An experimental investigation of a parabolic concentrator solar tracking system integrated with a tubular solar still

تاريخ النشر

01/06/2017 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy


This study describes the performance of three different experiments under the climatic conditions of Hail city (27.5°N, 41.7°E) in Saudi Arabia by using a tubular solar still (TSS) with a rectangular trough filled with a black cloth and saturated by raw water in the first experiment; a TSS with a half cylindrical trough without clothing in the second experiment, while in the third experiment TSS of the second experiment was integrated with a parabolic concentrator-solar tracking system (PCST-TSS). Results show a high potential of using PCST-TSS compared to conventional TSS. The obtained yields were 0.28, 0.214 and 1.66 L/day for 0.059 m2 TSS area (4.71, 3.6 and 3.53 L/m2day) for the three experiments with daily efficiencies of 36.5%, 30.5% and 28.5% respectively. The PCST-TSS yield was increased by 676% with 45.5% cost reduction per liter (CPL). This promising technique is suitable for house roofs and small communities located in remote areas.




• Tubular solar still is combined with parabolic concentrator solar tracking system (PCST-TSS). • PCST-TSS system was able to increase TSS daily yield by 676%. • Cost per liter (CPL) is reduced by 45.5%. • PCST-TSS is promising for small communities in remote areas.

الكلمات الدالة

Desalination Parabolic concentrator Solar still PCST-TSS