Curriculum Vitae (CV)

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Zafer Mohammed GADELRAB Asker




Work Experience


2018-present             Assistant Professor (Ph.D) (Teaching and Research), Department of Mathematics & Information Technology, Faculty of Science, Suez University

2012-2018                 Teaching & Research Assistant (M.Sc.), Department of Mathematics & Information Technology, Faculty of Science, Suez University

2003-2012                  Demonstrator, Department of Mathematics & Information Technology, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University

2000-2001                  Military service, Signal Corps Forces, Egyptian Army

    • Communication Networks administration


Teaching Experience


2003-present             Teaching several graduate and undergraduate courses in different faculties of Suez Canal University and Suez University including Faculty of Science, Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Mining, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Industrial Education. The list of taught courses includes but not limited to: pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computer basics, programming, quantum physics,  as well as theoretical physics.


Research Experience


2019-2020                  Member in research group funded by STDF(Science & Technology Development Fund), the project with title :Using High Performance Computing to Investigate Vortex Ring and Turbulent Flow Characteristics.

2014-2018                  Research on Fluid Mechanics

2006-2012                  Research on Quantum Physics




2014-2018         PhD on Applied Mathematics, Suez University, Egypt

  • PhD Title: Extraction and Filtering of Multi-scale Coherent Vortices from Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulent Flow
  • Supervisors:
        • Prof. Mahmoud Abdel Aty
        • Assist. Prof.: Waleed Abdel Kareem

2007-2012         Master on Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, Suez Canal University, Egypt

  • MSc Title: Studying the Non Classical Effect of Two Mode Quantum System
  • Supervisors:

1997-2000         Bachelor of Mathematics, Al-Azhar University, Egypt

  • Ranked second on Faculty of science




  1. Zafer M. Asker, Faisal A A El-Orany, A-S F Obada, J PeÅ™ina, “Quantum properties of a superposition of squeezed displaced two-mode vacuum and single-photon states”, IOP Physica Scripta Journal: Issue 3 (March 2009). (Impact Factor: 1.088).
  2. Waleed Abdel Kareem, Mahmoud Abdel Aty, Zafer M. Asker, “Anisotropic Diffusion for Filtering of Forced Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence”, American Journal of Fluid Dynamics: 2016 6(2), pp. 42- 50.
  3. W. Abdel Kareem, M. Abdel Aty, and Zafer M. Asker, "Fourier decomposition and anisotropic diffusion filtering of forced turbulence" International Journal of applied mechanics, Volume 9 Issue 8, December 2017 . (Impact factor 1.954).
  4. W. Abdel Kareem, M. Abdel Aty, and Zafer M. Asker, " Joint Probability Distribution Functions for the Filtered Velocity Gradient Invariants in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence " The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, Volume 12, publication date: 15/02/2018.
  5. N. H. Sweilam, Khloud R. Khater, Zafer M. Asker, and Waleed Abdel Kareem, " A Fourth-Order Compact Finite Difference Scheme for Solving the Time Fractional Carbon Nanotubes Model " The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2022, Article ID 1426837, 14 pages, 2022.
  6. Waleed Abdel Kareem and Zafer M. Asker, " Simulations of isotropic turbulent flows using lattice Boltzmann method with different forcing functions " International Journal of Modern Physics C . publication date: 7/05/2022. . (Impact factor 1.176).


  1. Waleed Abdel Kareem, Zafer M. Asker, Hamed El Sherbiny and Hadeer Mohamed, " Tracking of the development of a vortex ring in isotropic turbulence " Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 1,  publication date: 11/2022.


Employment / Fellowships

2014-2018         PhD on Applied Mathematics, Suez University, Egypt

  • PhD Title: Extraction and Filtering of Multi-scale Coherent Vortices from Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulent Flow
  • Supervisors:
        • Prof. Mahmoud Abdel Aty
        • Assist. Prof.: Waleed Abdel Kareem

2006-2012         Master on Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, Suez Canal University, Egypt

  • MSc Title: Studying the Non Classical Effect of Two Mode Quantum System
  • Supervisors: