Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Training Courses

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

  1. Deceleration of atoms in an n-photon process by means of a laser-traveling wave in the Dirac representation , Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 12(2001)2295-2305.
  2. S. M. Ahmed, E. R. Hassib, U. M. Abdelsalam, R. E. Tolba, W. M. Moslem. "Ionacoustic waves at the night side of Titan’s ionosphere: higher-order approximation", Communications in Theoretical Physics, 72, 055501 (2020).
  3.  S. M. Ahmed, E. R. Hassib, U. M. Abdelsalam, R. E. Tolba, W. M. Moslem. "Proliferation of soliton, explosive, shocklike, and periodic ion-acoustic waves in Titan's ionosphere", Physics of Plasmas, 27, 082903 (2020).
  4. S. M. Ahmed, E. R. Hassib, U. M. Abdelsalam, W. M. Moslem. "Ion acoustic waves in the dayside of Titan ionosphere: effect of the solar wind", Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology, 1,1, (2021).