المؤهلات العلمية


-- Ph.D. : "E-Business Via Artificial Intelligence", Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt 

-- M.Sc. : "Application Of Reactive Scheduling In Online Shop Floor Management", Faculty of Science,Zagazig University, Egypt 

-- Certification: E-Business Web Master (CIW) ,Graduation Grade : Excellent 

-- B.Sc. : Department of Math.& Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt 

  •  Accumulative Grade: Very Good with honor  Rank: The Second position
  • Specialization: Computer Science
  • Project Grade: Excellent

التدرج العلمى

Academic and Professional Career History

 -- Assistant Professor at the Department of  Information System , Faculty of Computers and Information - Suez University , Egypt. (January 2024 to Today) 

-- Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Faculty of Computer Science - ‎Nahda University (NUB) ,Egypt ( October 2022- January 2024) 

-- Senior Software designer & computer science trainer(Training and Electronic Portal units) at the Communication and Information Technology Center (CITC), Zagazig University,  Egypt. ( July 2019- Sep 2022)

-- Delegated Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Obour Higher Institute for Management,Computers and Information Systems,Egypt (Sep 2019 - June 2020 )

-- Lecturer of Computer Science at Community College- Department of Computer Science and Informatics , Taibah University , KSA (January 2008- June 2019 )

 -- Instructor of Computer Science at The American University in Cairo (AUC) , School of Continuing Education (SCE), Egypt ( Sep 2001-Dec 2007)

 -- Softwar designer & computer science trainer at Faculty of Computers and Informatics (FCI), Zagazig University(ZU) ,Egypt  ( July 2000- Dec 2007)

 -- Research Assistant (RA) at Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt (June 1999-June 2000 )

الخبرات الاكاديمية

University Administrative Experience

 -- Vice Dean for the Students' Affairs - Faculty of Computer Science- ‎Nahda University (NUB) ,Egypt 

-- Head of the department of information technology - Faculty of Computer Science- ‎Nahda University (NUB) ,Egypt 

-- Head of the department of Computer Science and Informatics Department (Female Students)-Community college, Taibah University ,KSA 

 -- Head of  E-Learning Unit at Community College for the Deanship of Distance Learning ,Taibah University ,KSA 

-- Senior softwar designer & computer science trainer(Training and continuing education unit), Zagazig University(ZU) ,Egypt 

-- Senior softwar designer & Administrative manager at Faculty of Computers and Informatics (FCI), Zagazig University(ZU) ,Egypt 

-- coordinator and Lecturer of the digital transformation course in the Information and Communication Technology Center (CITC), Zagazig University(ZU) ,Egypt 


-- الحصول على درع شكر وتقدير من عميد كلية المجتمع جامعة طيبة باسم منسوبى الكلية عن مجمل الجهود المبذولة خلال فترة العمل بالكلية والجامعة 2019ـ -جامعة طيبة- المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول على شهادة شكر وتقدير بيوم المعلم من وكيلة كلية المجتمع 2018ـ  جامعة طيبة - المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول علي شهادة شكر وتقدير من عمادة الدراسات الجامعية للمشاركة فى إنجاح الحملة الوطنية للتوعية بسرطان الثدى للعام الجامعى 2014-2015 - جامعة طيبة - المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول علي شهادة شكر وعرفان من معالي رئيس الجامعة د. عدنان المزروع  وسعادة عميدة الدراسات الجامعية للطالبات د. إيناس طه ضمن يوم تكريم المشاركات بنجاح حفل خريجات الدفعة الحادية عشر لعام 2014-2015ـ  جامعة طيبة - المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول علي شهادة شكر وتقدير من سعادة وكيلة كلية المجتمع للمشاركة في إثراء النشاط الطلابي للعام الجامعي 2014-2015ـ  جامعة طيبة- المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول علي شهادة شكر وتقدير من سعادة وكيلة كلية المجتمع للمشاركة في إثراء النشاط الطلابي للعام الجامعي 2013-2014 - جامعة طيبة- المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول علي درع التميز من سعادة عميد عمادة التعليم عن بعد ووكيل الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية في المشاركة في إنجاح الخطة التدريبية الفصلية للعام الجامعي 2012-2013  للتعليم الإلكتروني التابع لعمادة التعليم عن بعد- جامعة طيبة - المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول على درع التميز من سعادة عميد كلية المجتمع ضمن يوم التكريم لمنسوبي الكلية للعام الدراسي 2011-2012ـ  جامعة طيبة- المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول على شهادة شكر وعرفان من عمادة التعليم عن بعد ووكيل الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية. للمشاركة في مهرجان" التعليم في عيون إلكترونية"-2011 جامعة طيبة- المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول على درع التميز من سعادة عميد كلية المجتمع ضمن يوم التكريم لمنسوبي الكلية للعام الدراسي 2010-2011ـ - جامعة طيبة - المملكة العربية السعودية.

-- الحصول على درع التميز من معالى رئيس الجامعة د/منصور بن محمد النزهة ضمن فعاليات يوم التكريم لمنسوبي الجامعة للعام الدراسى 2010-2011 - جامعة طيبة- المملكة العربية السعودية.

المؤتمرات العلمية وورش العمل

Conferences and workshops

-- Participation in the Effat University 21st Annual Learning and Technology Conference themed: "Reality and Science Fiction in Education" The conference is scheduled to be on 15/01/2024

-- Participation in the training program “Application and Documentation of Educational Program Accreditation Standards” 2023, NUB ,Egypt

-- Participation in the training program “Mechanisms for implementing the credit hour system in higher education institutions” 2023, NUB ,Egypt

--Participation in the Workshop "international standard ISO 21001/2018" -  AESU , 2022,Zagazig University(ZU) ,Egypt

-- Participation in the training program “Effective Manager of New Units in Higher Education Institutions.”2021,Zagazig University(ZU) ,Egypt

-- Participation in the training program “Internal Auditing for Higher Education Institutions and Writing Technicians Reports"2019

-- Participation in the workshop on applying for higher education development projects funded by the Union European "Erasmus+ Program".2019

-- Participation in the training program workshop “Designing electronic courses and books - advanced level” - affiliated with university development 2018

-- Participation in the workshop “Utilizing SWAY in the educational process” within the initiative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Microsoft in developing education - 2018

-- Participation in the “E-Learning System Management” Black Board workshop of the Deanship of Distance Education - Taibah University - 2016

-- Participated in designing electronic displays in the national campaign to raise awareness about early cancer detection at Taibah University for the year 2015.

-- Participation in a workshop for the Community College under the title Creativity of Text and Images to learn about the world of Photoshop through the e-learning unit ,Taibah University - 2014

   -- Participation in a community college workshop entitled The World of Animated Designs and Graphics: Getting to know the world of Switch Max through the  e- learning unit - Taibah University - 2014

-- Participation in a workshop through the Deanship of Student Affairs of the College of Computer Science and Engineering entitled Web Page Programming 2014.

-- Participation in the workshop on learning to use the smart board, affiliated with the Deanship of Distance Education, 2014

-- Participation as a member of the jury for documentary films submitted by female higher education students in the Kingdom in the Fifth Scientific Conference of 2014  ,Taibah University ,KSA

-- Participation in a workshop on skills for using audio halls and virtual classes 2013

-- Participation in the professional skills development program to join the labor market for Saudi university graduates in 2012, ,Taibah University ,KSA

-- Participation as a supervisor, organizer, and member of the scientific committee in the “Education in Electronic Eyes” festival 2011 

-- Participation in the workshop “How to develop your electronic course” at the Deanship of Distance Education - 2011

 -- Participation in the workshop “The Role of the Faculty Member in Student Counseling,” held in cooperation with the Student Affairs Agency at the Creativity Center, 2011.

-- Participation in the scientific meeting “The Journey of Scientific Research at Taibah University” 2010 ,Taibah University ,KSA

 --Participation in the symposium on higher education for girls.. (Dimensions and aspirations) 2010 ,Taibah University ,KSA

 --Participation in e-learning content management system workshops in using the system’s interactive tools and building educational units for the course and educational forums “Jusoor” 2010

-- Participation in the workshop on building electronic tests of the Deanship of Distance Education 2009

-- Participation in the activities of the course for developing scientific research skills and their mastery for those who are faculty members in Saudi universities, 2009 ,Taibah University ,KSA

-- Participation in the activities of the Conference on Academic Accreditation of Colleges of Education in the Arab World: Visions and Experiences 2009,Taibah University ,KSA

-- Participation in the Taibah University Symposium: Present and Future - 2008 ,Taibah University ,KSA

-- Participation in the Second Scientific Forum for Medina Research 2008 ,Taibah University ,KSA

-- Participation in the first scientific research forum for female faculty members at Taibah University for the year 2008-2009


مقررات قام بتدريسها

Academic Courses:

  • Database Systems 
  •  Data Structure
  • Data Mining and Business Intelligence 
  • Machine learning
  •  Information Systems Analysis & Design 
  •  Expert Systems 
  •  Internet Applications Programming 
  • Computer Programming 
  • Web Technologies 
  • AI applications 
  • Computer Operating Systems
  • Logic Circuit Design 
  • software engineering
  •  Multimedia 
  • Logic Programming 
  • Object Oriented Programming 
  • Computer Graphics 
  • Web Information​ ​Systems 
  • IT Essentials 
  • Decision Support Systems
  • IS Application Development 
  • Pattern Recognition  
  • Mobile application programming 
  • Field training on computer programming and information system

ابحاث علمية

أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية
