Academic Post

University Vice President for community service and Environmental Development

Professor of Microbiology & medical immunology  

Dean of Faculty of Medicine - Suez University - Suez, Egypt

Academic Qualifications

  • Vice President for community service and Environmental Development
  • Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Suez University, Suez
  • Acting Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Suez University, Suez
  • Head of Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Suez University
  • Head of Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University
  • Head of Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Taif University

Employment / Fellowships

1 March 1989 – 28 February 1990

House Officer at Suez Canal University and MOH Hospitals

1 March 1990 – 12 January 1991

General Practitioner at MOH, Ismailia, Egypt

13 January 1991 – 22 January 1995

demonstrator of microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University

23 January 1995 – 26 October 1998

Assistant Lecturer of microbiology and Immunology   Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University

5 August 1995 – 4 August 1997

A Research Fellow for M.D at  CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA

27 October 1998 – 19 January 2004

Lecturer of microbiology and Immunology at Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University

1 October 1999 – 30 September 2022

Postdoctoral fellow in the Tuberculosis lab of CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA

20 January 2004 – 25 May 2009

Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at  Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University

26 May 2009 – 30 September 2017

Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University

21 September 2006 – 30 June 2014

Head of Microbiology department at Faculty of Medicine, El Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, El Taif

26 November 2014 – 30 September 2017

Head of Microbiology department at Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University

21 March 2018 – 7 March 2022

Acting Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Suez University, Suez

8 March 2018 – 7 Feb 2023

Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Suez University, Suez

7 February 2023 – now

Vice President for Community Services and Environmental Affars, Suez University, Suez


  1. Member in American Society for Microbiology (ASM) since 1995
  2. Member in Egyptian Society for Microbiology.since 1994
  3. Member in Egyptian Society for  Medical Education.
  4. Member of Egyptian Medical Syndicate.
  5. Member in the Egyptian Association of Immunologists.
  6. Member in the Promotion committee for promoting professors and associate professors of Microbiology and immunology from Sept 2016 till now.
  7. Head of Assessment Committee, Phase II, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University for one year
  8. Head of professional development committee, Faculty of Medicine, El Taif University, El Taif, KSA from 2007 till 2012
  9. Head of Curriculum committee in college of Medicine, Taif University from 2006 till 2014
  10. Member of  Medical education unit,  college of Medicine, Taif University from 2010 till 2014
  11. Head of scientific committee of preclinical years in college of medicine, taif University from 2007 till 2011
  12. Head of Laboratory committee , Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University from  2015 till September 2017
  13. Head of Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University since Nov, 2014 till September 2017
  14. Memer in Postgradute committee, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University since 2015 till September 2017
  15. Member in the Curriculum committee, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University since Nov, 2014 September 2017
  16. Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Suez university since March 21st  , 2018.
  17. Member in Medical Sector Committee at Suprem Councel for Univerities since March 21st , 2018.

Arbitration in Scientific Periodicals

1.Translational Biomedicine Journal (TBM)


  1. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials‏ (ACMA)


  1.  Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology (JMBT)


  1.  The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries (JIDC)


  1. African Journal of Microbiology Research (AJMR)


  1. Saudi Journal for health Sciences (SJHS)


  1. Microbes and Infections (MID)



Chapter in a book, the chapter is entitled: “Drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis”  chapter 12 in a book entitled: “Tuberculosis - Current Issues in Diagnosis and Management’’

 Edited by Bassam H. Mahboub and Mayank G. Vats, ISBN 978-953-51-1049-1, Hard cover, 489 pages, Publisher: InTech, Published: March 20, 2013 under CC BY 3.0 license


Scientific Conferences & Workshops

  • Workshop on " Study design" from 30 Nov to 1st Dec. 2010. College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA


  • Medical education conference " Curriculum design" 22-23/5/2011. College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA


  • Workshop on " How to write and publish research paper" . from 30/5 till 1/6/ 2011. College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA


  • Workshop on OSCE, 12-13 February 2012. College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA


  • Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC), 24-26, April 2012. Riyadh, KSA.


  • Objective Structural Clincal Examinations (OSCE) Workshop, 28 April 2012.  College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA


  • Stratigic Planning and Mangment Workshop, 29 April -2 May, 2012. College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA


  • Update on pathology and laboratory medicine work shop (speaker), 29-30 May 2012. Taif University , College of Medicine


  • Curriculum and course Design work shop ( facilitator), 26-27 May 2012. Taif University , College of Medicine
  • Workshop on " Description of the program, courses & reporting" 21-22/2/2012. Taif University, Taif, KSA


  • 26th International workshop on
  • “Community-Based Education incorporating
  • Problem-Based Learning, Innovative approaches" From 31st of March to 5th of April 2012. CRD, FOM/SCU, Ismailia, Egypt
  • 112th General Meeting, San Francisco Conventional Center, American society for microbiology (ASM) from June 16 through June 19, 2012 in SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.
  • Conference " Quality in medical education, assessment , social accountability and accreditation"  by Association of medical education in the eastern Mediterranean region(AMEEMR), 8-10/4/2013. Riyadh, KSA


  • Workshop on " Assessment and Instruction workshop", 13-15/4/2013. College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA


  • Workshop on " SP case writing , training and assessment workshop" 16-17/4/2013. College of Medicine, Taif University,  KSA
  • Workshop on " Improving quality of assessment" 29 sept- 1st October 2013.  College of Medicine, Taif University,  KSA


  • Workshop on " Small Group Discussions (SGD)"  2nd October 2013. College of Medicine, Taif University,  KSA


  • 9th GCC medical education conference; needs, challenges & opportunities 23-25 November 2013. Arabian gulf university Manama, kingdom of Bahrain


  • Saudi Internation Medical Education Conferencene (SIMEC), 24-27 Nov. 2014, Qasim, KSA.


  • Global Biotechnology Congress,22-25 July 2015, Boston, MA, KSA
  • Organizing workshop in collaboration with ASM titled” Safe Waste Manegement” April, 4-6, 2016 in Suez Canal University, Faculty of Medicine, Ismailia, Egypt.
  • Workshop on “ Teaching research ethics” by American Society of Microbiology, Cairo, 23-27 October 2016.


  • 24th International conference of the Egyptian Society of Infection Control, Cairo, November 13-15, 2016. (Chair Person(


  • 25th International conference of the Egyptian Society of Infection Control, Alexandria, October 27-30, 2017 (Speaker and chair person)


  • International Conference on Virology, Bacteriology & Infectious Diseases” November 26-28, 2018 at Rome, Italy (Speaker)


  • ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators 2019, 5-8 August 2019, Athens, GA, USA ( Speaker).


  • International Conference on Natural Product Discovery and Development in the Genomic Era, 5-9 January, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA.


  • Second Global Experts Meeting on Frontiers in Cell & Stem Cell Research, August 30- September 1, 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA


  • The 1st Zagazig Microbiology and Immunology Conference, 19th October, 2022, Zagazig Universit, Zagazig, Egpt. ( Speaker and Chairperson)


  • The Ffth Annual Pedia Suez Conference, NORMAL CHILD, 27th-29th October 2022, Golden Tulp, Cairo, Egypt. ( Charperson)


  • 1st CONFERENE OF ARMED -FORCES LAB0RATORIES OF MEDCAL RESEARCH AND BLOOD BANK, The future of Laboratory dagnostics, 1st- 2nd December 2022, Cairo, Egpt (Chairperson).


  • Fourth Annual Scentific Conference of  CPHL, One Health Approach 2022, 10-11 December 2022, Intercontenntal City Star Cairo, Egypt ( Chairperson)


Scientific Papers

  1.  Isolation and Characterization of H. pylori involved in gastritis and peptic ulcer. S.H. Abbadi, K.I. Khalifa, and A. Serwah.  Egyptian Journal of Medical Microbiology (EJMM), Jan. 1994.
  2. Comparison of Two non- radioactive , single -strand conformation polymorphism electrophoresis methods for identification of rpob mutation in rifampicin- resistant isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  R. Cooksey, G. Morlock, and S.H.Abbadi, Molecular Diagnosis, 1998, vol.3 No. 2. P 73-80
  3. Typing of H. pylori based on PCR- RFLP analysis of vacA.  S.H.Abbadi, M.A. El-Sweify ,and A. Heiba. Egyptian Journal of Med. Microbiol. Jan. 1999.  
  4. Plasmid profile and Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis of Klebsiella pneuomnia and Klebsiella oxytoca strains causing nosocomial urinary tract infection. M.A. El-Sweify, M. ElHossieny and S.H. Abbadi.. Egyptian Journal. of Med. Microbiol. July, 1998
  5. PCR amplification of IS6110 and serum IgG 60 assay for rapid diagnosis of M. tuberculosis pulmonary infection. M.A. El-Sweify, O. Abou-Ola and S.H. Abbadi. Egyptian Journal. of Med. Microbiol. July, 2000
  6.  Characterization of nosocomial Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Suez Canal University Hospital. S.H. Abbadi. Egyptian Jornal. of Med. Microbiol. Jan, 2001
  7. Characterization of IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns and mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance for multi-drug resistant isolates of M. tuberculosis from a major reference hospital in Assiut, Egypt. S.H. Abbadi, H. Rashed, and R. Cooksey.. J. of Clinical Microbiology, American society for Microbiology (ASM), USA, 2001, Vol. 39 (6): 2330-2334.
  8. Use of PCR-RFLP analysis of oxyR gene to differentiate between M. tuberculosis and M. bovis. S.H. Abbadi Egyptian Jornal. of Med. Microbiol. Jan, 2002
  9. Characterization of Mycobacterium tub,,erculosis Complex Isolates from Cerebrospinal Fluids of Meningitis Patients at Six Fever Hospitals in Egypt. R. Cooksey, S.H. Abbadi, and C. Woodley,  J. of Clinical Microbiology, American Society for Microbiology (ASM) , 2002, Vol. 40 (5): 1651- 1655.
  10. Application of Random Amlified Polymorphic DNA Analysis (RAPD) to differentiate strains  of Salmonella typhi. S.H. Abbadi. Egyptian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2003, Vol 12 (1). P: 65-69.
  11. Identification of Mycobacterium Species by PCR-Restriction Fragment Length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. S.H. Abbadi, Egyptian Jornal. of Med. Microbiol, 2004 , Vol. 13 (13): 533-538
  12. Typing of Staphylococcus aureus strains using repetitive Element Sequence-Based PCR. S.H. Abbadi, Egyptian Jornal. of Med.Microbiol, 2004,Vol. 13 (4): 867-870.
  13. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Determined by the E Test, Löwenstein-Jensen Proportion, and DNA Sequencing Methods among Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates – Discrepancies, Preliminary Results. M. Feres, L. Fonesca and S.H. Abbadi,   Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, 2004, Vol. 99(1): 107-110.
  14. Genetic analysis of rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. S.H. Abbadi.   ASM Conference , Atlanta, GA, USA. 2005.
  15. Rapid Identification of Campylobacter species by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysisof a PCR –amplified 16S Ribosomal DNA Fragment. S.H. Abbadi, P.C. Leite and B. Swaminathan, Egyptian Jornal. of Med.Microbiol., 2005, Vol. 14 (3): 501-509.
  16. Rapid Identification of 5 Candida species using PCR enzyme immunoassay (PCR-EIA). S.H. Abbadi, Egyptian Jornal. of Med.Microbiol, 2005,  Vol. 14 (3): 491-499.
  17. Genetic analysis of rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium. Tuberculosis. S.H. Abbadi, G. Galal, and N. El Sheikh, Egyptian Jornal. of Med.Microbiol, 2006, Vol. 15 (2): 293-298.
  18. Identification of Escherichia coli flagellar types by restriction of the amplified fliC gene. S.H. Abbadi, and N. Strokbine, Egyptian Jornal. of Med.Microbiol, 2007, Vol. 16 (2): 225-233.
  19. Species identification and pattern of Antibiotic resistance of Enterococci isolated from cases of nosocomial infections in Suez Canal University Hospital. S.H. Abbadi , G. El-Hadidy and R. Kishk,.  Egyptian Jornal. of Med.Microbiol., 2007, Vol. 16 (2): 387-392.
  20.  Characterization of rpoB mutations in rifampin resistant clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis. S.H. Abbadi, G.Galal, and R. Coosey Egyptian journal of medical microbiology, 2008, Vol.17, no. 1.
  21. Single-Step PCR Using (GACA)4 Primer: Utility for Rapid Identification of Dermatophyte Species and Strains. A. Shehata, P. Mokhergy, and S.H. Abbadi , Journal of Clinical Microbiology,  2008, August 2008,Vol. 46(8). P: 2641-45.
  22. Strain differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolated from sputum of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients. S.H. Abbadi, N. Gomaa and R. Cookey,  International Journal of Infectious diseases , 2009,Vol: 13, p: 236-242.
  23. Molecular identification of mutations associated with antituberculosis drug resistance among strains of M. tuberculosis. S.H. Abbadi, G. Morlock and R. Cookey. International Journal of Infectious diseases, 2009,Vol 13, p: 673-678.
  24. Genotyping of Hepatitis B Virus by PCR Using Type-Specific Primers.  S.H. Abbadi.  17th conference for Egyptian society  of Microbiology. Cairo, Egypt, 2010.
  25. Human Immune Response To Hepatitis C and B Virus. S.H. Abbadi. The 1st Annual World Congress of Immunodiseases and Therapy, Beijing·China, 2010..
  26. Drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis” S.H. Abbadi, chapter 12 in a book entitled: “Tuberculosis - Current Issues in Diagnosis and Management’’Edited by Bassam H. Mahboub and Mayank G. Vats, ISBN 978-953-51-1049-1, Hard cover, 489 pages, Publisher: InTech, Published: March 20, 2013 under CC BY 3.0 license
  27. Rapid Identification of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus using real time PCR. S.H. Abbadi, H. Yousef and A.S.Abdel-Moneim. Advances in Infectious Diseases (AID), 2013, 3: 44-49
  28. Application of Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis and Ribotyping as Genotypic Methods Versus Phenotypic Methods for Typing of Nosocomial Infections Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Surgical Wards In Suez Canal University Hospital. M. Abu-Taleb, G. Elhadidy and S.H.Abbadi. Egyptian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2013, Vol. 22, No. 2. P: 83-99.
  29. Healthcare Associated Infection in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of King Abdl Aziz Specialist Hospital, Taif, KSA. A. Al-Zahrani, E.M.Eid, and S.H.Abbadi. Advances in Infectious Diseases (AID), 2013,.3: 300-305
  30. Antibiotic resistance profile and random amplification typing of β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae from the local area of Al-Taif and nearby cities in Saudi Arabia. A. Al-Zahrani,.M.Farag, and S.H.Abbadi.  Asian Biomedicine, 2016, Vol. 10 No. 3 June 2016; 219 – 228.
  31. Association of IL-37 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to tuberculosis in Saudi population.G.Allam, I.A.Mohamed, and S.H.Abbadi. J. Microbiology & Immunology. November 2016, 60: 778-786.
  32. The study of a possible correlation between serum levels of interleukin 17 and clinical severity in patients with allergic rhinitis. M. Ali, W. Heisam, and S.H.Abbadi .  Allergy & Rhinology. October 2017, Vol. 8, No. 3: 126-131.
  33. Changing Patterns and Outcomes of Typhoid Fever in Egypt. M. Shedid, S.H.Abbadi, and D. Gharib. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, 2018, 32(4): 1-8.  ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866
  34. Virulence Genes in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated at Suez Canal University Hospitals with Respect to the Site of Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance. N. Elmaraghy, S.H. Abbadi, and G. Elhadidi. 2019. International Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Biochemical Technology. July 2019: 8-19.
  35. Continuous medical education activities; Case No. 1. S.H. Abbadi. Microbes and Infectious Diseases 2020; 1 (1): 4-5.
  36. Detection of carbapenemase enzymes and genes among carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolates in Suez Canal University Hospitals in Ismailia, Egypt. A. Raheel, H. Mohamed, and S.H. Abbadi. Microbes and Infectious Diseases. 2020; 1 (1): 24-33.
  37. E‑Workshop on Writing Multiple‑Choice Questions: Online Experience during the Period of COVID‑19 Crisis ( Case Report).  H. Hefny and S.H. Abbadi.,. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure, 2020,Volume 8 , Issue 4 October-December : 207-210.
  38.  Integrated multidisciplinary post-COVID-19 care in Egypt. H. Aiash, M. Khodor,and S.H. Abbadi. The Lancet global health. Volume 9, July 2021: 908-909.
  39. Updating the approaches to define susceptibility and resistance to anti-tuberculosis agents: implications for diagnosis and treatment. S.B. Georghiou, T. C. Rodwell, A. Korobitsyn, and S. H. Abbadi. European Respiratory Journal 2022 59: 2200166; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00166.
  40. Students’ Perceptions and Insights Towards Online Learning During Covid-19 Crises. S.H. Abbadi, H. Abdel-Shafy, and H. Hefny  2022. HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION 2022;8:27-37.


Research Studies


المشروع البحثى

الجهة الممولة


Identification of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus from clinical specimens using real time PCR


عمادة البحث العلمى – جامعة الطائف- المملكة العربية السعودية


Healthcare Associated Infection in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of King Abdl Aziz Specialist Hospital, Taif, KSA

عمادة البحث العلمى – جامعة الطائف- المملكة العربية السعودية


Antibiotic resistance profile and random amplification typing of β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae from the local area of Al-Taif and nearby cities in Saudi Arabia.

عمادة البحث العلمى – جامعة الطائف- المملكة العربية السعودية

Participation in Theses Discussion





 Thesis Title


Mai Hamdi Rashad Mohamed





Characteristics of the Haemagglutinin-Reactive Serum Antibody Responses in Influenza Patients in Suez, Egypt


Sarah Samy Elsaid Mohamed





Diagnostic utility of Peptidoglycan recognition protein 2 (PGLYRP2) in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients attending Benha University Hospitals


Asmaa Bakeer Hamady

Suez Canal University

April 2016

Biofilm Formation and Virulence Factors Among Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated From Intensive Care Unit In Suez Canal University Hospital


Hasnaa Azab Mohamed

Suez Canal University

April 2016

Detection of Carbapenemase Genes among Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Isolates in Suez Canal University Hospitals


Hossam Ibrahim Hefny

Suez Canal University

April 2016

Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Model for Continuing Professional Development of Health Professionals, a Hospital Based Approach


Atef Shehata Mohamed

Suez Canal University

July 2005

Application of Conventional and Molecular Methods to Identify Common Species of Dermatophytes


Nermin Nabil El Maraghy

Suez Canal University

April 2005

The immynomodulatory effects of different concentrations of BCG vaccine in perennial allergic rhinitis


Mai Ahmed Mousa

Suez Canal University

July 2004

Phenotypic and Genotypic relatedness of Nosocomial bacterial infections isolated from surgical wards in Suez Canal University Hospitals


Gehan Galal Abdel Samea

Suez Canal University

September 2000

Genetic analysis of rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium.