Curriculum Vitae (CV)


:Personal information



Shady Aly Ahmed Hassan



Miami, Alexandria – Egypt.






14th march 1988.



Assissstant Lecturer oral and maxillofacial surgery. 


Bachelor of Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery 2010 Faculty of Dentistry – Alexandria University

Oral and maxillofacial Master Degree- Alexandria University 2017. Degree: Very Good (GPA 3.00)

Arab Board for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017.

  Bachelor of Medical science, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University since 2022.

Register in Cranio-Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery PhD   Faculty of Dentistry – Alexandria University since 2017.


  • Arabic (Mother language).
  • English (Very good).

:Training Courses & Certificates

  • Management of Oral & Maxillofacial infections.
  • Management of Cranio-Maxillo-facial trauma.
  • Management of cleft lip and palate anomalies.
  • Management of Temperomandibular joint ankylosis.
  • Management of dento-facial deformities.
  • Minor oral surgery procedures (impacted teeth, alveolar bone grafting, Radicular cysts, Preprothetic surgeries etc...).
  • Surgeon for major maxillofacial surgeries (Large Odontogenic cysts, Oral Malignancies, Craniosynostosis, etc…).
  • Orthognathic Surgeries
  • Oral Implantology.


:Scientific Activities & Researches

:Thesis and Academic degree related

  • “CLINICAL AND RADIOGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF THE USE OF FREE CONCHAL CARTILAGE AUTO-GRAFT IN RECONSTRUCTION OF ORBITAL FLOOR FRACTURES ". A part of a thesis which fulfilled the Master degree in oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from Faculty of Dentistry - University of Alexandria – Egypt.


  1. Ahmed M. Habib, Ibrahim M Zietoun, Mohamed R Khalil and Shady A. Hassan. Papillary Carcinoma on Top of Thyroglossal Duct Cyst, have we Solved the Management Dilemmas? E.D.J. Vol. 62, No. 2, April 2016; 2213-2216.
  2. Ahmed M. A. Habib, Shady A. Hassan. E Poster: The Feasibility of Auricular Conchal Cartilage Graft in Maxillofacial Reconstruction Based on Clinical Experience in A University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. 23rd Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery London, United Kingdom 2016.
  3. Shady A. Hassan, Sameh A. Darwish, Tarek M. Aly. Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of the Use of Free Conchal Cartilage Auto-graft in Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Fractures. E.D.J. Vol. 62, No. 26, April 2017.
  4. Moustafa Abdelaziz Moustafa, Alaa Abdelrahman Kandeel, Ahmed M A Habib, Shady A Hassan. Feeding obturator as an airway adjunct during complete unilateral cleft palate repair. Indian J Anaesth 2018; 62:376-80.
  5. Ahmed M A Habib, Shady A Hassan. The feasibility of rib grafts in long span mandibular defects reconstruction: A long term follow up. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2019 Jan;47(1):15-22.
  6. Shady A. Hassan, Mohamed M Koraitim, and Atteya  Aly,. "Inferiorly Based Nasolabial Flap: A Reliable Option for Oral and Maxillofacial Reconstruction." Egyptian Dental Journal 67.3 (2021): 1967-1974. ‏

:Working Skills

  1. Past
  • 2010-2011: House officer at Minister of health and Alexandria University.
  • 2011-2013 General practitioner Dentist at Ministry of Health.
  • 2013-2018 Cranio-maxillofacial and plastic surgery Resident at Alexandria University Main Hospital (AUMH).
  • 2018-2022 Senior Registrar at AUMH.
  1. Current:
  • May 2022-…: Assistant lecturer Oral and Maxillofacial surgery department – Faculty of Dentistry, Suez University.

:Conferences & Workshops

  • Attendance and Speaker in the second annual international conference of the Saudi society of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, 2014.
  • Attendance of the winter school meetings of the Maxillo-Facial and Plastic Surgery Department. Alexandria University, 2015.
  • Attendance of the first Alexandria Dental conference of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (ADCOMS 2015).
  • Attendance of the Alexandria International TMJ Arthroscopy course, 2015 (AITAC 2015).
  • Attendance of Alexandria Sialoendoscopy Workshop, 2017.
  • Attendance of 17th Alexandria International Dental Congress, 2010.
  • Attendance the AOIA International Congress Stars Meeting 2012-2016.
  • Attendance 9th International conference of the Egyptian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in collaboration with 5th International conference of the Pan African Association of Oral and Maxillofacial sugery,2016
  • Attendance and Speaker in the AOIA International Congress Stars Meeting, 2018
  • Attendance of the Instructional experimental course of Microsurgery in Zagazig university - Egypt in March 2021.

Personal Assets:

  • Cultured
  • I was nominated as “Ideal student” at undergraduate years 2009, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University.
  • Have contributed to academic work.