Mohamed Medhat Hassan AL-Sobahy




Phone: 01283333499






Citizenship : Egyptian            Date of birth : 1 October 1988





6 fanarat st. Port tawfeek. Suez. Egypt





Key Skills

  • Excellent in practicing different dental services: extraction, operative and endo
  • Excellent in different types of radiologic imaging including periapical, panoramic and CBCT.
  • Very good presentation skills.





  • Bachelor of oral and dental medicine, Faculty of oral and dental medicine, Cairo University 2010
  • Master degree in oral and maxillofacial radiology, Cairo university 2018




Work Experience

  • One  year internship in Faculty of oral and dental medicine, Cairo University, 2011
  • One  year  dental assistant in ODC (Osman Dental Clinic) with Dr.Randa El Salawy (professor of dental material Faculty of oral and dental mecine, Cairo University), 2011
  •  Dentist in ministry of health for one year. 2012
  • Internal resident in oral and maxillofacial radiology, Faculty of oral and dental medicine, Cairo University, for three years. 2013 to 2016
  • Admenistrator in radiology department in BUE (British university in Egypt) for two years. 2016/2018.
  • Teaching assistant in radiology department in BUE (British university in Egypt) from 2018 to 2021
  • Teaching assistant in radiology department in Suez University from 2022.




Activities and Interests

  • Scuba diving (PADI advanced open water diver)
  • Swimming
  • Listening to music




Arabic  (native)

English (fluent)