Training Courses

  • Statistical methods for scientific research 2019
  • International publication of scientific researches 2019
  • Fundamentals of digital transformation

Scientific Conferences & Workshops

  • Participate in organizing the fourth Suez scientific students conference - 2022
  • Participate in organizing the fifth Suez scientific students conference - 2023
  • Workshop on Gene Expression Analysis Using Real-Time PCR - Biotechnology lab Cairo University Research Park (CURP) - 2021
  • Workshop on Formulation and controlling the future for sustainability and green world - Suez University - 2022

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Personal information

Name: Toka Mohamed Awad Mahmoud

Place of birth: Suez

Date of birth: 4 / 1 / 1998


...Courses taught by

Practical: (Biochemistry of carbihydrates - Chemistry & metabolism of amino acids - Chemistry & metabolism of lipids - Advanced methods in Biochemistry - Hormones - Immunology - Vitamins - Fundamental of organic chemistry - Fundamental of inorganic chemistry - Fundamental of analytical chemistry - Fundamental of physical chemistry - Thermodtnamics - Heterocyclic compounds - Natural products - Organometallic)

Academic Post

  • Demonstrator of Biochemistry
  • chemistry Department
  • Faculty of Science
  • Suez University

Academic Qualifications


B.Sc., Chemistry (Biochemistry), Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez-Egypt.

  • Grade:  Excellent with honors - GPA 4.11


Pre-master degree of science in Chemistry (Biochemistry), Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez-Egypt.

  • Grade: Excellent 3.53%

Employment / Fellowships

24 February 2020 till now: Demonstrator of Biochemistry, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez-Egypt.


  • Member of the information technology unit - faculty of science - Suez University from 2021
  • Former member of the electronic registration unit - faculty of science - Suez University (2020 - 2022)

Another Email

Main Fields of Interest

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cancer Biology