Faculty Dean Word

A word by Prof. Dr. Hani Shalabi, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry.

My dear students, on my own behalf and on behalf of all employees of the SU Faculty of Dentistry, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the faculty in its first appearance on the level of dental faculties in Egypt. You are the first fruit to apply to the faculty. Therefore, each of you must strive to be the best diligent in your studies, exerting all your efforts and self-confidence to become useful dentists for your country and pride of the university by following up on the latest developments and the need to continuously strive for acquiring basic science and knowledge. The university is not only for the educational process but also for building a beneficial personality for the community. Thus, try to invest your time and make sure you take advantage of the scientific and cognitive potential of the university. So, I am expecting you; my sons and daughters, to prove yourselves and consider the university as your second home and I will always support you as your father and elder brother. I wish you a happy academic year.

Beacon… Pioneering... Development.