ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Personal Detail:

Full Name :Walaa Khamis Swar

Address           : Abo Ali square, El Mnhnlla El kubra, Gharbeyn, Egypt

Telephone          :+20402435920         Mobile:            +2011 t 1126809

E-mail  :Walaa.swar@the.suezuni.edu.eg

Date of birth   :1”’ July 1986

Nationality:     Egyptian          Marital Status  :Married from DEC 2014

Education and Qualifications:

Cairo University, faculty        June 2003 — June, Bachelor of Physiotherapy Of Physical therapy-2007   

Cairo University, faculty of Physiotherapy ,April 2013,Master Degree of physical therapy for gynecology and obstetrics

American University in Cairo, 2013, Diplomaof Total Quality Management  (TQM)

Cairo University, faculty        2017,PHD

 Employment history:

El Mahalla General Hospital. July 20117 — Aug, 2018 as General Practitioner

El-Haya Physical therapy. July 2007 — Aug, Training Center          200fi   

El Sliolidaa Center, Nov 2008 — May 201.1

Samnod central Hospital, Nov 2008 - April 2013     



Green Apple, General Manager         

El Mahalla 2"’ Party,April 2013 — Nov       

 Henlth administration,           2014, Gharbia Governoratc               

Alexendria Pharos, N‹iv 20ll4 - till Dec 2016 as Assistant Lecturer 

Ministry of hciilth, From 2016-2017, Doctor of Physiotherapy and Quality Manager

Horus University in Egypt, 2018 till oct 2023, Lecturer.

Suez University           , From 28th November 2023 till now -Lecturer of Women’s Health physiotherapy


  • Ara bic: Mother Tongue.
  • English: Very good colBliiand of both wi itten and spoken.



Computer’ S affairs

  • Microsoft office Tools.
  • Windows inter net.
  • SPSS
  • ICDL
  • Health management & Finance at Alexandria Regional Centre for Women's Health and Development.
  • Training of trainer at Dostor party under supervision of democratic institute.
  • Communication Skills at Dostor party under supervision of AUC.
  • TOE FL certification from literature faculty Cairo University.
  • Conversation skills of English language British Center.
  • ICDL at AXON Training Center & at Cairo University.
  • IELTS From British council
  • Healthy Nutrition at National Nutrition Institute in EgYpt.
  • mechanics and william exercises at Physiotherapy Syndicate.
  • Cervical and lumbar regions physical therapy examination and treatment at Cairo University under supervision of Ministry of Health.

    Confer ences

  • lntelnational scientific conference for physical  therapy (March 2005).
  • International scientific conference for physical therapy (March 2006).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (March 2009).
  • The fii st intei national scientific conference for physical therapy of pliaros
  • university.

  • International day for the disabled (Dec2013).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (2010).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (2018).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (2019).
  • Sociol Work

    Member of the Office of Physiotherapy syndicate and vice president of financial box (Gharbya).

    Membership at Resala


    Oilier Skills

  • Good working in group.
  • Good Working under stress.
  • Work shop for

  • Photography basics”let the photo speak" In focus photography club & Malialla photography club October 2013.
  • Improving Leadership Talents at Dostor party November 2013.


ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Personal Detail:

Full Name :Walaa Khamis Swar

Address           : Abo Ali square, El Mnhnlla El kubra, Gharbeyn, Egypt

Telephone          :+20402435920         Mobile:            +2011 t 1126809

E-mail  :Walaa.swar@the.suezuni.edu.eg

Date of birth   :1”’ July 1986

Nationality:     Egyptian          Marital Status  :Married from DEC 2014

Education and Qualifications:

Cairo University, faculty        June 2003 — June, Bachelor of Physiotherapy Of Physical therapy-2007   

Cairo University, faculty of Physiotherapy ,April 2013,Master Degree of physical therapy for gynecology and obstetrics

American University in Cairo, 2013, Diplomaof Total Quality Management  (TQM)

Cairo University, faculty        2017,PHD

 Employment history:

El Mahalla General Hospital. July 20117 — Aug, 2018 as General Practitioner

El-Haya Physical therapy. July 2007 — Aug, Training Center          200fi   

El Sliolidaa Center, Nov 2008 — May 201.1

Samnod central Hospital, Nov 2008 - April 2013     



Green Apple, General Manager         

El Mahalla 2"’ Party,April 2013 — Nov       

 Henlth administration,           2014, Gharbia Governoratc               

Alexendria Pharos, N‹iv 20ll4 - till Dec 2016 as Assistant Lecturer 

Ministry of hciilth, From 2016-2017, Doctor of Physiotherapy and Quality Manager

Horus University in Egypt, 2018 till oct 2023, Lecturer.

Suez University           , From 28th November 2023 till now -Lecturer of Women’s Health physiotherapy


  • Ara bic: Mother Tongue.
  • English: Very good colBliiand of both wi itten and spoken.



Computer’ S affairs

  • Microsoft office Tools.
  • Windows inter net.
  • SPSS
  • ICDL
  • Health management & Finance at Alexandria Regional Centre for Women's Health and Development.
  • Training of trainer at Dostor party under supervision of democratic institute.
  • Communication Skills at Dostor party under supervision of AUC.
  • TOE FL certification from literature faculty Cairo University.
  • Conversation skills of English language British Center.
  • ICDL at AXON Training Center & at Cairo University.
  • IELTS From British council
  • Healthy Nutrition at National Nutrition Institute in EgYpt.
  • mechanics and william exercises at Physiotherapy Syndicate.
  • Cervical and lumbar regions physical therapy examination and treatment at Cairo University under supervision of Ministry of Health.

    Confer ences

  • lntelnational scientific conference for physical  therapy (March 2005).
  • International scientific conference for physical therapy (March 2006).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (March 2009).
  • The fii st intei national scientific conference for physical therapy of pliaros
  • university.

  • International day for the disabled (Dec2013).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (2010).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (2018).
  • International  scientific conference for physical  therapy (2019).
  • Sociol Work

    Member of the Office of Physiotherapy syndicate and vice president of financial box (Gharbya).

    Membership at Resala


    Oilier Skills

  • Good working in group.
  • Good Working under stress.
  • Work shop for

  • Photography basics”let the photo speak" In focus photography club & Malialla photography club October 2013.
  • Improving Leadership Talents at Dostor party November 2013.