ملخص السيرة الذاتية

التدرج الوظيفي

Year                                                         Workplace                                             Job title 
From- Nov 2023 till now    Faculty of Engineering, Suez University       Professor assistant: Department of Mechanical Engineering. 

July 2019 - Nov 2023       Faculty of Engineering, Suez University        Assistant Lecturer: Department of Mechanical Engineering. 

Oct 2013 - July 2019        Faculty of Petroleum and Miming Engineering, Suez University     Demonstrator: Department of Engineering Science

المؤهلات العلمية

2023 Ph.D. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (Equivalent to: Production Engineering), Suez University, Egypt

2019 M.Sc. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (Equivalent to: Production Engineering), Suez University, Egypt

2011 B.Sc. in Production and Design, Mechanical Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt. Graduation project: Rapid prototyping and manufacturing technologies.

الابحاث العلمية

1 Sabbah Ataya; Ahmed, M.M.Z.; El-Sayed Seleman, M.M.; Hajlaoui, K.; Latief, F.H.; Soliman, A.M.; Elshaghoul, Y.G.Y.; Habba, M.I.A., Effective Range of FSSW Parameters for High LoadCarrying Capacity of Dissimilar Steel A283M-C/Brass CuZn40 Joints., Materials, 2022, I.F. 3.4, Q2, https://doi.org/10.3390/ ma15041394

2 Ataya, S.; El-Sayed Seleman, M.M.; Latief, F.H.; Ahmed, M.M.Z.; Hajlaoui, K.; Elshaghoul, Y.G.Y.; Habba, M.I.A, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91 Rein-Forced with High Volume Fraction of Oriented Short Carbon Fibers, Materials, 2022, IF 3.4, Q2, https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15144818

3 Elshaghoul, Y.G.Y.; El-Sayed Seleman, M.M.; Bakkar, A.; Elnekhaily, S.A.; Albaijan, I.; Ahmed, M.M.Z.; Abdel-Samad, A.; Reda, R, Additive Friction Stir Deposition of AA7075-T6 Alloy: Impact of Process Parameters on the Microstructures and Properties of the Continuously Deposited Multilayered Parts, Applied science, 2023, IF 2.7, Q2, https://doi.org/10.3390/app131810255

4 Elshaghoul, Y.G.Y, Reham Abbas, Sarah A. Elnekhaily, Mohamed M. Z. Ahmed, Abdou AbdelSamad, Mohamed El-Sayed Seleman, Influence of the Initial Temper Conditions and PostDeposition Heat Treatments on the Friction Stir Deposition of AA7075, Suez University, Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, 10.21608/JPME.2023.224934.1170

5 The effect of nano-ceramics additions and the heat treatment on the friction stir deposited 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. Under preparation.

مقررات قام بتدريسها

1. Engineering drawing. 
2. Machine drawing. 
3. Machine design. 
4. Strength of material and structure. 
5. Material science and engineering. 
6. Mechanical vibration 
7. Metal forming. 
8. Metallurgy. 
9. Stress analysis.

دورات تدريبية

• International publishing of scientific research. 
• University teacher preparation. 
• Scientific research ethics. 
• Managing the research team. 
• Professional ethics and behaviour in university work. 
• Make decisions and solve problems. 
• Credit hour systems. 
• Time management and meetings. 
• Thinking skills. 
• Statistical methods in scientific research.


Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oS9xgvkAAAAJ&hl=ar&oi=ao

Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57457128500

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yosef-elshaghoul-b438545b/