Academic Post

Lecturer - Zoology department- Faculty of Science

Employment / Fellowships


Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Egypt

  • Researching and teaching

29 June 2021 - present

Assistant lecturer

February 2015 – June 2021

Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Egypt

  • Researching and teaching


January 2010 - January 2015

Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Egypt

  • Researching and teaching

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

  1. Ali, A.A.H. and Hassan, S.A (2023): Anticonvulsant Luminal Affects the Arginine-Vasopressin Expression in Hypothalamus and the Locomotor Behaviour of Male Mice. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. C, Physiology and Molecular Biology, 15(2):267-283.
  2. Yassine, M.+, Hassan, S.A.+, Sommer, S., Yücil, L.A., Bellert, H., Hallenberger, J., Sohn, D., Korf, H-W., von Gall, C.+ *, Ali, A.A.H.+ (2022): Radiotherapy of the hepatocellular carcinoma in mice has a time-of-day-dependent impact on the mouse hippocampus. Cells, 12(1): 61.
  3. Hassan, S.A., Ali, A.A.H., Sohn, D., Flögel, U., Jänicke, R.U., Korf, H-W.*, von Gall, C. (2021): Does timing matter in radiotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma? An experimental study in mice. Cancer Med., 10(21):7712-7725.
  4. Ali, A.A.H., Abdel-Hafiz, L., Tundo-Lavalle, F., Hassan, S.A., von Gall, C.* (2021): P2Y2 deficiency impacts adult neurogenesis and related forebrain functions.  FASEB J., 35(5):e21546.
  5. Hassan, S.A., Ali, A.A.H., Yassine, M., Sohn, D., Pfeffer, M., Jänicke, R.U., Korf, H-W.*, von Gall, C. (2021): Relationship between locomotor activity rhythm and corticosterone levels during HCC development, progression, and treatment in a mouse model. J. Pineal Res., 70:e12724.
  6. Hassan, S.A., Schmithals, C., von Harten, M., Piiper, A., Korf, H-W.*, von Gall, C. (2021): Time-dependent changes in proliferation, DNA damage and clock gene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma and healthy liver of a transgenic mouse model. Int. J. Cancer, 148(1):226-237.
  7. Ali, A.A.H., Tundo-Lavalle, F., Hassan, S.A., Pfeffer, M., Stahr, A., von Gall, C.* (2020): Impact of targeted deletion of the circadian clock gene Bmal1 in excitatory forebrain neurons on adult neurogenesis and olfactory function. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21(4): 1394.
  8. Sallam, A.E.*, Hassan, S.A., Hassaneen, E., Ali, E.M. (2016): Environmental stress of mobile phone EM radiation on locomotor activity and melatonin circadian rhythms of rats. Biol. Rhythm Res., 47(4):597-607.
  9. Hassan, S.A.* and Zaki, A.N. (2015): Monitoring and evaluation of circadian locomotor activities in rodents. Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Zool.), 11(2):219-224.

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Web of Science for Author


Publish Date

9/12/2023 12:00:00 AM



Amira A. H. Ali and Soha A. Hassan

Publish Date

7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM



Amira A.H. Ali; Soha A. Hassan; Mona Yassine; L.A. Yücel; Horst-Werner Korf; Charlotte von Gall

Publish Date

12/23/2022 12:00:00 AM



Mona Yassine, Soha A. Hassan , Simon Sommer, Lea Aylin Yücel , Hanna Bellert, Johanna Hallenberger, Dennis Sohn, Horst-Werner Korf, Charlotte von Gall and Amira A. H. Ali .

Publish Date

8/27/2021 12:00:00 AM



Soha A. Hassan; Amira A. H. Ali; Dennis Sohn; Ulrich Flöge; Reiner U. Jänicke; Horst-Werner Korf; Charlotte von Gall

Publish Date

3/9/2021 12:00:00 AM



Amira A. H. Ali; Laila Abdel-Hafiz; Federica Tundo-Lavalle; Soha A. Hassan; Charlotte von Gall

Publish Date

2/13/2021 12:00:00 AM



Soha A. Hassan; Amira A.H. Ali; Mona Yassine; Dennis Sohn; Martina Pfeffer; Reiner U. Jänicke; Horst-Werner Korf; Charlotte von Gall

Publish Date

7/13/2020 12:00:00 AM



Soha A. Hassan; Christian Schmithals; Maike von Harten; Albrecht Piiper; Horst-Werner Korf; Charlotte von Gall

Publish Date

2/19/2020 12:00:00 AM



Amira A. H. Ali , Federica Tundo-Lavalle, Soha A. Hassan, Martina Pfeffer, Anna Stahr and Charlotte von Gall

Publish Date

4/19/2016 12:00:00 AM



Alaa El-Din Sallam, Soha A. Hassan, Ehab Hassaneen and Elham M. Ali

Publish Date

1/23/2015 12:00:00 AM



Soha A. Hassan & Aaya N. Zaki