Improving the performance of a parabolic concentrator solar tracking-tubular solar still (PCST-TSS) using gravel as a sensible heat storage material

تاريخ النشر

01/01/2020 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy


This study describes the effect of using locally available gravel as a sensible heat storage material on the performance of tubular solar still equipped with a parabolic concentrator solar tracking system (PCST-TSS). The experimental investigation performed under the climatic conditions of Hail city (27.64 °N, 41.75°E) in Saudi Arabia. Three kilograms of small gravel placed inside a half-cylindrical black painted trough mounted at the center of a transparent tube (TSS). TSS placed at the focal line of the parabolic concentrator. Two experiments with and without gravel were performed in two consequent clear days. Results show a high potential of using gravel with PCST-TSS with further opportunities for more performance enhancement. The obtained thermal efficiency and yield with gravel were 36.34% and 4.51 L/ respectively compared with 31.9% and 3.96 L/ without gravel. Using gravel enhances the efficiency and yield by 13.89% and 14.18% respectively. Using the PCST system supported by gravel increased the yield of the conventional TSS by 890.4% (almost nine times) and reduced the cost per liter (CPL) by 12%. Moreover, the efficiency of PCST increased from 41.83% to 53.3% (27.33%). PCST-TSS device has additional opportunities for further enhancement by future research effort.




• Gravel used as a sensible heat storage material to improve PCST-TSS performance. • Using gravel increases TSS and PCST efficiencies by 13.89% and 27.33%. • For same TSS length, using PCST with gravel increases TSS daily yield by 890.4%. • Cost per liter (CPL) reduced by 12.0% when using locally available gravel. • PCST-TSS has a great potential for real application with more enhancement opportunities.

الكلمات الدالة

Desalination Parabolic concentrator Solar still PCST-TSS Gravel Sensible heat storage