Curriculum Vitae (CV)

NAME : Nahla Mahmoud M. Shoukry

POSITION TITLE: Professor of Immunology and Parasitology.







Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt




Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt




Title: Sexual dimorphism in the immune system of tthe snake Psammophis sibilans.

Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt




Title: Susceptible Biomphalaria alexandrina to infection with Schistosoma mansoni from Egypt.

Personal Data:

Name: Nahla Mahmoud Mohamed Shoukry

Rank: Nahla Shoukry.

Date of Birth:11/6/1961

Marital status: Married

Specialization: Professor of Immunology and Parasitology

Nationality: Egyptian

Current position: Former Head of Zoology Department, Professor of Immunology and Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Suez University, Suez.

Address: Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez.

Telephone: 02/27949805 (home)

Mob.: 01001160887

Office: (+2) 062-3666-249. Fax: (+2) 062-3666-247




1983: B.Sc. (distinction), Biology (Zoology), Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

1984-1985: Post graduate studies (Immunology and parasitology branch) in a partial fulfillment of the M.Sc. degree, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

1988: M.Sc. in Zoology (Immunology), Faculty Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

Title: Sexual dimorphism in the immune system of the snake Psammophis  sibilans

1994: Ph.D. in Zoology (Parasitology), Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. The point of Ph.D. awarded a grant from the Schistosomiasis Research Project (The SRP is funded jointly by USAID and the Ministry of Health, Egypt) and my supervisor was Prof. Dr. Edward H. Michelson (Uniformed Services University of the Sciences – Bethesda, Maryland, USA). The training on the practical part was at Naval Medical Research Unit Three (NAMRU-3).

Title: Susceptible Biomphalaria alexandrina to infection with Schistosoma mansoni from Egypt.


Employment History:

October-1989: Principal Investigator (PI) of the Schistosomiasis Research Project (The SRP is funded jointly by USAID and the Ministry of Health, Egypt) in Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University.

1995-1998: Scientific Organizer and supervisor of parasitology Section in Micro technique lab, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University.

2000 -2007: Lecturer of Zoology, Faculty of Education, Biological science Department, Suez Canal University, Suez.

Oct.2007: Assistant professor of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Suez Canal University, Suez.

Nov.2007: Pass pre-trial session of Basic Training Skills TOT at Cairo University.

2007: I am essential trainer in the National Centre for Faculty and Leadership Development (NCFLD), No. membership:C240

March 2014: Professor of Immunology and Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Suez University, Suez.

September 2015- September 2018: Head of Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez.

September 2019- September 2020: Head of Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez.

June 2022- 2025: Member of the National Committee for Biological Sciences.

June 2022- 2025: A certified reviewer from the Supreme Council of Universities.

Research projects:

Principle investigator of project Number:25649 (STDF); (2018- 2021).

Title: Immunological and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Asthma in an Experimental Animal Model.

Teaching Experiences (name of courses of under- students):

               I. Bachelor's  Students: 

  1. Immunology I.
  2. Immunology II.
  3. Parasitology course.
  4. Invertebrate course.
  5. Introduction of immunology and parasitology course. 

II. Postgraduate Students:

  • Academic year/ Level: Pre-Master. Degree in Invertebrates, Parasitology and Immunology Branch - Helwan University (2010).
  • Diploma of Vital Laboratory Analyses- Suez University (2015-2018).
  • Pre-master Degree in Invertebrates and Parasitology (2020-2021).
  • Pre-master Degree of Immunology (2022-2023).
  • Pre-master Degree of Immunology (2023-2024).
  1. Basic Immunology.  2. Immunoparasitology   3. Invertebrate biology.
  1. Medical Parasites and Control.  5. Biology of Protozoa.  6. Biology of Helminthes. 7. Parasitological diagnosis.  8. Immunity of Invertebrates and parasites. 9. Ecology of parasites. 10. Applied Immunology.  11. Immuno-diagnosis. 12. Immune system Diseases

Research  Interest:

    • Immunology,             
    • Immunoparasitology, 
    • Stem cells and            
    • Parasitology.





I. M.Sc.Thesis Supervision: 

     1. Anatomical, morphological and biological studies on some freshwater gastropods from Egypt. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, Helwan University for the partial fulfillment of the Master Degree. [2005]

  1. Ecological studies of Leishmaniasis vectors and the reservoir host(s) in some areas in Suez Governorate. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University for the partial fulfillment of the Master Degree. [2004]
  2. Serological and Histopathological Studies on Diagnosis of Hydatidosis. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, Helwan University for the partial fullfiment of the Master Degree. [2010]
  3. Evaluation of the Biological Effects of the Egyptian Scorpion venom Androctonus amoreuxi using Murine Models. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University for the partial fulfillment of the Master Degree. [2011]
  4. The Efficacy of Silver Nanoparticles and Lactoferrin in treatment of immunocompromised murine cryptosporidiosis. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, Suez University for the partial fulfillment of the Master Degree. [ 2022]

II. Ph.D. Thesis Supervision:

  1. Histopathological and Histochemical Studies on The Effect of Androctonus amoreuxi Scorpion venom on Some Mice Organs . Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Suez University, Suez. [2013]
  2. Immunomodulatory and Molecular Mechanisms of FGF2 Effect on Bleomycin Induced Lung Injury and Pulmonary Fibrosis. [2015]
  3. Effects of Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Biofloc Systems on the Growth and Immunological Functions in the Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Suez Canal University, Ismailia. [2016]
  4. Molecular and biological investigation of family mugilidae along selected sits of the Egyptian coastal waters. Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Suez University, Suez. [2016].
  5. Potential Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Ashwagandha Roots Extract in Freund's Adjuvant   Induced   Rheumatoid   Arthritis   in   Rats.    Faculty of            Science,  Zoology Department, Suez University, Suez. [2019].
  6. Molecular characterization of cytotoxic and immunogenic effects of Smp24 scorpion venom peptide on cancer cell lines. Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Suez University, Suez. [2021].

Reviewer and External Examiner ( Some Examples):

Authorized references in the American Journal “Frontiers Immunology IF.4.019” and a Review Editor for Stem Cell Research in the Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology Journal” .

On July 24, 2011, I review the manuscript (AJPP-11-360) to African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. ISSN 1996-0816 (ISI INDEXED JOURNAL; On July 24, 2011, I review the manuscript IMPACT FACTOR 0.667).

On Apr 10, 2014, I review the manuscript titled as (In vivo antioxidant and genotoxic evaluation of an enaminone derivative BDHQ combined with praziquantel in uninfected and Schistosoma mansoni infected mice) that was sent for possible publication in Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science.

  On Sep 19, 2014, I review the manuscript titled as" Long-term effects of Tramadol, Acetaminophen and Tramacet on biochemical and immunological changes in an experimental model" that was sent for possible publication in Journal Human and Experimental Toxicology.

2015, I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University. General Specialization Zoology (Parasitology).

2016, I review the manuscript titled as “ COMMIPHORA LEPTOPHLOEOS PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANTIMICROBIAL CHARACTERIZATION” Authors: Jorge José De Souza Pereira, Aline de Paula Caetano Pereira, JANNYSON JOSÉ BRAZ JANDÚ, Josinete Angela Paz,Sergio Crovella, Maria Tereza dos Santos Correia, Jaqueline de Azevêdo Silva. that was sent for possible publication in Journal: Frontiers in Microbiology, section Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy.

2016, I participated as an external Examiner of three Master theses in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University. General Specialization Zoology (Immunology).

2016, I participated as an external Examiner of Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University. General Specialization Zoology (Immunology).

2017, I participated as an external Examiner of Ph.D. Degree in Zoology (Immunology), in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University.

January- 2018, I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Biotechnology, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University.

March- 2018, I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Immunology.Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University.

September- 2018, I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Zoology (Immunology), in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University.

November- 2018, I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Zoology (Immunology), in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Tanta University.

October- 2018, I review the manuscript titled as “THE miRNA 361-3p, A REGULATOR OF GZMB AND TNF IS ASSOCIATED WITH THERAPEUTIC FAILURE AND LONGER TIME   HEALING   OF   CUTANEOUS   LEISHMANIASIS   CAUSED   BY   L.   (VIANNIA) BRAZILIENSIS”. Authors: Tainã Souza Lago, Juliana Almeida Silva, Ednaldo Lima Lago, Edgar M Carvalho, Dalila Lucíola Zanette and Léa Cristina De Carvalho Castellucci. that was sent for possible publication  in Journal: Frontiers in Immunology - Microbial Immunology.

Jun-2019, I review the manuscript titled as “ AiP1, a Protein from the Coelomic Fluid of Sea star Astropecten indicus Promotes Wound Healing and Fibrinogenolysis in vitro”. Authors: Mansi Baveja, M.E. Biotechnology; Angshuman Sarkar, PhD; Sukanta Mondal, PhD; Jigni Pathan, PhD; Dibakar Chakrabarty, Ph.D. that was sent for possible publication in The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology.

* In 2020, I review the manuscript number:JBAZ-D-20-00127 titled as: Parasitological and Epidemiological Studies of Wuchereria bancrofti in Imobi, Ijebu East, Local Government Area of Ogun State, South Western, Nigeria.

            * In 2020, I review the manuscript number: JBAZ-D- 20-00260 titled as: Temporal morphometric analyses of Pila globosa in India for its use in aquaculture and

food industry. Authors: Falguni Panda, Samar Gourav Pati, Abhipsa Bal, Shivangi Mathur, Ramalingam Nirmaladevi, Biswaranjan Paital.

* December- 2020, I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Zoology (Immunology), in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University. Title of the Thesis: Immunomodulatory effects of treatment to experimental lung asthma" Immunomodulatory effects of treatment to experimental lung asthma.

           * In 2021, I review the manuscript number: JBAZ-D- 21-00084 titled as: May cell mediated immunity pave the road for hydatid cyst loss of fertility? Authors: Enas A  El Saftawy, MD, Cairo University Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine; Amr Abdelraouf, MD , National Hepatology and Tropical Medicine Research Institute (NHTMRI); Noha Madbouly Taha, M. D. , Cairo University Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine.

* September- 2021; I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Zoology (Immunology), in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University. Title of the Thesis: Assessment of Immunological, Parasitological and Histopathological Parameters after Treatment with Nitazoxanide and Allium sativum (garlic) Against Murine Cryptosporidiosis.

* September- 2021; I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Zoology (Immunology), in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University. Title of the Thesis: Evaluation of inflammatory cytokines during mesenchymal stem cell therapy in type 1 and type 2 diabetic rats.

* December- 2022; I participated as an external Examiner of Master thesis in Zoology (Immunology), in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University. Title of the Thesis: Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Activities of some Naphthoquinone Compounds in Murine Schistosomiasis.

* March- 2023; An arbitrator to examine the papers of a faculty member applying for promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor, affiliated with The Permanent Scientific Committee for Promotion to the rank of Professor and Assistant Professor - Zoology and Entomology (49).

* September- 2023; I have been nominated as one of the referees to evaluate the research work of a faculty member of Jeddah University, who has submitted his work for promotion to the rank of professor, in the field of " Zoology – Biology ”, affiliated with The Permanent Committee for Academic Promotion- KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA- Ministry of Education- Secretariat Academic Council's.

               Books and scientific literature:

Ive participated in writing a chapter 4 "STEM CELL BIOLOGY: FLIES AS MODELS AND EXAMPLES". Nahla M. Shoukry (Corresponding author e-mail. ) For a book "Developmental and Stem Cell Biology in Health and Disease" Compiled and edited by Ahmed El Hashash, PhD; at Benthan Science which is an established international publisher of quality & online Journals & books covering varied disciplines of science, eISBN: 978-1-68108-219-6. ISBN: 978-1-68108- 220-2 (2016). enquiry/D6/D6FC00022/

Membership in academies and societies:

1. Board member and treasurer of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology (Index Medicus ISSN: 0253-5890).

2. Active member of the Egyptian Association For Cancer Research.

            3. Active member of the Egyptian Society of Zoology.

            4. An active member in the Egyptian Society for Biosciences Advancement.

            5. Editor in The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology

            6. Active member of the English Egyptian Society of Zoology.

           7. Active member of the Egyptian Society of natural toxins.

           8. Active member of the Egyptian Society for Basic Sciences.

           9. A current member in the Malacological Society of Japan.

          10. Member of the National Committee for Biological Sciences 2022-2025 (Academy of Scientific Research for Science and Technology)

Conferences Attended and activities:

* Ive attended 1st International Science Conference (Science & Sustainability) at 17th- 18th  October 2023, Faculty of Science, Helwan University.

* I’ve participated as one of the organizing committee of the international conference entitled” Science and Research Diplomacy for Climate Action and Sustainable Future in the Pandemic and Post Pandemic Era” to be held in National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt on February 07-09, 2023.

 * Ive attended and active participate in the second International (4th) Annual Scientific Conference of Gerontological Nursing Department: Aging and Climate Change at 11th December, 2022, Zagazig University, Egypt. By a lecture entitled “CLIMATE CHANGES INCREASE IN ALLERGIES, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES AND AUTISM OF ELDERLY PEOPLE”. 

* Ive participated as A Chairperson / Speaker in The 35th Annual Congress Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, 7th International Congress “ Reality and Ambition in Advanced Medicine “ 3-6 March 2020. Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.

        * I,ve participated with a lecture entitled: "Oncogenic Parasites Immune-Mechanisms" in the Annual International Conference of (EACR). Anti-Cancer Drug  Discovery (ACDD- 2019). Tanta University Convention Center, Egypt, April 21-22, 2019.

            * I,ve attended the International conference on recent applications in medical sciences (ICRAMS). Al Azhar conferences center 1 February 2019.

        * I,ve attended and active participation by lecture entitled: “Effects of Aging on the immune system” at the 2nd Annual Scientific Conference of Gerontological Nursing Department. “Healthcare Challenges For The Elderly”.23rd October, 2018- Faculty of Nursing-Zagazig University,Egypt.

       * I,ve visit Dr. Robert Guzy, MD, PhD laboratory in the Department of Medicine, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Chicago, USAin March 2018. The purpose of my visit will be to review the research progress of my PhD student, Lamis El-Baz, and to discuss continued joint research and academic cooperation between our departments and laboratories.

  • I,ve attended the workshop entitled: “Molecular Biology Techniques In Immunology” which was held at the Medical Technology Center From ( 30th January to 2nd February) 2017, Alexandria University.
  • I,ve participate as a speaker in the 1st Scinentific Conference at The faculty of applied medical sciences- October 6 University " New in Integrative medicine". Entitled "The immune system is defense body mechanism" on 2016/12/7 at October 6 University Library.
  • I,ve completed the arrangement and supervision the workshop entitled: " Safe use of experimental animals and their applications in scientific publishing" which held on Monday, Marc h 21th, 2016 at Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez.
  • I have completed the requirements of the Leadership Program which held in Ain Shams University in Cairo. From 15- 20 November 2015.

* I,ve attended the workshop entitled: How to Establish your IACUC? Which was held in the Faculty of Science, Cairo University on 21/05/2015. Under the auspices of Egyptian German Society of Zoology in collaboration with the Institutional Animals Care and Use Committee in Faculty of Science - Cairo University.

  • I have attended and actively participated in "The 30th Annual Congress ( 2nd international Multidisciplinary Medicine Era II). 1st Scientific Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology. 5th May, 2015 Tanta University , Egypt.
  • I,ve successfully completed all requirements for "BioNat International Workshop: Natural Products in Health and Diseases". Cairo-Egypt, 2 March 2015. Under the auspices of The Euro-Mediterranean Association of Life Sciences (EMALS).
  • I,ve participated in Annual Conference of Egyptian-American Scientists Association ( Egypt: Challenges and Opportunities Toward a Brighter Future) at Cairo University, Conference Center, Cairo, Egypt. December 24-25, 2014.

* I,ve participated in The 8th Annual Scientific Conference of Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University" Nursing challenges in Qualification and Professionalism" 10th November 2014 .

  • I have attended the 1st ANNUAL MEETING of MEACR: Cancer Research from Bench to Clinic. TANTA UNIVERSITY, TANTA, EGYPT, 27-28 December, 2011.
  • I,ve participated in the 19th Annual Conference of Egyption German Society of Zoology that was held in the Faculty of Science, Beni Suef University 2-3 May 2011.
  • I,ve actively participated in the Scientific Activities of the Sixth Annual Conference of Department of Hepatology, Gastro-entrology and Tropical Medicine under the theme “ New Prospects in Management and Prophylaxis of Hepatic and Gastro” That was held in Al-Azhar Conference Center- Nasr City – Cairo, Saturday 31July 2010.
  • I have attended the 25th Annual Conference of Tanta Faculty of Medicine under the theme “ Enviromnmental Pollution and Human Health”. From Mar.31, to Apr. 2, 2010.
  • I have attended ISC International Conference “Emerging Zoonotic Diseases”. Cairo, Egypt; 15-17 October 2009.
  • I,ve actively participated in the 16th Zagazig Annual Medical Conference, under the theme “ Sustainability of Environmental Development and Health Promotion “Future Vision” that was held in the Faculty of Medicine - Scientific Center, New Surgery Hospital, through 22-25 March, 2009.
  • I,ve participated in the 3rd International Conference of The Egyption Society of Natural Toxins, Cairo-Egypt 16-18 December 2008.
  • I,ve participated in the 16th Annual Conference of Egyption German Society of Zoology that was held in the Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University 5-9 March 2006.
  • I attended the 13th Zagazig Annual Medical Conference that was held in the Faculty of that was held in the Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, through November 21-24, 2005 .
  • I,ve participated in the 24th Annual Conference of Egyption Society of Basic Medical Sciences that was held in Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, 14 April 2005.
  • I attended the Egyption Association for the study of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases (EASGLD). 4th Annual Congress 1-3 March 2005 Cairo Marriott Hotel.

*I attended the 3th International Conference of the Egyption British Biological Society that was held in Environmental Research Center, ST.Katherine. Suez Canal University, 3-5 September 2004.

Use of Computer :

  • Word Processing.
  • Using the Computer and Managing Files.
  • Presentation.
  • Information and Communication.

*The list of published research articles:

  1. Abdel Hakim Saad and Nahla Shoukry (1988): Sexual dimorphism in the immune system of the snake Pasammophis sibilance.Immunobiol., vol.177, pp. 404-419
  2. Shoukry,NM, El-Assal,FM, Soliman,GN, and Mansour,NS (1997): Susceptibility of three successive snail generation from positive and negative laboratory bred Biomphalaria alexandrina from different localities in Egypt to infection with Schistosoma mansoni from Giza. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 27(2): 317-329.
  3. El-Assal, FM, Shoukry, NM, Mansour NS and Soliman, GN (1997): Infection of laboratory bred Biomphalaria alexandrina from Giza and Alexandria Governorates of Egypt in relation to snail size and the number of the number of miracidia penetrated. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol.,27(3): 739-754.
  4. Faiza M. El. assal, Nahla M. Shoukry, Mirhan H. Abdalla & Abd El-Hakim Saad (2001): Cellular response to Schistosoma mansoni infection in Biomphalaria alexandrina strains selected for susceptibility and resistance. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 31(3): 915-938.
  5. Nahla M. Shoukry and Abdel-hakim Saad (2004): Melanomacrophage aggregations in parasite-infected toads, Bufo regularis. Egyption Journal of Biology , vol. 6, PP103-110.
  6. Mostafa H. El-Naggar, Nahla M. Shoukry, Belal A. Soliman, Ahmed B. Darwish and Bahira M. El- Sawaf (2006): Ecology, Biology and susceptibility of Phlebotomus papatasi to Leishmania experimental infection in Suez Governorate. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 36 (1): 127-138.
  7. Nahla M. Shoukry, Mostafa H. El-Naggar, Ahmed B. Darwish, Belal A. Soliman and Bahira M. El- Sawaf (2006): Studies on rodents role as reservoir hosts of leishmaniasis with specical reference to their ectoparasites in Suez Governorate. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 36 (1): 93-106.
  8. Mohammad A. El-Kadi , AHMAD O. Dorrah and NAHLA M. Shoukry (2006) : Patients with gastrointestinal complains due to enteric parasites, with reference to Entamoeba histolytica / dispar as detcted by ELISA E. histolytica adhesion in stool . J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. , 36 (1): 53-64.
  9. Fawzy M.A. Ragab and Nahla M. Shoukry (2006) :Influence of certain fertilizers on the activity of some molluscicdes agatnst Biomphalaria alexandrina and Lymnaea natalensis snails. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 36 (3): 959-977.
  10. Nahla M. Shoukry (2006): Effect of Commiphora molmol on Bithynia connollyi with special reference to their morphology and medical importance. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. , 36 (2): 701-714.
  11. Nahla M. Shoukry (2006) : Apoptosis in parasite - infected clams, Ruditapes decussatus.. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 51(A):29-45.
  12. Nahed M. M. Ismail and Nahla M. M. Shoukry (2007): Laboratory studies on the effect of magnetic technologies on some biological parameters of Biomphalaria alexandrina in Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 37(1):275-286
  13. Nahla M. Shoukry (2007): Cellular response of the snail Physa acuta to infection with Urosporidium sp. (Sporozoa-Haplosporidia). Egypt. J. Zool., 48:45-66.
  14. Aly A. Hassan, Nahla M. Shoukary and Nahed M. M. Ismail (2008): Efficacy of temperature, and two commonly used molluscicides and fertilizers on Fasciola gigantica eggs. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 38 (3): 621-634
  15. Aly Awad A. Hassan, Nahla M. Shoukry, Mona El-Motayam and Ayman T.A. Morsy (2008): Efficacy of five chemicals on Fasciola gigantica encysted metacercariae infectivity. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 38 (3): 919-928
  16. Nahla M. Shoukry, Hamdy A. Dawoud and Fouad M. Haridy (2009): Studies on zoonotic Cryptosporidiosis parvum in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 39 (2): 479- 488.
  17. Bothina R. El-Gzamy and , Nahla M. Shoukry (2009): Identification of Egyption Fasciola Species by PCR and restriction endonucleases digestion of the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 39 (2): 429- 438.


  1. Fouad M. Haridy, Nahla M. Shoukry , Aly Awad Hassan and Tosson A. Morsy(2009): ELISA-Seroprovalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Draught Horses in Greater CAIRO, Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 39 (3): 821- 826


  1. Said A.M. Mazyad, Nahla M. Shoukry and Nadia M. El-Alfy (2010): Efficacy of Ixodes ricinus as a vector of zoonotic Babesiosis in Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 40 (2): 499 - 514


  1. Nahla M. Shoukry and Tosson A. Morsy (2011): Arthropod Borne Diseases at Toshka, Upper Egypt. World Journal of Zoology 6 (2): 126-133.
  2. Mona F. Khalil, Nahla M. Shoukry and Tosson A. Morsy (2011): Corvus R. Ruficollis (Desert or Brown necked Raven): A reservoir host for zoonotic parasites in Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 41 (3), 2011: 1 – 12.
  3. Nahla M. Shoukry, Mohamed A. Elwan, Tosson A. Morsy (2012): Aedes aegypti(LINNAEUS) re-emerging in Southern Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 42 (1): 41 – 50.
  4. Gehad T. El-Sherbini and Nahla M. Shoukry (2012): In vitro Effect of Pomegranate Peel Extract on Trichomonas tenax. Life Science Journal, 2012;(9)3. (ISSN: 1097-8135; Impact Factor 2010: 0.158).
  5. A.F. Hamdy, Ominia E. Kilany, Mahmoud E. Mohallal, Belal A. Soliman, Nahla M. Shoukry and Howayda .s. khaled (2012): Clinicopathological investigations on mice evnenomed with Scorpion venom (Androctonus amoreuxi).J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 42(3), 2012: 515 – 524.
  6. Belal A. Soliman, Nahla M. Shoukry , Mahmoud E. Mohallal, Hamdy A. W.Fetaih and Howayda .s. khaled (2013): Histology, histochemistry and fine structure of the venom apparatus in the scorpion Androctonus amoreuxi (Buthiadae). The Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology. Article Number: 50
  7. Mohamed L. Salem, Nahla M. Shoukry, Abdel-Aziz A. Zidan and John Vournakis (2013): Immunomodulatory effects of IL-12 released from poly-N-acetyl glucosamine gel matrix during schistosomiasis infection. Cytotechnology (Impact Factor: 1.31) International Journal of Cell Culture and Biotechnology) DOI 10.1007/s10616-013-9620-0


  1. Hamdy A. Fetaih, Nahla M. Shoukry, Belal A. Soliman, Mahmoud E. Mohallal, and Howayda .s. khaled ( 2013): Histopathological changes in liver of mice after experimental envenomation with Androctonus amoreuxi Scorpion venom . J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 43(2), 2013: 447 – 456.
  2. Nahla M. Shoukry (2013): Macoma edentula hemocytes as biomarkers of environmental quality. Egypt. J. Zool. Vol.(60), December 2013.
  3. Mohamed L. Salem, Nahla M. Shoukry, Wafaa K. Teleb, Mohamed M. Abdel Daim and Mohamed A. Abdel-Rahman (2016): In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of the Egyptian scorpion Androctonus amoreuxi venom in an Ehrlich ascites tumor model. Springer Plus 2016 5:570 DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-2269-3 Received: 4 November 2015- Accepted: 3 May 2016 - Published: 10 May 2016

  1. Hyun Young Koo, Lamis M.F. El-Baz, Stacey L. House, Sarah N. Cilvik, Nahla M. Shoukry, Mohamed L. Salem , Hani S. Hafez, Nickolai Dulin, David M. Ornitz, and Robert D. Guzy (2018): Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 decreases bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis through inhibition of fibroblast collagen production. The Journal of Pathology. DOI: 10.1002/path.5106. IF:6.894
  2. Nahla M. Shoukry, Mohamed L. Salem, Wafaa K. Teleb, Mohamed M. Abdel Daim, Mohamed A. Abdel-Rahman (2020): Evaluation of analgesic, antipyretic and anti- inflammatory effects of the Egyptian scorpion venom Androctonus amoreuxi. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology . volume 81, Article number: 56
  3. Lamis M.F. El-Baz, Nahla M. Shoukry, Robert D. Guzy, Hani S. Hafez and Mohamed L. Salem (2020): Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Augments Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Lung Cell Culture Model. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. Aug 25; 19 (4): 348-361. doi:10.18502/ijaai.v19i4.4110.
  4. LMF El-Baz, N Shoukry, H Hafez, RD Guzy, ML Salem (2020): Experimental mouse model of Bleomycin-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis. International Journal of Cancer and Biomedical Research. 4 (1), 1-9
  5. Tosson A. Morsy, Nahla M. Shoukry and Mahmoud A. Fouad (2020): JELLYFISH STINGS: COMPLICATIONS AND MANAGEMENT. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. (JESP), 50(1), 2020: 270 - 280
  6. Aya S. Hussain, Deyaaedin A. Mohammad, Wafaa S. Sallam, Nahla M. Shoukry and D. Allen Davis (2021): Effects of culturing the Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei in “biofloc” vs “synbiotic” systems on the growth and immune system. Aquaculture 542 (2021) 736905. IF: 4.242

36. Lamis M.F. El-Baz , Samah M. Elaidy , Hani S. Hafez and Nahla M. Shoukry (2022):  Vismodegib, a sonic hedgehog signaling blockade, ameliorates ovalbumin and ovalbumin /lipopolysaccharide-induced airway inflammation and asthma phenotypical models. Life Sciences. Volume 310, 1

37. Howayda E. Khaled, Joliet Ayad Hanna Kamel, Ahmed Bahaa Eldin Darwesh, Nagui Hassan Fares, Nahla Mahmoud M. Shoukry (2022): Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Withania Somnifera Root Extract in Complete Freund′S Adjuvant-Induced Arthritis in Male Albino Rats. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine. Vol. 89 (2), Page 7997- 8003.

38. Howayda E. Khaled, Joliet Ayad Hanna Kamel, Nahla Mahmoud M. Shoukry, Ahmed Bahaa Eldin Darwesh1, Nagui Hassan Fares (2022): Therapeutic Potential of Withania somnifera Extract on Experimental Model of Arthritisin Rats: Histological Study. Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology. Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 1-123




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  1. Suez   University   Publication   Awards (2016-2018):  for  high publication activity in scientific journals.
  2. Suez University Publication Awards (2020): for high publication activity in scientific journals.
  3. Best  Scientific  Poster  Award  at   the Suez  Scientific  Students Conference (2019).
  4. Suez University Publication Awards (2022): for high publication activity in scientific journals.