B.Sc. in Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. 2002

M.Sc. degree in Physical Therapy for Pediatrics Disorders and its Surgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.

Thesis title: Effect of static versus dynamic hand splint on grasping in spastic hemiparetic children. 2009

PhD degree in Physical Therapy for Pediatrics Disorders and its Surgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.

Thesis title: Work related musculoskeletal disorders in pediatric physical therapists; Risk factors control.2015


Lecturer of pediatrics physical therapy, Suez University

Coordinator of Occupational Therapy Diploma.GOTHI

head of pediatrics & women health department, Heliopolis University.

Lecturer of pediatrics physical therapy, Heliopolis University.

Lecturer of pediatrics physical therapy, Deraya University.

Physical Therapy coordinator in GOTHI


  • Teaching courses of Biomechanics/ test and measurements/ electrotherapy / Faculty of Physical Therapy (Deraya University).
  • Teaching courses of kinesiology/ research methodology/ community health/ therapeutic exercises/ methods of teaching and instructing patients/ motor development/ PT for pediatrics./ Faculty of Physical Therapy (Heliopolis University).
  • External examiner for clinical and practical pediatrics exams / Cairo University, Egyptian Chinese University, Heliopolis University, 6th October University, Bani Suef University, MTI and MUST.

Coordinator and member of the Scientific Commitee for Occupational Therapy Diploma in GOTHI

  • The 2nd International Conference of Daraya University, Faculty of physical Therapy Entitled “Physiotherapy inspiring better health”    24 th -25 th February ,2022.
  • The 3rd scientific conference of physical therapy department, NINMS “New era in obesity management”    20th October, 2019
  • The 1st international conference of the faculty of physical therapy, Delta University for science and technology “Health life- Safe environment”    19th – 20th October, 2019
  • “The international Conference of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine”, The Egyptian Chinese University    14th - 15 th April, 2019
  • Coordinator of the 1st pediatric Rehabilitation Conference in the National Institute of Neuromotor system entitled “Fostering the future rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy”.    28 th February, 2019
  • The international scientific conference of faculty of physical therapy, Cairo university entitled “Physical therapy and better future for the disabled”.    22 th - 23 th  March, 2017
  • Faculty member in the 1st international conference of mania University under title “A new vision to challenging disabilities”     26 th - 27 th March, 2017
  • The 1st international Conference of Deraya University, Faculty of physical Therapy Entitled “Updating Weight control”    23 th February ,2017.
  • The first international students’ conference for scientific research, Faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University, Under title of “Empowering disability”    November 2017
  • Participation in the 1st pediatric orthopedic conference of NINMS    31 st March - 1 st April, 2016
  • The 8th international Scientific Conference of alternative treatment, Entitled “Scientific view of obesity management”    19 th - 20 th May, 2016
  • The 17th international scientific conference of faculty of physical therapy, Cairo university entitled “Physical therapy and better future for the disabled”.    10 th - 11 th March, 2016
  • Participating in the clinical meeting of the Egyptian pediatric orthopedic association ‘ EGPOS’ in collaboration with NINMS    19th February, 2015

1    Effect of Pilates Exercise Versus Yoga on Primary Dysmenorrhea in Adolescent Girls    ACCEPTED   for publication  in (2024)    SPORT TK- EuroAmerican Journal of Sport sciences.    Spain
2    Efficacy of Aquatic Exercise on Pulmonary Function and Aquatic Skills Performance in Older Children with Cerebral Palsy. Randomized Controlled Study    Accepted for publication in 12/2023.    Physiotherapy Quarterly    Poland
3    Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among General and Technical Secondary School Students in Egypt.    2023    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Special Issue: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science    Switzerland
4    Comparison Between Efficacy Of High Level LASER Therapy And Low Level LASER Therapy In Treatment Of Radiation- Induced Oral Mucositis: A Randomized Controlled Trial    2023    Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results    India
5    Effect of high- ¬intensity interval exercise on pain, disability, and autonomic balance in female patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain.    2022    Fizjoterapia polska    Poland
6    Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Preparatory School Children in Egypt.    2022    NeuroQuantology    Turkey
7    Competency Levels of Physical Therapists at the Health Institutions: A Cross Sectional Survey    2022    The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine    Egypt
8    Impact of Socioeconomic Status on the Outcome of Physical Therapy in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy    2022    Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses    United States
9    Effect of incentive spirometer exercise combined with physical therapy on pulmonary functions in children with cerebral palsy. a randomized controlled trial.    2021    International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation    United kingdom
10    Efficacy Of Under Water Exercise on Pulmonary Function in Cerebral palsied Children.    2019    IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)    India 

Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among School Students in Egypt. ( a progect of community based learning with participation of Heliopolis University Students as a part of their study)


  • Member of the bachelor's degree control of the college    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Deraya University).
  • Member in the quality unit.    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Deraya University).
  • Head of schedule preparing committee.    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Deraya University).
  • Teaching courses of Biomechanics/ test and measurements/ electrotherapy    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Deraya University).
  • Head of educational process follow-up committee.    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Heliopolis University).
  • Head of academic advising committee.    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Heliopolis University).
  • Head of community service committee.    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Heliopolis University).
  • Head of student’s activities and research committee.    Faculty of Physical Therapy (Heliopolis University).
  • Research methodology and Scientific Writing, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  • Training Course in “Teaching Strategies”, National Authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education, Egypt.
  • Goethe, Genetic and Evolution, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  • The advanced usage of information communication and technology in ESD, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  • ICT AND Moodle Facilities, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  •  “Lively learning, Methods & Techniques for effective Teaching”, by prof. Ulrich Muller (Ludwigsburg University of Education/ German).
  • Training Course in “Exam Systems and student Evaluation for high educational Institutes”, National Authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education, Heliopolis University, Egypt.
  • The usage of information and technology in ESD, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  • Drama based intervention, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  • Basic of effective teaching, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  • Education for sustainable development from a holistic view, CESD, Heliopolis University.
  • Participating and completing course under title “Essentials of Disaster Management”, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Attendance workshop “Clinical application of manipulation therapy”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “Basis of infection control”- GOTHI
  • Basics of medical Quality- GOTHI
  • Attendance workshop “Gait analysis and training”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “Advances in pediatric rehabilitation; Autism and Lite gait”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “Kinesiotaping”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “Dynamic Suspension and Sensory Integration Room”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “Utilization of motion analysis in physical therapy”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “Evaluation and physical therapy approach for dyskinetic children”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “New trends in Physical Therapy management for brachial plexus injury”- NINMS.
  • Attendance workshop “Neuro-developmental techniques”- NINMS.

Date de publication

13/01/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

30/11/2020 00:00:00



Date de publication

13/06/2019 00:00:00

