Suez University Participates in the Comprehensive Development Convoy of East Delta Universities
Fri. 15 Dec, 2023

Suez University Participates in the Comprehensive Development Convoy of East Delta Universities
Wed. 22 Nov, 2023

Pursuant to the various presidential initiatives to provide various services to the Egyptian citizens, under the support of General Staff of War, Abdelmadjid Saqr, Suez Governor, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi the SU Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development, the University participated in the comprehensive integrated development convoy of East Delta universities and the canal in the new Qabouti area of Port Said. The convoy was attended by: (Suez Canal University, Damietta University, El Arish University, and Port Said University) as well as Suez University, where the University participated in faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Fisheries, Literature, and Technical Institute of Nursing.

The SU President stated that the participating disciplines of the University have been able to provide various services to citizens. Participants from the Faculty of Medicine examined:

- 20 cases in the cardiovascular specialization.

- Detection of 45 cases of pediatric specialization.

- Detection of 12 cases specializing in general surgery.

- Detection of 50 cases of specialized orthopedic surgery.

- Detection of 17 cases of specialized infectious and digestive system diseases.

The Faculty Staff of the SU Faculty of Dentistry also examined 54 cases in the dental specialty.

He also explained that the Faculty of Arts and Technical Institute of Nursing have organized panel discussions for attendance of the convoy on several subjects:

- Early marriage and its risk to the family and society.

- The benefits of family planning and the culture of volunteering and belonging to children

- Educational seminar on drug damage

- The importance of literacy for the individual and society.

A delegation from the Faculty of Fisheries also visited some fisheries farms in the South Port Said region and met with some farmers and provided advice and consultation on the management of fish farms, especially in the winter period. The delegation was also interested in providing expertise on fish nutrition throughout the breeding period. The delegation was also interested in providing expertise on fish nutrition throughout the breeding period.

At the end of his remarks, Hnijal expressed his appreciation to all participants of faculty staff members, employees, and students. Such activities are of great importance to the delivery of the University's services to the surrounding community.