespread usage of pyriproxyfen in Brazil revealed its coincidental association with a rise in incidence of microcephaly. So, It is important to take into account other theories on the causes or contributing variables to the incidence of microcephaly among higher animals


Larvicide, Microcephaly, Neurodevelopmental toxicity, Pyriproxyfen, Teratogenic effect.