التدرج الوظيفى

2021-2022 الآن وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب بكلية الهندسة جامعة السويس
2021-2022 رئيس قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية ، كلية الهندسة ، جامعة السويس
2021 - الآن أستاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة الميكانيكية ، كلية الهندسة ، جامعة السويس
2020-2021 مشرف قسم رعاية الشباب بكلية الهندسة جامعة السويس
2018-2021 عضو هيئة الرقابة بكلية الهندسة جامعة السويس
2018-2021 مدرس بقسم الهندسة الميكانيكية ، كلية الهندسة ، جامعة السويس
2017-2018 قائم بأعمال رئيس قسم هندسة الطيران ، قسم هندسة الطيران ، معهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران
2015-2018 رئيس الكنترول المركزي بمعهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران
2015-2018 رئيس وحدة القياس والتقويم ، وحدة ضمان الجودة ، معهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران.
2015-2018 مدرس بقسم هندسة الطيران بمعهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران
2014-2015 منسق مؤتمر ، مؤتمر ابتكار الطيران الأول ، الأقصر ، مصر ، الذي ينظمه معهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران
2010-2015 مدرس مساعد ، قسم هندسة الطيران ، معهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران
2006-2010 معيد ، قسم هندسة الطيران ، معهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران

التدرج العلمى

أستاذ مشارك ، الهندسة الميكانيكية (2021)
جامعة السويس
دكتوراه هندسة الطيران والفضاء (2015)
جامعة القاهرة
المعدل التراكمي: 4 من 4
ماجستير ، هندسة الطيران (2010)
جامعة القاهرة ، مصر
بكالوريوس هندسة الطائرات (2006)
معهد هندسة وتكنولوجيا الطيران ، مصر
ممتاز مع مرتبة الشرف

ملخص السيرة الذاتية

أ.م.د/محمد أحمد محمد حسين عزيز
استاذ مساعد
قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية ،
وكيل الكلية لشؤون الطلاب
كلية الهندسة جامعة السويس
البريد الإلكتروني: Primary: Mohmed.aziz@suezuni.edu.eg

أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  1. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “Preliminary Design of a Transonic Fan for Low By-Pass Turbofan Engine,” International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE), Vol. 6, N. 2. April 2013, ISSN 1973-7459.
  2. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “Design Optimization of a Transonic-Fan Rotor Using Numerical Computations of the Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Simplex Algorithm,” International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Volume 2014, Article ID 743154, 16 pages.
  3. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Blade Sweep and Lean on the Transonic Fan Rotor Efficiency,” International Journal of Academic Research, September 30, 2014 (Vol. 6, No. 5).
  4. Mohamed A. Aziz and Ahmed M. Elsayed,”CFD Investigations for UAV and MAV Low Speed Airfoils Characteristics,” International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE), Vol 8, No 3, 2015.
  5. Mohamed A. Aziz and Ahmed M. Elsayed,” Numerical Investigation and Optimization of Airfoil Flow Control Using Passive Air-Jet" Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 2018, Vol. 25 (accepted for publication).
  6. Mohamed A. Aziz, M. Mansour Mansour, D. Iskander, A. Hany, "Combined Droop Nose and Trailing-Edges Morphing Effects on Airfoils Aerodynamics", SN Applied Sciences, 2019.
  7. Mohamed A. Aziz, Osama A. Gaheen, " Effect of the isothermal fins on the natural convection heat transfer and flow profile inside a vertical channel with isothermal parallel walls", SN Applied Sciences, 2019
  8. El-Salamony, Mostafa E., and Mohamed A. Aziz. "Impact of N-shaped Wing Morphing on Solar powered Aircraft." Unmanned Systems (2020).
  9. El-Salamony, Mostafa E., and Mohamed A. Aziz. "Solar Panel Effect on Low-Speed Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance." Unmanned Systems (2021).
  10. Osama A. Gaheen, Mohamed A. Aziz, M. Hamza, Hoda Kashkoush, Mohamed A. Khalifa, “Fluid and Structure Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade with Winglet”, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 90, Issue 1 (2022) 80-101, https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.90.1.80101
  11. Osama A. Gaheen , Ernesto Benini , Mohamed A. Khalifa , M.E. El-Salamony, Mohamed. A. Aziz,” Experimental investigation on the convection heat transfer enhancement for heated cylinder using pulsated flow”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 26 (2021) 101055, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2021.101055
  12. Mohamed A. Khalifa, Mohamed A. Aziz, Mohamed Hamza, Saber Abdo, Osama A. Gaheen, “Improvement of fire door design using experimental and numerical modelling investigations”, 20 October 2021, DOI 10.1108/JSFE-07-2021-0048
  13.    Osama A.Gaheen, ErnestoBenini, Mohamed A.Khalifa, Mohamed A.Aziz, “Pneumatic cylinder speed and force control using controlled pulsating flow”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Available online 25 July 2022, 101213, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jestch.2022.101213


  1. M. A. Aziz, Hisham M Elbanna and M. M. Abdelrahman “Design Optimization of a Three Dimension Supersonic Intake Using the CFD-RC Package,” Tenth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD10) December 16-19, 2010, Ain Soukhna, Red Sea, Egypt.
  2. M. A. Aziz, Hisham M Elbanna and M. M. Abdelrahman “High Fidelity Design Optimization of a Three Dimension Supersonic Intake,” 43rd Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 24-27, 2013, SAN DIEGO, AIAA 2013-2462.
  3. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “Preliminary Design of a Transonic Fan for Low By-Pass Turbofan Engine,” 7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 11-13 September 2013 - METU, Ankara Turkey, AIAC-2013-021.
  4. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “Design Optimization of a Transonic-Fan Rotor Using Numerical Computations of the Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Simplex Algorithm,” 7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 11-13 September 2013 - METU, Ankara Turkey, AIAC-2013-029.
  5. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “High Fidelity Design of a Transonic-Fan Rotor and Performance Enhancement Using Tip Injection,”  1st Aviation Engineering Innovations Conference, AEIC -2015, 21-22 March 2015, Luxor, EGYPT.
  6. A. Helmy, M. A. Aziz and Ahmed M. Elsayed, “Converting a Low Speed Wind Tunnel into a Flow Visualization Tunnel Using Smoke Wire Technique and Laser Beam,” The 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ICMAE 2015, Rome, Italy, July 16 to 17, 2015.
  7. A. Helmy, M. A. Aziz and Ahmed M. Elsayed, “Flow Visualization Using Smoke Wire and CFD,” 8 Ankara International Aerospace Conferences, 11-13 September 2015 - METU, Ankara Turkey, AIAC-2015-029.
  8. Mohamed A. Aziz, Ahmed M. El sayed, “CFD Based Optimization of Active Flow Control,” Proceeding of ICFD 12, 2016 Cairo, Egypt.
  9. Ahmed M. El sayed , Mohamed A. Aziz, “Design and Optimization of Blended Winglet to Improve the Wing Performance,” Proceeding of ICFD 12, 2016, Cairo, Egypt.
  10. Mostafa El-Salamony, Mohamed Aziz, “Analysis of N-shaped Morphing Wing: Aerodynamic prospective,” 4th International Conference ERBA-2018, 3-5 July, 2018, Zhukovsky, Russia.
  11. Mostafa E. El-Salamony, Mohamed A. Aziz, “Aerodynamic Applicability of Morphing Wing for Solar Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, "Proceedings of ICFD13, Thirteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, 21-22 December, 2018, Cairo, EGYPT
  12. Mohammed A. Ramadan, Ahmed A. Gelany, Mohamed A. Aziz, "Implementation of Hybrid Solar Wind Power Generation" Proceedings of ICFD13, Thirteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, 21-22 December, 2018, Cairo, EGYPT.
  13. Mostafa E. El-Salamony, Mohamed A. Aziz, “Solar Panel Effect on Low-Speed Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance" International Conference, 11 September, 2020, Moscow, Russia.
  14. Ahmed Zaki, Mohamed A. Aziz, "CFD Design & Modeling of Solar Chimney (SC)", Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD14), Accepted to be published by April 2-3, 2021.
  15. Mohamed Aziz, Mohamed Hamza, Hoda Kashkoush, "Fluid-Structure Interaction of Wind Turbine Blade with Winglet", Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD14), Accepted to be published by April 2-3, 2021.
  16. Mohamed Aziz, Mohamed Hamza, "Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) Recent Advance in Egypt: A review", Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD14), Accepted to be published by April 2-3, 2021.
  17. Mostafa El-Salamony, Mohamed Aziz, Ernesto Benini, Osama Gaheen, “Optimization Study of Unsteady Flow Affecting on Cooling a Heated Cylinder”, 3rd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference, 978-1-6654-2157-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE.




  1. A one-day workshop entitled “Computational Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems (7)” at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University on (June 2015) and a paper entitled (Numerical investigation of the effect of blade tip injection on the performance of a transonic fan).
  2. Attending a one-day workshop entitled (Distance Education Methods) at the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering (September 2020).
  3. "27 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Research Methodology in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 1"
  4. "27 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Research Methodology in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 2"
  5. "25 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Grant Writing in Collaboration with the EKB – Webinar 1"
  6. "25 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Grant Writing in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 2"

مقررات قام بتدريسها

Teaching Experience

Associate Professor- Assistant Professor                                                                                                  (2015- present)

College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Egypt

  • Machine drawing, Engineering drawing, Hydraulics machines and compressors

College of Engineering, Suez University, Egypt

  • Machine drawing, Engineering drawing, Production technology, Kinematics of machines, Dynamics of machines, Heat and mass transfer, Theory of vibrations

Aircraft and Mechanical Departments, IAET, Egypt

  • Fluid mechanics (Part I Statics), Fluid mechanics (Part II Dynamics), Fluid mechanics II, Aircraft engine components design and construction, Aircraft propulsion, Aircraft engine, Aerodynamics, Turbomachines, Thermodynamics fundamentals

Electrical power and communication Eng. Departments, IAET, Egypt

  • Physics II (Thermodynamics), Aerodynamics (Fluid Mechanics) ,  Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics

Electrical and Mechatronics Eng. Departments, MUST University, Egypt

  • Fluid mechanics, Fluid mechanics and heat transfer (for non-mechanical department), Thermo fluid and heat transfer, Thermo fluid lab

Higher Institute Tenth of Ramadan

  • Mechanics (statics – dynamics), Professional ethics and moral, Engineering quality control, Environmental impact assessment of projects

Earlier teaching experiments - Teacher assistant,                                                                                         (2006-2014)

Aircraft and Mechanical Departments, IAET, Egypt

  • Propulsion (Applied Thermodynamics), Fluid mechanics, Propulsion A (Heat Transfer& Combustion), Propulsion B (Jet Engines), Engines Design And Construction A (Axial and Centrifugal Compressor Design, Turbo machinery), Engines Design And Construction B (Turbine Design ,Turbo machinery), Engine Components Design & Manufacturing (gears, shafts and gear box design), Aerodynamics ( Fluid Mechanics ), Engineering drawing, Machine  drawing
  • Graduation projects supervision: Preliminary Design of High By-bass Turbofan Engine, Vertical wind turbines, Gas Turbine Engines Design, Combustion design

Electrical and communication Eng. Department, IAET, Egypt

  • Physics II (Thermodynamics)

Laboratory supervision

  • Gas turbine engines, Aerodynamics (wind tunnels), Mechanical vibration, Internal combustion (Reciprocating engines), Sheet metal, Welding and Lathing


  • Recipient of a competitive grant to attend basic course for Aeronautical Engineering (Airframe/power plant) – requirements for ICAO code (073C) from the N.C.A.T.O, (2006).
  • Recipient of a competitive grant to attend a workshop on Communication Skills, by Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Cairo University, (2014).
  • Recipient of a competitive grant to attend a workshop on Ethics Code of University, by Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Cairo University, (2014).
  • Recipient of a competitive grant to attend a workshop on Exams& Standards Evaluation Process, by Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Cairo University, (2014).
  • Receive an appreciation certificate from the AEIC Conference organization for participated in the organization and management, Luxor, Egypt, (2015).
  • Receive Excellence Shield form the IAET, (2018).
  • Receive an appreciation certificate from the Education Quality Assurance Unit in IAET
  • Receive an International Publishing Award from Suez University, Egypt (2021).
  • Receive an invitation to talk about electric cars and their future in Egypt and the world through the Egyptian satellite channel (27, July, 2021).

دورات تدريبة

  1. A one-day workshop entitled “Computational Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems (7)” at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University on (June 2015) and a paper entitled (Numerical investigation of the effect of blade tip injection on the performance of a transonic fan).
  2. Attending a one-day workshop entitled (Distance Education Methods) at the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering (September 2020).
  3. "27 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Research Methodology in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 1"
  4. "27 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Research Methodology in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 2"
  5. "25 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Grant Writing in Collaboration with the EKB – Webinar 1"
  6. "25 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Grant Writing in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 2"

مجالات الاهتمام الرئيسية

My academic and professional careers have focused on Energy saving, renewable energies, aerodynamics and propulsion research and development. During more than sixteen years in academics, I collaborated with different groups of students, engineers, academics and scientists in engineering related topics, where I discovered my desire for the research. During previous studies, I have optimized different aircraft components (wing, winglet, intakes compressors and fan) using the computational fluid dynamics to get more efficient performance. I have investigated active and passive flow control properties for enhancing aerodynamics characteristics of an airfoil where the proposed methods succeeded strongly and numerically validated on an actual aircraft wing. Recently, I experimentally improved heat transfer applications devices such as; heat exchanger, air conditioning and other  heat transfer form bodies using improved pulse flow technique. My experimental research work includes pneumatic control devices improvement using advanced flow control. In addition to a passion for research and development in the field of energy, renewable energy, which includes wind turbines, solar chimneys, and solar energy applications, including drone and Unmanned Arial vehicle applications. My future research goals will power my academic and industry experience, especially my multidisciplinary background of aerospace, mechanical, software and systems engineering.

المؤتمرات العلمية وورش العمل


  1. M. A. Aziz, Hisham M Elbanna and M. M. Abdelrahman “Design Optimization of a Three Dimension Supersonic Intake Using the CFD-RC Package,” Tenth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD10) December 16-19, 2010, Ain Soukhna, Red Sea, Egypt.
  2. M. A. Aziz, Hisham M Elbanna and M. M. Abdelrahman “High Fidelity Design Optimization of a Three Dimension Supersonic Intake,” 43rd Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 24-27, 2013, SAN DIEGO, AIAA 2013-2462.
  3. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “Preliminary Design of a Transonic Fan for Low By-Pass Turbofan Engine,” 7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 11-13 September 2013 - METU, Ankara Turkey, AIAC-2013-021.
  4. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “Design Optimization of a Transonic-Fan Rotor Using Numerical Computations of the Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Simplex Algorithm,” 7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 11-13 September 2013 - METU, Ankara Turkey, AIAC-2013-029.
  5. M. A. Aziz, Farouk M. Owis and M. M. Abdelrahman, “High Fidelity Design of a Transonic-Fan Rotor and Performance Enhancement Using Tip Injection,”  1st Aviation Engineering Innovations Conference, AEIC -2015, 21-22 March 2015, Luxor, EGYPT.
  6. A. Helmy, M. A. Aziz and Ahmed M. Elsayed, “Converting a Low Speed Wind Tunnel into a Flow Visualization Tunnel Using Smoke Wire Technique and Laser Beam,” The 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ICMAE 2015, Rome, Italy, July 16 to 17, 2015.
  7. A. Helmy, M. A. Aziz and Ahmed M. Elsayed, “Flow Visualization Using Smoke Wire and CFD,” 8 Ankara International Aerospace Conferences, 11-13 September 2015 - METU, Ankara Turkey, AIAC-2015-029.
  8. Mohamed A. Aziz, Ahmed M. El sayed, “CFD Based Optimization of Active Flow Control,” Proceeding of ICFD 12, 2016 Cairo, Egypt.
  9. Ahmed M. El sayed , Mohamed A. Aziz, “Design and Optimization of Blended Winglet to Improve the Wing Performance,” Proceeding of ICFD 12, 2016, Cairo, Egypt.
  10. Mostafa El-Salamony, Mohamed Aziz, “Analysis of N-shaped Morphing Wing: Aerodynamic prospective,” 4th International Conference ERBA-2018, 3-5 July, 2018, Zhukovsky, Russia.
  11. Mostafa E. El-Salamony, Mohamed A. Aziz, “Aerodynamic Applicability of Morphing Wing for Solar Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, "Proceedings of ICFD13, Thirteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, 21-22 December, 2018, Cairo, EGYPT
  12. Mohammed A. Ramadan, Ahmed A. Gelany, Mohamed A. Aziz, "Implementation of Hybrid Solar Wind Power Generation" Proceedings of ICFD13, Thirteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, 21-22 December, 2018, Cairo, EGYPT.
  13. Mostafa E. El-Salamony, Mohamed A. Aziz, “Solar Panel Effect on Low-Speed Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance" International Conference, 11 September, 2020, Moscow, Russia.
  14. Ahmed Zaki, Mohamed A. Aziz, "CFD Design & Modeling of Solar Chimney (SC)", Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD14), Accepted to be published by April 2-3, 2021.
  15. Mohamed Aziz, Mohamed Hamza, Hoda Kashkoush, "Fluid-Structure Interaction of Wind Turbine Blade with Winglet", Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD14), Accepted to be published by April 2-3, 2021.
  16. Mohamed Aziz, Mohamed Hamza, "Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) Recent Advance in Egypt: A review", Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD14), Accepted to be published by April 2-3, 2021.
  17. Mostafa El-Salamony, Mohamed Aziz, Ernesto Benini, Osama Gaheen, “Optimization Study of Unsteady Flow Affecting on Cooling a Heated Cylinder”, 3rd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference, 978-1-6654-2157-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE.




  1. A one-day workshop entitled “Computational Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems (7)” at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University on (June 2015) and a paper entitled (Numerical investigation of the effect of blade tip injection on the performance of a transonic fan).
  2. Attending a one-day workshop entitled (Distance Education Methods) at the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering (September 2020).
  3. "27 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Research Methodology in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 1"
  4. "27 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Research Methodology in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 2"
  5. "25 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Grant Writing in Collaboration with the EKB – Webinar 1"
  6. "25 July STDF Nature Research Academies: Grant Writing in Collaboration with the EKB - Webinar 2"