SU President inaugurates the AMIDEAST training and meets with students disabled in the university
Fri. 15 Dec, 2023

SU President inaugurates the AMIDEAST training and meets with students disabled in the university

Mon. 13 Nov, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, opened scheduled training events for the deans and undersecretaries of the faculties by AMIDEAST, in preparation for the opening of the University's Center for the Care of Students with Disabilities. This event was attended by Prof. Dr, Ihab Shahata, the dean of the faculty of education and the director of the center, Dr. Dina Helmy, the deputy director government grants program and the official of the AMIDEAST disability program, and Adel Mohamed, the director of Haya Karima office in Suez.

The inauguration events were witnessed by the SU vice presidents, deans of the faculties, undersecretaries of the faculties, and the SU disabled people. The meeting began with the national anthem. Then, the SU President delivered a speech and welcomed the attendees stressing his personal keenness in organizing this meeting to meet his disabled students to follow up closely on all procedures that have been taken to complete the inauguration of the SU Center for Disabled Students Care.

Hnijal then pointed out that the center, which is based on the protocol signed with AMIDEAST in early 2022. Suez University has made great strides towards finalizing all the procedures required for its opening. After that, he paid tribute to AMIDEAST for its sincere cooperation, unprecedented sincerity, and deep belief in the importance of this humanitarian work.

He also paid tribute to the Hayat Karima institution based on the implementation of an ambitious presidential initiative aimed at providing a genuine dignified life for the Egyptian citizen and we have seen this throughout Egypt in various sectors.

Meanwhile, the SU President stated that today's meeting comes in the belief in the importance of paying attention to this distinct group of Egyptian youth, which has recently received unprecedented attention from all officials in the Egyptian State, Believing in these young people's abilities.

The SU President stressed that we are inspired by your positive energy, strong will, spirit of defiance, and feelings of pride. Egypt is keen to honor you as we see you as the righteous plant, which we are planting to reap a lot of good for all of us and for the next generations.

The SU president also quoted some words of the Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi, who stressed that the amount of success and completion rates are dependent on what we can offer to our disabled sons and daughters. That is why we have always taken care of it and worked to guide all the institutions of the State concerned to assist in facing your challenges and providing the right environment to enable you to participate actively, maximize your contributions, and benefit from your abilities in various national action streams.

Later, Prof. Dr. Ehab Shehata greeted the attendees and thanked the SU President for organizing this symposium, thanking him for his constant keenness to provide services for disabled students and to overcome the obstacles facing the center.

Shehata then spoke about the Center's effort to provide care for our disabled students, asserting that they deserve much support, as recommended by the SU President.

In conclusion, he thanked Prof. Dr. Samah El-Sakka, the Deputy Director of the Center and the Undersecretary of the SU Faculty of Education, and all employees of the Center for making every effort to facilitate everything for our students.

Hence, Dr. Dina Hilmi delivered a speech through which she thanked the attendees and the SU President for organizing the symposium. She emphasized that this service project for the disabled from AMIDEAST began in Egypt at five universities and then expanded to 15 universities under the supervision of the United States Agency for International Development. The project included Suez University for its leading role in serving civil society. So, it is equipped to facilitate everything for our disabled students.

Dr. Dina stressed we believe that our disabled students should not be ignored or treated with excessive compassion because they belong to us, and they don't have to focus on what they can't do, but on what they can do with their different abilities.

Brigadier Adel Taher, Director of the Office of Hayat Karima in Suez, noted that disabled people are receiving great interest from various officials in the state, stressing that a dignified life will provide several assistances to the SU disabled student.

The meeting was concluded with a speech by a disabled student, who thanked the SU President for his support to them and praised the efforts of Suez University for the success of the Centre for the Service of Disabled Students.