Tunable emission glass ceramic nanocomposites via devitrification of glassy Na2O-GeO2-MnO2 for optoelectronic and optical limiting applications

تاريخ النشر

31/07/2023 12:00:00 ص



Ibrahim Morad, Amany E Harby, H Elhosiny Ali, MM El-Desoky


Manganese (IV) ion has been deemed a functional non-rare-Earth activator for the generation of red emissions, while the oxide and fluoride hosts that provide suitable sites for Mn 4+ have to be prepared with usually rigorous control of reaction conditions, including redox equilibrium and temperature. In this study, the parent glass with 20Na 2 O-80GeO 2-0.1 MnO 2, in mol% composition is prepared via conventional melt-quenching, and the devitrification of the glass is induced by thermal treatment. The capability of appropriate thermal treatment to transform glasses into glass-ceramic nanocomposites (GCNs) with crystallites smaller than 21 nm was confirmed by XRD measurements. An enhancement in the optical characteristic of the GCNs is induced owing to the modifications in the microstructure. Tauc's and ASF models were used to calculate the direct allowed transition energy. Localized states in the forbidden





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