Blood Donation Convoy

Mon. 13 Jun, 2022

God Almighty said, " And whoever saves one, it is as if he had saved mankind entirely”

On Sunday 26/12/2021 and under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, the Faculty of Dentistry conducted a campaign for the SU staff, associated staff, employees, and students to let them donate blood at the Faculty Medical Complex.

At the beginning of the day, Prof. Dr. Hani Shalabi, Dean of the faculty, received Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, SU Vice-President for Education and Students Affairs, Prof. Dr. Alaa Younis, the under-secretary of the Faculty of Fish Resources and the Coordinator of the SU community of Students for Egypt, and doctors and nurses who are members of the Regional Centre for Blood Transfusion. It was in the presence of both Dr. Rana Esmat and Dr. Hiba Saeed, Deputy Director of the Blood Bank Center in Suez.

The campaign witnessed a special demand to donate blood from everyone. The campaign began with the donation of Prof. Dr. Hani Shalabi, Dean of the faculty, and Prof. Dr. Abdullahi Hamuda, the Faculty Undersecretary for Education and Student Affairs, who were proverbial and encouraging all the faculty's community and staff to donate blood because it has great benefits to the public health of the donor, and it could also have saved someone else's life.

The campaign was within the framework of the community and health service that is offered by the University, and it is represented in the Faculty of Dentistry and the Regional Centre for Blood Transfusion in Suez, coordinated between Dr. Randa Hamid Al-Sharbini, Coordinator of the Higher Committee for Student Activities and Student Union of the SU Faculty of Dentistry and Dr. Wael Al-Sharkawi, Director of the Regional Centre of Blood Bank in Suez.

A drop of blood equals a life.