Noha Yasser Salah Eldin Abas Saadoun

Assistant Lecturer of Dental biomaterials

Faculty of Dentistry

Suez University

Suez, Egypt



Name: Noha Yasser Salah Elden Abas Saadoun

Date and place of birth:  1 oct 1990 , Zagazig, Egypt.

Gender: Female.

Nationality: Egyptian.

Marital Status: Single.

Address:   Zagazig – Elsharkia. 


Personal information

  • M.Sc. of Dental Biomaterials.  2020.

Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

  • M.b.B.Ch. in dentistry. 2012

Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

  • Endodontics Professional Diploma. 2021

Oxford Academy for Medical Science & Gravity Medical Science Academy.





 Dentist at Medical Affair Dental section, Students Hospital , Zagazig University.


2014-Feb 2021


Work History

Assistant lecturer of Dental Biomaterials, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.


Feb 2021-till now






  • Member in Information Technology Unit at Faculty of Dentistry, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
  • Master Thesis: Biomimetic Remineralization of Artificial Dentinal Carious lesions using two Different Bioactive Capping Materials.




Scientific Production

  1. Sadoon N Y, Fathy S M, Osman M F. Effect of using biomimetic analogs on dentin remineralization with bioactive cements. Brazilian dental journal 2020; 31:44-51.‏
  2. Sadoon N Y, Fathy S M, Osman M F. Biomimetic Remineralization of Artificial Dentinal Carious lesions using two Different Bioactive Capping Materials. Mansoura Journal of Dentistry 2019;6(3):34-43.‏





  • TOEFL Certificate.
  • The International Computer Driving License ( ICDL Certificate).
  • Infection Control Course.
  • Basic Life Support (CPR/Life-threatening emergency) course.
  • Endodontics Basic & Rotary workshops from A to Z (30 hrs.)
  • 11th Scientific Day for Al-Sharqiyah Dental Syndicate. 2014
  • 9th Scientific Day for Al-Dakahlia Dental Syndicate. 2013
  • Types and Techniques of surgical flaps and sutures lectures and workshop. (4 credit hours)
  • Organization &Participation in East Delta 15th Sharkia Scientific Dental Congress. 2015
  • The 2nd Egyptian Dental Syndicate International Congress.2015
  • دورة تدريبية بعنوان مبادئ ادارة الجودة الشاملة فى الرعاية الصحية بمديرية الصحة بالشرقية.2013
  • برنامج ادارة الازمات بمركز التدريب الادارى بجامعة الزقازيق.2015
  • Indirect Adhesive Ceramic Restorations (From Clinic to LAB) scientific day, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez University. 2022
  • LAB safety course, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University.2022
  • Professional Ethics course, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University.2022
  • دورة براءة اختراع , كلية طب الفم والاسنان جامعة قناة السويس.2022


Training courses, Workshops, Scientific days &conferences.

  1. Arabic (mother tongue)
  2. English.


    • Ability to work well under pressure.
    • Ability to learn new tasks quickly.
    • Ability to work individually or as an effective team member.
    • High communication skills.
    • High presentation skills.


Personal skills