Geochemical insight into granite hosted U-rich fluorite, Gabal El-Erediya area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: REE geochemical and fluid inclusion aspects

تاريخ النشر

22/06/2021 12:00:00 ص



Omar Amer, Sherif Kharbish, Ali Maged, Fares Khedr


Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14, 1232, 1– 17, Published online: 22. 06. 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-021-07593-3




The A-type younger granite pluton and associated fluorite of Gabal El-Erediya, Eastern Desert, Egypt, have been investigated geologically and geochemically. Granites are genetically high-K-calc-alkaline syenogranites that show a high LREE/HREE ratio with noticeable negative Eu anomaly. Additionally, the visible tetrad pattern and negative Eu anomaly of the investigated granites point to fractional crystallization and fluid-melt interactions during the last stage of magmatic differentiation. They were probably generated within an extensional environment and were crystallized at temperature ~ 740 °C and pressure ~ 1.9 kbars. Two types of U-rich fluorite mineralizations were recorded including colorless and violet types. The hydrothermal fluids forming fluorites were related to late-stage differentiation of the felsic magma with a crystallization temperature ranging from 118 to 336 °C.

الكلمات الدالة

Granite . Fluorite . Uranium . Felsic . Hydrothermal