...Courses taught by

refrigeration and air conditioning systems, engineering drawing and projection, measurements and instrumentation, internal combustion engines, computer applications in mechanical power engineering, machine drawing, environment and pollution, kinematics of mechanics and robots, dynamics of mechanics and robots, principles of design and manufacturing engineering, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, hydraulic machines and hydraulic power stations. 

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Personal Information:

Name    : Samah Ebrahim Afifi Hatab

Address: 15 Omda st., Benha Al gededa, El-Kalubiya, Egypt.

Mobile   : # + 2 01018656183 - # + 2 01150328868

Tel         : # + 2 0133225748

Date of Birth: June 1st, 1981

Nationality     : Egyptian

E-mail   : s.afifi@hotmail.com – Samah.Ibrahim@eng.suezuni.edu.eg

Academic Experiences: Period of experience about 7 years.


Working in many governmental and private universities and institutes

Practical Experiences:

1. Electromechanical applications: Period of experience is 10 years.

Have an experience in design, supervision and implementation for  ( Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems - firfiting systems - plumbing systems - adsorption refrigeration systems). 

2. Production and Quality Assurance Field: Period of experience is 5 years

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

  1. Abdel Aziz, Ali.A., Hatab, S.I., Moawed, M., Zohir, A. E., Nabil M. Berbish, ''Experimental Study on The Effect of Adsorber with Three Shapes of Conductive Material on Performance of Adsorption Refrigeration Tube Using Activated Carbon/Ethanol Pair'', Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 131, pp. 897-909, 2018.

Academic Post

lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical power engineering program


- Assistant Lecturer from 2015 to 2017
- lecturer from 2018 till now

Training Courses

1- Leadership Development Certificates from Leadership Development Institute- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Researches, (2022-2023).

2- Interior Auditor, for ISO (19001, 14001), 2009.

3- Refrigerants in rizk company, 2006.

Main Fields of Interest

refrigeration and air coditioning applications, renewable energy sourses, water desalination applications.