Mobile Number


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Name: Nayera Tarek El-Saied Mohamed El-Bayomy            

Mobile:     01061746262                                  

Address:       13st Abd El Salam Aref- Mansoura- El-Dakahlia                                 

E-mail: nayera_tarek -

Current position: Assistant Lecturer at Pediatric Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez University.

e    Education: 

B.D.S in 2013 at faculty of dentistry Mansoura University with general cumulative grade very good with honor, 82.88%.

Master’s degree in pediatric dentistry at Mansoura University, November 2019.

PHD researcher in pediatric dentistry department, Mansoura University, since 2020.


1) Certificate of attendance and contribution in the scientific day and the workshop of “Advancing treatment modalities for designing removable partial denture” “10 credit hours” at faculty of dentistry, Mansoura University.

2) Certificate of attendance 3rd dental scientific meeting in “Problems in dentistry and how to manage” “12 credit hours” at faculty of dentistry, Mansoura University.

3) Certificate of attendance, contribution and support of D.S.M about “Orofacial pathosis, managing and reconstruction” “12 credit hours” at faculty of dentistry, Mansoura University.

4) Certificate of satisfactorily completed the didactic and practical requirements of the training program: Health Care Management “Emergency 1st Aid” Ministry of Health.

5) Certificate of attendance, contribution and support of scientific day of “Designing of RPD” at faculty of dentistry, Mansoura University.

6) Certificate for attendance and organizing in the 3rd annual scientific conference “Recent treatment modalities in prosthodontics” “20 credit hours” at faculty of dentistry, Mansoura University.

7) Certificate of participating in the 17th scientific dental conference of Damietta dental syndicate.

8) Certificate of attendance at the 5th scientific dental conference of the Dakahlia dental syndicate “12 credit hours”.

9) Certificate of attendance of the scientific day on “Rotary endodontics and workshop” “8credit hours” at faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine Delta University.

10) Certificate for participating in the 18th scientific dental conference of Damietta dental syndicate.

11) Certificate of attendance of the 6th Dakahlia scientific dental conference “10 credit hours”.

12) Certificate of attendance of the 2nd Mansoura international dental conference “30 credit hours”.

13) Certificate of participating in the 10th Dakahlia dental syndicate’s congress 2018 “24 credit hours”.

14) Certificate of passing TOFEL exam in AMIDEAST Testing Services in 2017.

15) Certificate of passing international ICDL.

16) Certificate of successfully completed English course with grade excellent at royal soft house center in 2019.

17) Certificate of attendance workshop about oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia in pediatric dentistry at MIDC3 in October 2019.

18) Certificate of attendance the webinar lecture titled “Molar Incisor Hypomineralization & planned extraction from pediatric management perspective” in April 2020.

19) Certificate of attendance on the first scientific day of pediatric dentistry at Pediatric Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dentistry Mansoura University.

20) Certificate of attendance at infection control workshop at Ministry of Health.

21) Certificate of attendance at Perio Health Matter by Dr. Hugo Pinto, live CE Webinar September 2023.

22) Attending Safe, minimal and moderate sedation in paediatric dentistry practices with nitrous oxide, live webinar in September 2023.

Work Experience:

  • Internship at Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University 1/11/2013-31/1/2014.
  • Internship at Talkha Central Hospital, El-Dakalia, Egypt 1/2/2014-31/10/2014.
  • General dentist at Mnia-Sandoub Health Center, Ministry of Health, Mansoura, El-Dakahlia, Egypt from 2015 till 2022.
  • Dental Specialist at Mnia-Sandoub Health Center, Ministry of Health, Mansoura, El-Dakahlia, Egypt from 2022 till 30 March 2023.
  • Assistant lecturer at Pediatric Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dentistry, HUE University, for two academic years 2021-2022, 2022-2023

Community Service and Social Activities:


                    Arabic, mother tongue     

                    English, Excellent written and fluent spoken


  • Book Writing, Reading, short stories writing and society activities plus playing tennis.

Personal data:

  • Marital status:  single
  • Nationality:  Egyptian
  • Date of birth:  6-6-1991