Hani Zenhom Abu El-Ezz

Personal Data

Nationality: Egyptian

Date of birth: 01-07 1980

Sex:      Male

Social status: Married

Religion: Muslim




Kasr Al-Nile Tower, AlGomhoria St. , Mansoura, Egypt.



+2 01155554888,       

+2  050 2219989






Arabic – Excellent

English– Very Good


  •  Lecturer of Oral medicine ,periodontology and diagnosis Suez University.
  • Former Lecturer in department of Periodontology & Oral Medicine Delta University of Science and Technology.
  • Manager of Delta Plus Advanced Dental Training Cener.
  • More than 18 years of diverse leadership experience as a clinician.

Degree Obtained

  • MD degree in Periodontology & Oral medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University 2018.
  • Master degree in Periodontology & Oral medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University 2012.
  • MFDS RCSED (Membership of the faculty of dental surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh) 2008.
  • BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) degree obtained from, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University 2003.


  • Amnion-chorion Allograft Barrier used for Guided Tissue Regeneration Treatment of Periodontal Intrabony Defects in periodontitis patients (2018) (Clinical and Radiographical study)
  • Effect Of The Platform-Switching versus Normal Platform on Peri-implant Tissues of Immediately Loaded Anterior Maxillary implant (2012)


  • Assistant Professor of Periodontology &Oral medicine, Faculty of Oral and Dental medicine- Delta University for Science and Technology 2018
  • Manager of Delta Plus advanced training center- Delta University for Science and Technology 2018.
  • Coordinator of postgraduate international Master's course of Periodontology/ IMC in Egypt.
  • Consultant of Oral Medicine & Periodontology in my own private clinic since 2011
  •  Specialist of Oral Medicine & Periodontology in Mansoura Dental Training Center, Ministry of Health of Egypt from 2012 till 2018.
  • First assistant in all Dental implant surgeries in a private dental center of Prof. Mohamed El-Shahat from Dec. 2008 till March. 2012.
  • Visitor resident at the department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine at Cairo University from 2006 to 2007.
  • Professional Continuous Education

  • Attended two-day workshop on construction of an effective theoretical exam on 2023.
  • Attended one-day workshop on Conversion to Scenario Based MCQs. MSA University  on 2023.
  • Attended 8 hours of education in Guided Biofilm Therapy on 2022.
  • Attended PLANMECA's Digital Perfection Program including overview and hands on 3D imaging, Digital impression scanning, software novelties and the latest dental care unit technologies on 2019.
  • Attended course in Exam systems and Student assessment 2019.
  • Attended course in Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions 2018.
  • Attended Stars Meeting AOIA Hilton Alexandria Green plaza,  on 2018
  • Attended Egyptian Dental Syndicate International Congress (EDSIC) on 2017.
  • Attended SENAME Cairo Consensus Conference Nov.2016.
  • Attended periodontal skills course accredited by Middle East Dental Society (MEDS) on 2015
  • Attended AEEDC Dubai 2012.
  • Attended The AOIA International congress stars meeting 2010.
  • Attended The Annual One Day Scientific Meeting at the Society of Oral Implantology entitled: Treatment of complications of oral implants, on2010.
  • Intensive course under the title Perio+ Implant = Esthetic given by Prof.Giulio Rasperini on 2009.
  • Attended 3 month Advanced course in Dental Implantology held by The Egyptian Society of Implantology  on 2008.
  • Attended Advanced course covering RACE Rotary System in root canal preparation on 2008.
  • Completed The MFDS Distance Learning Course, at The Faculty of Dental Surgery of Royal College of Surgeons of England starting from Sep. 2005 to Sep. 2007.
  • Attended The Revision Course of MFDS which held in The Misr University of Science & Technology under the supervision of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh on  2005.
  • Attended the basic training course in dental Implantology, Faculty of Dentistry Mansoura University on 2004
  • Attended advanced course covering Maillefer Protaper Nickel Titanium Rotary Systems with Dentsply on 2003.
  • Endodontic workshop regarding Maillefer Instruments; Dentsply on 2003.
  • 36 hours of English Intermediate 302 with a score B+ at The American University of Cairo.
  • Professional Skills

  • Motivating instructor driven to inspire students to peruse academic and personal excellence. Strives to create a challenging and engaging learning environment in which students become lifelong scholars and learners.
  • Dental Implant awareness in full details surgical and prosthetic treatment.
  • Guided Tissue Regeneration.
  • Mucogingival Surgeries.
  • Minor Oral Surgery.
  • Crown Lengthening.
  • Application of Laser in Dental field.
  • Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry.
  • Endodontics.


  • Prof. Una El-Shinnawi
  • Prof. of Oral Medicine and Periodontology

    Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University

    E-mail Una_shinnawy@yahoo.com

  • Prof. Mohamed Abd-El-Reheem El-Shahatt
  • Prof. of Oral Medicine and Periodontology

    Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University

    Dean of Faculty of Dental Medicine & Oral Surgery,

    Delta University

  • Associate Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud
  • Associate Prof. in Department of Endodontics

    Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University

    E-mail Mmahmoud79@mans.edu.eg

  • Prof. St. Jhon Crean
  • Queen Marys School of Medicine & Dentistry

    Medical College

    My tutor in The Distance Learning Course

    E-mail StJohn.Crean@nglam-tr.wales.nhs.uk

  • E. walker
  • Distance Learning Course Administrator

    Faculty of Dental Surgery

    The Royal College of Surgeons of England

    E-mail: lwalker@rcseng.ac.uk