Curriculum Vitae (CV)


Demonstrator of medical biochemistry department Faculty of medicine - Suez University

Mobile: 0155700170 - 01283359812


Nationality: Egyptian

Date of birth: 24/3/1994

Marital status: Single

Address: Al nasr street – Diarb nagm - Al sharkia


Scientific Grade: Master degree of medical biochemistry and Molecular Biology (may 2024)

Bachelor of Medicine and General Surgery2018         

 University: Zagazig University

Period of study: 2012 : 2018

Graduation Date : November 2018

Cumulative Grade: Excellent with honors

Cumulative percent : 89.07 %

Experiences :

• 25/1/2021 till now :demonsterator of medical biochemistry -faculty of medicine – seuz university.

• 23/8/2020 to 24/1/2021 : Resident Doctor at clinical pathology department of Al-Ahrar hospital.

• 1/3/ 2019 to 31/8/2019 : Internship doctor at zagzig university hospitals .

• 1/9/2019 to 29/2/2020: internship doctor at Al-ahrar hospital . 

 Course :

Fundmental of digital transformation (jun 1024) 

Toefl ( dec 2023)

الكتابة العملية وتجنب الاقتباس (Aug 2022)

بنك المعرفة المصرى وإدارة المراجع (Aug 2022) 

مهارات التفكير (jul 2024)

إدارة معايير الجودة فى العملية التعليمية (jul2024)

الطرق الإحصائية فى البحث العملى (jul 2024)

إدارة الفريق البحثى ( jul 2024)