Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Prof. Yasser Amoun Ahmed Sharaby

 B.Sc, M.Sc & Ph. D

 Associate Prof. of theoretical Physics

 Date of birth : 2- 8- 1969

 E-mail address:  




Telephone : (02) 01276113693

Fax: (062) 23666247

Address for correspondence: Egypt, Menoufia, Sheiben el Koom, Sabry abou alam. Hamdy Kandel towers, 506 tower el massa.  

Nationality: Egyptian.

Religion: Muslim.

Major field: Computational theoretical physics (Nonlinear Optics and quantum optics).

Associate Professor of Physics on 26/7/2012.

Professor of Theoretical Physics on 17/10/2019.

...Courses taught by

Properties of matter – Heat – Electricity and magnetism - Geometric Optics - Waves and sound - Physical Optics - Thermodynamics - Atomic Physics - Mathematical Physics- Electromagnetic theory – Advanced electrodynamics – Advanced Optics - Laser science- Advanced quantum mechanics - Electrodynamics - Quantum mechanics - Physical electronics - Special theory of relativity - Statistical physics – Spectroscopy  –Advanced opticsLaser physics- general Physics 1 – Vector calculus. Advanced Electrodynamics – Advanced quantum mechanics – optical properties of nano-materials- Advanced Statistical physics. 

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

  1. S. S. Hassan and Y. A. Sharaby, ‘Critical slowing down in a bistable model with squeezed vacuum environment, Eur. Phys. J. D 30 (2004) 393, DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2004-00107-2.
  2. Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan and S. M. A. Maize, Mesoscopic multistability with two-photon atomic system, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 33 (2005) 1.

(3) S. S. Hassan and Y. A. Sharaby, Mesoscopic multistability with atomic coherence, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 7 (2005) 682, doi:10.1088/1464-4266/7/12/034.

(4) Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan and S. M. A. Maize, Squeezed vacuum and transverse field effects in a three-level bistable model, International journal of modern physics B 20 (2006) 1629. doi:10.1142/S0217979206034169

(5) Y. A. Sharaby, Switching effects in a three-level model with a squeezed vacuum, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 38 (2008) 55.

(6) S. M. A. Maize, G. Ibrahim and Y. A. Sharaby, Dynamics of Three-level Optical Model, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 38 (2008) 67.

(7) Y. A. Sharaby and S. S. Hassan, Dispersive Switching in Mesoscopic Multistable Systems, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (JNOPM), 17 (2008) 339.

(8) S. S. Hassan and Y. A. Sharaby, Mesoscopic multistability without rotating wave approximation, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 175502. DOI 10.1088/0953-4075/41/17/175502

(9) Y. A. Sharaby, Mesoscopic multistability with atomic coherence effects in a three-level system, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics  41 (2010) 105.

(10) Y. A. Sharaby, A. Joshi, and S. S. Hassan, Optical bistability without rotating wave approximation, Phys. Lett. A 374 (2010) 2188.

(11) Y. A. Sharaby and S. S. Hassan, Off-resonance and phase mis-matched effects in a Four-wave mixing model, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 41 (2010) 305.

(12) Y. A. Sharaby, A. Joshi, and S. S. Hassan, Coherent population transfer in V-shape atomic system, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 22 (2013) 1350044.

(13) H. Batarfi,  Y. A. Sharaby and S. S. Hassan, Coherence effects in mesoscopic higher harmonic multistability,  Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 21 (2012) 1250043. DOI: 10.1142/S0218863512500439

(14) S.S. Hassan, Y.A. Sharaby, M.F.M. Ali, A. Joshi, Optical Bistabilities of Higher Harmonics: Inhomogeneous and Transverse Effects, Phys. Lett. A  376 (2012) 3555.

(15) Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan and A. Joshi, Critical slowing down with bistable higher harmonics, Optics Comm. 311 (2013) 389.

(16) Y. A. Sharaby, S. Lynch, A. Joshi and S. S. Hassan, Bistable dynamics beyond rotating wave approximation, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 23 (2014) 1450019.

(17) S. S. Hassan , Y. A. Sharaby, M. F. M. Ali and F. N. M. Al-Showaikh, Inhomogeneous and transverse effects on critical slowing down with bistable higher harmonics, Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics 46 (2014) 35.

(18) A. Joshi, Yasser A. Sharaby, Shoukry S. Hassan, Temperature-induced optical bistability with Kerr-nonlinear blackbody reservoir, Optics Communications 359 (2016) 387.

(19) Y.A. Sharaby, S. Lynch and S.S. Hassan, Inhomogeneous and transverse field effects on time delayed optical bistability inside and outside the rotating wave approximation, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 25 (2016) 1650021.

(20) Y. A. Sharaby, S .S. Hassan, S. Lynch, Critical slowing down in an Optical bistable model with Kerr-nonlinear blackbody reservoir, Optik 127 (2016) 10195.

(21) Yasser A. Sharaby, Inhomogeneous Broadening Effects on Optical Bistability with Kerr-nonlinear Blackbody Reservoir, Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, 48 (2016) 79.

(22) Y. A. Sharaby, Dynamics of Optical Bistability with Kerr-nonlinear Blackbody Radiation Reservoir, Commun. Theor. Phys. 67 (2017) 435. DOI 10.1088/0253-6102/67/4/435

(23) Y.A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan, Bistable higher harmonics in a hybrid optomechanical system, Optics Comm. 418 (2018) 51.

(24) Y. A. Sharaby and S. S. Hassan, Intrinsic Optical Bistability with Different Radiation Reservoirs, Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics 51 (2019) 147-160.

(25) M. M.  El-Desoky, M. M. Abdulrazek, Y.A. Sharaby, Fabrication and electrical properties of reduced graphene oxide doped nanocrystalline vanadium pentoxide films, Materials Science and Engineering: B 261 (2020) 114676.

(26) M. M.  El-Desoky, M. M. Abdulrazek, Y. A. Sharaby, Characterization and optical properties of reduced graphene oxide doped nano-crystalline vanadium pentoxide, Optical and Quantum Electronics 52 (2020) 1-27. DOI: 10.1007/s11082-020-02430-5

(27) Vibrational spectra of calcium vanadyl phosphate hydrate mineral (sincosite): Raman and infrared spectroscopy, Kharbish, S.Sharaby, Y.A., Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52 (2021) 1176–1184.


(28) Electro-Optic Switching in a Double Quantum Dot Injected with a Squeezed Vacuum Field, Y. Amoun, I. Kandil, A. Ahmed, Journal of Russian Laser Research 42 (2021), 512-522. DOI: 10.1007/s10946-021-09989-8



  1. H. A. Batarfi, Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan, Ccs2012, 4th International Interdisciplinary “Chaos Symposium on chaos and complex systems”, April 29 – May 02, 2012, – Topkapi Palace, Kundu – Antalya, Turkey- D27(15:10-15:30) -“Coherent effects in mesoscopic multistability without rotating wave approximation”, H. A. Batarfi, Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan.
  2. S. S. Hassan,  Amitabh Joshi, Y. A. Sharaby, “Optical Bistability beyond Rotating Wave Approximation” , Rochester Conferences on “Coherence and Quantum Optics (CQO) and Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) meeting”, University of Rochester, June 17-20, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-55752-978-3. The inernational conference on formulation and controlling the future for sustainability and green world 5 12 2022

Academic Post

استاذ بقسم الفيزياء تخصص فيزياء نظرية فى 4/8/2018 وموافقة مجلس الجامعة 17/10/2018.

Scientific Committees

Arbitrator in the permanent scientific committee for the promotion of professors and assistant professors of physics


  1. B. Sc.  Physcis (1990) with very good degree, faculty of Science, Menoufia University.
  2. M. Sc. (1998) under title “Two-photon optical bistability in Fabry-Perot cavity” , faculty of Science, Menoufia University.
  3. Ph. D (2004) under the title “Optical bistability with squeezed light and mesoscopic systems”, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University.
  4. Associate Professor of Physics on 26/7/2012.
  5. Professor of Theoretical Physics on 17/10/2019.

Academic Qualifications

  1. B. Sc.  Physcis (1990) with very good degree, faculty of Science, Menoufia University.
  2. M. Sc. (1998) under title “Two-photon optical bistability in Fabry-Perot cavity” , faculty of Science, Menoufia University.
  3. Ph. D (2004) under the title “Optical bistability with squeezed light and mesoscopic systems”, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University.
  4. Associate Professor of Physics on 26/7/2012.
  5. Professor of Theoretical Physics on 17/10/2019.

Training Courses

Administrative experience in KSA

  • Coordinator of Mathematics Department for the period 1/4/2009 to 1/4/2010 Al-Kharj University, Saudi Arabia.
  • Coordinator of Research and Projects Unit for the period 1/4/2010 to 1/4/2014. University of Al - Kharj Saudi Arabia.
  •  Member of the Deanship of Scientific Research Council for the period 1/4/2011 to 1/4/2013 Al-Kharj University Saudi Arabia.


Training courses

First: Training for Associate Prof.

1. “Code of Ethics in Universities”, College of Education, Suez-Canal university, Suez. 3-5/7/2005.

2. “Effective Presentation Skills” Development center faculty members and leaders - Menoufia University, 26-28/7/2009.

3. “Scientific Publications” Development center faculty members and leaders - Menoufia University, 2-4/8/2009.

4. “The ethics of scientific research” Capacity Development Center - Suez Canal University 20-21/7/2010.

5. “The research team” Capacity Development Center - Suez Canal University 24-25/7/2010.

6. “The quality standards in teaching process” Capacity Development Center - Suez Canal University 27-28/7/2010.

Second: Training courses in Saudia 

7. “Programs and courses soecifications reports and programme self study”, Salman bin Abdalaziz University, KSA, 3-4/12/2011.

8. “Programs and courses specifications reports” Al-Kharj University, KSA, 28-29/3/2011.

9. “The first symposium on teaching basic science (STBS)”, Salman bin Abdalaziz University, KSA, 6/3/2012.

10. “Quality insurance and programme”, National Commission for Acedamic Accreditation&Assessment, 30-1/11/2010 KSA.

11. “Swat analysis for Al-Kharje University From view point of staff members”, 11/1/2011 (KSA).

12. “self-study programs” For Salman bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharje,  25/9/2013 KSA.

Third: Training courses for Professor.

13.  “The ethics of scientific research” Capacity Development Center - Suez University 13-14/11/2017.

14. “Exam systems and evaluation of students” Capacity Development Center - Suez University 11-12/12/2017

15. “Time management and meetings” Capacity Development Center - Suez University 25-26/12/2017.

16. “Organizing scientific conferences” Capacity Development Center - Suez University 12-13/2/2018.

17. “Quality standards in the educational process” Capacity Development Center - Suez University 19-20/2/2018.

18. "Effective Presentation Skills", Capacity Development Center - Suez University 23-24/4/2018.

19 The “Unified Program for Nomination for the Position of College Dean” program during the session that was held from 1/3/2022 AD to 1/6/2022 AD at the Faculty of Science in Suez - Suez University

Employment / Fellowships

  1. Assisen Lecturer.  Physcis (1998).
  2. Lecturer Ph. D (2004) .
  3. Associate Professor of Physics on 26/7/2012.
  4. Professor of Theoretical Physics on 17/10/2019.

Scientific Conferences & Workshops


  1. H. A. Batarfi, Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan, Ccs2012, 4th International Interdisciplinary “Chaos Symposium on chaos and complex systems”, April 29 – May 02, 2012, – Topkapi Palace, Kundu – Antalya, Turkey- D27(15:10-15:30) -“Coherent effects in mesoscopic multistability without rotating wave approximation”, H. A. Batarfi, Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan.
  2. S. S. Hassan,  Amitabh Joshi, Y. A. Sharaby, “Optical Bistability beyond Rotating Wave Approximation” , Rochester Conferences on “Coherence and Quantum Optics (CQO) and Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) meeting”, University of Rochester, June 17-20, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-55752-978-3. The inernational conference on formulation and controlling the future for sustainability and green world 5 12 2022

Arbitration in Scientific Periodicals

  • Referee of Physics Letters A.
  •  Referee for Optik  journal
  •  Referee for Frontiers in Physics
  • Refree in the permanent scientific committee for the promotion of professors and assistant professors of physics

Theses Supervision


    1 Member of the Supervision Committee for the student/Mohab Mohamed Sayed for a Master’s degree in Science in Physics (Solid Physics) under the title:

    Optical and Electrical Properties of Graphene Doped Vanadium Oxide Film.

2 Supervising the student/Ibrahim Qandil for a doctorate in science in physics (theoretical physics) under the title: "Opto-mechanical models with atomic media and different radiation reservoirs"

  • 3 Supervising the student / Ghada Ahmed Hamed Al-Barbari for a doctorate degree in science in physics under the title 

“Structure and spectroscopic properties of inorganic thin films for perovskite solar cell applications.”

4.. Supervisor of the student/Mayada Adel Musa Eid Ali for the degree of Master of Science in Physics (Theoretical Physics) under the title:

“Effects of optical drag in a three-level atomic system injected with a compressed vacuum field.”

5.. Supervising the student/Amina Ahmed Mohamed for the Master of Science degree in Physics (Theoretical Physics) under the title

“Absorption and scattering properties of a double quantum dot injected into a compressed vacuum field.”

Main Fields of Interest

(Nonlinear and quantum optics) Theoretical   Physics                                                                     

Mobile Number


Publish Date

1/12/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y.A. Sharaby, S. Lynch and S.S. Hassan

Publish Date

1/12/2024 12:00:00 AM



A. Joshi, Yasser A. Sharaby, Shoukry S. Hassan,

Publish Date

1/12/2024 12:00:00 AM



S. S. Hassan , Y. A. Sharaby, M. F. M. Ali and F. N. M. Al-Showaikh,

Publish Date

1/12/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby, S. Lynch, A. Joshi and S. S. Hassan,

Publish Date

1/12/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan and A. Joshi

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



S.S. Hassan, Y.A. Sharaby, M.F.M. Ali, A. Joshi

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



H. Batarfi, Y. A. Sharaby and S. S. Hassan,

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby, A. Joshi, and S. S. Hassan

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby and S. S. Hassan,

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby, A. Joshi, and S. S. Hassan

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



S. S. Hassan and Y. A. Sharaby,

Publish Date

1/11/2008 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby and S. S. Hassan,

Publish Date

1/11/2008 12:00:00 AM



S. M. A. Maize, G. Ibrahim and Y. A. Sharaby

Publish Date

1/11/2008 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan and S. M. A. Maize

Publish Date

1/11/2024 12:00:00 AM



S. S. Hassan and Y. A. Sharaby

Publish Date

1/11/2006 12:00:00 AM



Y. A. Sharaby, S. S. Hassan and S. M. A. Maize

Publish Date

1/11/2004 12:00:00 AM



(1) S. S. Hassan and Y. A. Sharaby