Curriculum Vitae (CV)

I have a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Mathematics. My profession is to teach mathematics courses for university students in addition to my research interests in the field of optimization to solve multi-objective programming problems. Looking to sharing my knowledge and experience as an Associate Professor in Mathematics with my students and colleagues.

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages


  • N. H. Sweilam; Nourhan Hamdy; Ehab A. El-Sayed; T. Emam, “Efficient Nonstandard Grünwald-Letnikov Finite Difference Method for Time Fractional SIR Epidemic Model”, Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology, Vol. 9, 72 - 79, 2024.
  • T. Emam, Nonsmooth semi-infinite roughly B-invex multi-objective programming problems. Results in Control and Optimization. (11) 2023.
  • T. Emam, Optimality and duality for nonsmooth semi-infinite E-convex multi-objective programming with support functions, Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim., 11 (17), 2020.
  • S.I .Ali; T. Emam; T. Salah, “Some entanglement aspects of two-two level atoms interacting with three modes of electromagnetic fields in finite trio coherent state”, Transylvanian Review, Vol XXVI, No. 28, pp. 7449-7455, 2018.
  • T. Emam, “Optimality for E-[0,1] convex Multi-objective Programming", Filomat Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 529–541, 2017.
  • S. I. Ali; A. M. Mosallem; T. Emam, “Dynamical Properties of Entropy Squeezing and Entanglement for Moving Two-Level Atom and Three Modes of Radiation Fields”, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. Vol. 14, No. 8, pp., 3911–3916, 2017.  
  • A. M. Mosallem; S. I. Ali; T. Emam, “Entanglement of Two Two-Level Atoms and Two Modes of Electromagnetic Field with Stark Shift”, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. Vol. 14, No. 8, pp., 3936–3944, 2017.
  • T. Emam; S.I. Ali, "Norm–Based Approximation in E-[0,1]  Convex Multi-Objective Programming Problems", Calcolo, Vol. 53, pp.723–735, 2016.
  • S. I. Ali; A. M. Mosallem; T. Emam, “Aspects of Entropy Squeezing and Entanglement for Moving Two-Level Atom and Three Modes in Presence of Finite Trio Coherent State”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp.7455–7459, 2016.
  • T. Emam, "Norm–Based Approximation in Invex Multi-Objective Programming Problems ", IJET/IJENS, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1-5, 2014.
  • T. Emam, "Norm–Based Approximation in E-Convex Multi-Objective Programming", Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 103, pp. 161-173, 2012.
  • T. Emam, "Roughly B-invex Multi-Objective Programming Problems", Open Journal of Optimization, Vol. 1, pp. 1-7, 2012.
  • T. Emam, "Roughly B-invex Programming Problems", Calcolo, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 173-188, 2011.
  • T. Emam, "Characterization of Efficient Solutions for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Involving Strong and Generalized Strong E-Convexity ", Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 207-220, 2009.
  • T. Emam, “Method of Centers Algorithm for Multi-Objective Programming Problems”, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.29, Ser.B, No.5, pp. 1128-1142, 2009.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Characterization of Efficient Solutions for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Involving Semi Strongly and Generalized Semi Strongly E-Convexity ", Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.28, Ser.B, No.1, pp.11-20, 2008.
  • T. Emam, “ - Convex Programming Problems”, IL Nuovo Cimento B., Vol. 123, Issue 5, pp. 636-649, 2008.
  • T. Emam, "Roughly B-vex Multi-objective Programming Problems", Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.3, No.2, pp.117-126, 2007.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Strongly E-convex Sets and Strongly E-convex Functions", Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Vol.8, No.1, pp.107-117, 2005.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Semi Strongly E-convex Functions", Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.1, No.1, pp.51-57, 2005.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Optimality Criteria in Strongly E-convex Programming", International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.16, No.3, pp.375-391, 2004.

...Courses taught by


  • Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Differential Equations, Geometry, Linear Algebra,
  • Numerical Analysis, Special Functions, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Functional Analysis,
  • Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Operations Research Courses, ICDL Courses.


Training Courses

Training Courses

  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members and Leaders at Deanship of Quality and Development - Jouf University, KSA, Entitled "Scientific research methodology", 2019.
  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members and Leaders at Deanship of Quality and Development - Jouf University, KSA, Entitled "Technology in teaching", 2019.
  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members at Deanship of Quality and Development - Hail University, KSA, Entitled "Blackboard", 2015.
  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members at Deanship of Quality and Development - Hail University, KSA, Entitled "Effective communication skills", 2015.
  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members at Deanship of Quality and Development - Hail University, KSA, Entitled "Evaluation of students", 2015.
  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members at Deanship of Quality and Development - Hail University, KSA, Entitled "Organization of scientific conferences", 2014.
  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members and Leaders at Suez Canal University, Entitled "Ethics of Scientific Research", 2008.
  • A Course Development Capabilities of Faculty Members and Leaders at
  • Suez Canal University, Entitled "Credit Hours", 2008.
  • Toefl Course at Public Service Centre, Suez Canal University, 2002.
  • Course Preparation Faculty Member at Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, 2001.

Scientific Conferences & Workshops

Conferences and Workshops

  1. 2020, Oral Presentation, Seminar at Department of Mathematics –Jouf University, KSA - Presented research I conducted for my Promotion.
  2. 2014, Participation in Workshop entitled "Strategic Planning for Saudi Universities", Deanship of Quality and Development - Hail University, KSA.
  3. 2014, Workshop, Quality and Academic Accreditation of Saudi Universities Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  4. 2014, Workshop, Strategic Planning for Saudi Universities Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  5. 2014, Workshop, Preparation, and specification of the curriculum - Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  6. 2013, Workshop, Vision, Mission, and Objectives for the Mathematics Program - Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  7. 2013, Reviewer, Fourth scientific conference for students in higher education - Review papers of mathematics in conference – Makah, KSA.
  8. 2011, Reviewer, Second scientific conference for students in higher education - Review papers of mathematics in conference – Jeddah, KSA.
  9. 2007, Oral Presentation, Seminar at Faculty of Informatics for Graduates –Kyoto University, Japan - Presented research I conducted for my Postdoctoral Fellowship.
  10. 2005, Oral Presentation, International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics– Egypt



  • Faculty of Science Council, Suez University, Egypt, 2021-2022.
  • Faculty of Science Council, Hail University, KSA, 2013-2015.
  • Mathematics Department Council, Hail University, KSA, 2009-2016.
  • Mathematics Department Council, Jouf University, KSA, 2018-2021.
  • Mathematics Department Council, Suez University, Egypt, 2016-2018, 2021-2023.
  • Academic Committees (Students Guidance - Time Table - Study Plane), Hail University, KSA, 2009-2016.
  • Academic Committees (High Studies and Scientific Research – Development and Quality - Students Guidance - Study Plane), Jouf University, KSA, 2018-2021.
  • Academic Committees (High Studies and Scientific Research – Development and Quality - Students Guidance - Time Table), Suez University, Egypt, 2016-2018, 2021-2023.

Academic Post

Associate Professor

  • Sep. 2016 – Present, Suez University, Egypt - Full Time


Arbitration in Scientific Periodicals


  • 2019 – 2022, Editor of Global Economics Science, Universal Wiser Publisher Pte, Ltd, Singapore.
  • 2021 – 2022, Reviewer of Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology, Suez University Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
  • 2018 – 2019, Reviewer of SN Applied Sciences, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • 2017 – 2018, Reviewer of Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, John Wiley Sons Ltd, England, w sussex, PO19 8SQ.
  • 2017 – 2018, Reviewer of Filomat, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia.
  • 2012 – 2018, Reviewer of Open Journal of Optimization, Scientific Research Publishing Inc (SCIRP), USA.
  • 2005 – 2015, Reviewer of Journal of Acta Mathematica Scientia,Wuhan Institutes of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2006: Ph.D. Thesis titled “A Study on Generalized Convex Multi-Objective Programming Problems”,  Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt.
  • 2002: M. Sc. Thesis titled “On Quartic Spline Approximation for Linear Multi-Point Boundary Value Problems”, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt.
  • 1996: B. Sc. in Mathematics & Computational Science, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt.

Employment / Fellowships

Associate Professor

  • Sep. 2016– Present, Suez University, Egypt - Full Time

Assistant Professor

  • April 2006– Aug. 2016, Suez University, Egypt - Full Time


  • June 2002– March 2006, Suez Canal University, Egypt - Full Time


  • Nov.1998– May 2002, Suez Canal University, Egypt - Full Time

Theses Supervision

  • 2022 Advisor for Master student, Nourhan Hamdy Ahmed - Suez University, Egypt
  • 2021 Advisor for Master student, Khaled Suliman Mohamed Al Sulmi - Jouf University, KSA
  • 2021 Co-advisor for Master student, Wejdan Hakem Alanzi Cooperated with Dr. Amr Radwan in Jouf University, KSA

Academic Experience


Type of Appointment




Associate Professor

Suez University, Egypt



Membership of Council Faculty of Science

Suez University, Egypt



Associate Professor

Jouf University, KSA.



Assistant Professor

Hail University, KSA.



Chairman of Mathematics Department Council

Faculty of Science, Hail University



Membership of Council Faculty of Science

Hail University



Postdoctoral Fellowship

Kyoto University, Japan



Vice Director

Center of Community Service & Development Environment, Suez Canal University, Egypt



Assistant Professor

Suez Canal University, Egypt




Suez Canal University, Egypt




Suez Canal University, Egypt




Associate Professor

  • Sep. 2016– Present, Suez University, Egypt - Full Time

Assistant Professor

  • April 2006– Aug. 2016, Suez University, Egypt - Full Time


  • June 2002– March 2006, Suez Canal University, Egypt - Full Time


  • Nov.1998– May 2002, Suez Canal University, Egypt - Full Time

Scientific Activities


  • 2020, Oral Presentation, Seminar at Department of Mathematics –Jouf University, KSA - Presented research I conducted for my Promotion.
  • 2014, Workshop, Quality and Academic Accreditation of Saudi Universities Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  • 2014, Workshop, Strategic Planning for Saudi Universities Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  • 2014, Workshop, Preparation, and specification of the curriculum - Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  • 2013, Workshop, Vision, Mission, and Objectives for the Mathematics Program - Presence at University of Hail, KSA.
  • 2013, Reviewer, Fourth scientific conference for students in higher education - Review papers of mathematics in conference – Makah, KSA.
  • 2011, Reviewer, Second scientific conference for students in higher education - Review papers of mathematics in conference – Jeddah, KSA.
  • 2007, Oral Presentation, Seminar at Faculty of Informatics for Graduates –Kyoto University, Japan - Presented research I conducted for my Postdoctoral Fellowship.
  • 2005, Oral Presentation, International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics– Egypt

Main Fields of Interest


  • Convex Analysis
  • Optimality Criteria 
  • Generalized Convex Programming Problems
  • Multi-Objective Programming Problems

Another Email

Scientific Papers

  • T. Emam, Nonsmooth semi-infinite roughly B-invex multi-objective programming problems. Results in Control and Optimization. (11) 2023.
  • T. Emam, Optimality and duality for nonsmooth semi-infinite E-convex multi-objective programming with support functions, Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim., 11 (17), 2020.
  • S.I .Ali; T. Emam; T. Salah, “Some entanglement aspects of two-two level atoms interacting with three modes of electromagnetic fields in finite trio coherent state”, Transylvanian Review, Vol XXVI, No. 28, pp. 7449-7455, 2018.
  • T. Emam, “Optimality for E-[0,1] convex Multi-objective Programming", Filomat Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 529–541, 2017.
  • S. I. Ali; A. M. Mosallem; T. Emam, “Dynamical Properties of Entropy Squeezing and Entanglement for Moving Two-Level Atom and Three Modes of Radiation Fields”, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. Vol. 14, No. 8, pp., 3911–3916, 2017.  
  • A. M. Mosallem; S. I. Ali; T. Emam, “Entanglement of Two Two-Level Atoms and Two Modes of Electromagnetic Field with Stark Shift”, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. Vol. 14, No. 8, pp., 3936–3944, 2017.
  • T. Emam; S.I. Ali, "Norm–Based Approximation in E-[0,1]  Convex Multi-Objective Programming Problems", Calcolo, Vol. 53, pp.723–735, 2016.
  • S. I. Ali; A. M. Mosallem; T. Emam, “Aspects of Entropy Squeezing and Entanglement for Moving Two-Level Atom and Three Modes in Presence of Finite Trio Coherent State”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp.7455–7459, 2016.
  • T. Emam, "Norm–Based Approximation in Invex Multi-Objective Programming Problems ", IJET/IJENS, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1-5, 2014.
  • T. Emam, "Norm–Based Approximation in E-Convex Multi-Objective Programming", Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 103, pp. 161-173, 2012.
  • T. Emam, "Roughly B-invex Multi-Objective Programming Problems", Open Journal of Optimization, Vol. 1, pp. 1-7, 2012.
  • T. Emam, "Roughly B-invex Programming Problems", Calcolo, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 173-188, 2011.
  • T. Emam, "Characterization of Efficient Solutions for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Involving Strong and Generalized Strong E-Convexity ", Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 207-220, 2009.
  • T. Emam, “Method of Centers Algorithm for Multi-Objective Programming Problems”, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.29, Ser.B, No.5, pp. 1128-1142, 2009.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Characterization of Efficient Solutions for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Involving Semi Strongly and Generalized Semi Strongly E-Convexity ", Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.28, Ser.B, No.1, pp.11-20, 2008.
  • T. Emam, “ - Convex Programming Problems”, IL Nuovo Cimento B., Vol. 123, Issue 5, pp. 636-649, 2008.
  • T. Emam, "Roughly B-vex Multi-objective Programming Problems", Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.3, No.2, pp.117-126, 2007.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Strongly E-convex Sets and Strongly E-convex Functions", Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Vol.8, No.1, pp.107-117, 2005.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Semi Strongly E-convex Functions", Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.1, No.1, pp.51-57, 2005.
  • E.A.Youness, and T. Emam, "Optimality Criteria in Strongly E-convex Programming", International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.16, No.3, pp.375-391, 2004.

Publish Date

2/14/2017 12:00:00 AM



Mosallem, A. M., Ali, S.I. and Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2004 12:00:00 AM



Youness, E.A. and Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2005 12:00:00 AM



Youness, E.A. and Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2005 12:00:00 AM



Youness, E.A. and Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2008 12:00:00 AM



Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2011 12:00:00 AM



Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2012 12:00:00 AM



Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2012 12:00:00 AM



Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2014 12:00:00 AM



Tarek Emam

Publish Date

2/14/2016 12:00:00 AM



Tarek Emam and Ali, S.I

Publish Date

2/14/2017 12:00:00 AM



Tarek Emam