Folding style as indicator for strike-slip fault zone deformation in Gebel Sufr El Dara area, Eastern Desert, Egypt

تاريخ النشر

22/04/2022 12:00:00 ص



Fares Khedr; Shawky Sakran and Ahmed Henaish


Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology (FSRT), Vol. 4, 24-32, Published online: 22 April 2022, DOI: 10.21608/fsrt.2022.133115.1062




Folds within fault zones are useful kinematic indicators in different tectonic settings. Detailed surface mapping and structural analysis of Gebel Sufr El Dara area, southwest Gulf of Suez rift, Egypt, demonstrate the presence of ENE-oriented asymmetric folds. This folding affected just the pre-rift rocks of the Paleozoic and Upper Cretaceous sediments. The syn-rift Early-Middle Miocene rock unit is not affected by this folding event. The kinematic analysis of this Cretaceous folding indicated that it was formed as a result of dragging within an ENE-oriented strike-slip fault zone. Palinspastic restoration showed that this folding event was commenced following the deposition of the Upper Cretaceous Matulla Formation as showed from the unconformity surface at the top of this formation. The culmination of this movement was active during the Campanian Maastrichtian time as specified from growth folding where the thickness of this formation decreases towards the crestal part of the anticline of the folds

الكلمات الدالة

Gebel Sufr El Dara; Gulf of Suez Rift, Strike slip fault; Drage folds; Fault zone