Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Prof .Hany Shalaby

Professor -Dean faculty of dentistry - Suez University

Relevant Experience

  • Dean Faculty Of Dentistry
  • Head of Oral Medicine , Periodontology, Oral Diagnosis, and Implantology department

Educational Background

  • Bachelore degree from faculty of dentistry Tanta University
  • Master degree and Phd from faculty of dentistry Tanta University


Address  : Suez/ Egypt

Phone  : 01019992772


Professional Skills

Hierarchy of career :

  • resident dentist 27\3\2001 - 10\2\2004
  • demonstrator 10\2\2004 - 2\10\2005
  • assistant lecturer 2\10\2005 - 30\3\2010
  • lecturer 30\3\2010 - 23\6\2015
  • associate professor 23\6\2015 - 28 \ 7 \2020
  • professor 28 \ 7 \2020 – present

Faculties that i work in :

  • Faculty of dentistry - Tanta university
  • Faculty of dentistry - Suez canal university
  • Faculty of dentistry - Suez University

Adminstrative positions :

  • Director of Outpatient Clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry - Suez University (2012-2014)
  • Head of the Department of Oral medicine and Periodontology - Faculty of Dentistry - Suez Canal University (2016-2020)
  • Dean faculty of dentistry- Suez University (2019 - present )

Universities That I Teach At It :

  • Suez university
  • Suez canal university Egyptian
  • Tanta university
  • Russian university
  • El-Nahda university
  • Sinai university

Number Of Theses Supervision:

  • master degree theses : 14
  • phd theses : 4

list of publication: 

  • Hany Kamal M. Shalaby: Effect of hyaluronic acid gel adjunctive to combined ortho–perio treatment in patients with periodontally compromised extruded teeth. Egyptian Dental Journal. 2015; Vol. 61, No. 1
  • Kareman S. Elsoudany and Hany Kamal M. Shalaby: The effect of Melatonin gel On Infrabony Periodontal Defects Clinical, Immunlogical and Radiographic Findings Al-Azhar Journal of Dental Science 2013; 16 (3)
  • Yasser Mohamed El Makaky and Hany Kamel Mohamed: Comparison of osseointegration around endosseous dental implants coated with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhbmp-2) versus uncoated implants (clinical and radiographical study) . Egyptian Dental Journal. 2014; Vol. 60, No. 1
  • Hany Kamel M. Shalaby and Yasser Mohamed El Makaky: Comparative study of antifungal effect of topical silver nanoparticles versus nystatin oral suspention in experimentally-induced oral candidiasis in diabetic rats (clinical and microbiological study). Egyptian Dental Journal. 2014; Vol.60, No. 4
  • Yasser Mohamed El Makaky and Hany Kamel Mohamed: Impact of recombinant human bone morphogenic protein- 2 on bone healing and growth in peri- implant osseous tissue (experimental study in dogs). Egyptian Dental Journal. 2013; Vol. 59, No. 4
  • Hany Kamal M. Shalaby Autologous platelet-rich fibrin and nanohydroxyapatite bone graft in the treatment of intraossous defect in patients with chronic periodontitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Egyptian Dental Journal. 2014; Vol. 60, No. 4
  • Kareman S. Elsoudany and Hany Kamel M. Shalaby: Evaluation the Effects of Topical Melatonin on Osteointegration around Dental Implants in Diabetic Rabbits. Egyptian Dental Journal. 2014; Vol.60, No. 3 .
  • M Omran, Hany K. Shalaby, Hassan N. Mohammed, and Abd El Nasser M. El Refai :- A Comparison Between Chlorhexidine And Nano-Silver Mouthwash On Experimentally –Induced Gingivitis In Albino Rats. Egyptian Dental Journal, 2017 vol. 63, N0. 4.
  • Abeer S. Gawish, Hany Shalby, Mohammed Ghoniem and Manar A.A.Selim:- The Effect Of Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate And Demineralized Freeze- Dried Bone Allograft In Management Of Experimentally Induced Intrabony Periodontal Defects In Rats (Immunohistochemical And Radiographic Study). Egyptian Dental Journal, 2018, vol. 64, N0. 1.
  • Hany Kamel Shalaby and Shaimaa Mohammed Morsy. Comparative Evaluation Of Coronally Advanced Flap Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane And Fresh Amniotic Membrane In Gingival Recession. Egyptian Dental Journal, 2019. Vol. 65, No. 2
  • Hany Kamel Shalaby and Shaimaa Mohammed Morsy. Evaluation of adjunctive effect of daily dietary supplements with omega 3 and propolis to non-surgical periodontal therapy: Randomized clinical trial. Egyptian Dental Journal, 2019. Vol. 65, No. 4
  • Hany K. Shalaby and Shaimaa M. Mahfouz Effect of Diode Laser combined with Hyaluronic Acid Gel in Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis in Children: Randomized Clinical Trial. Egyptian Dental Journal, 2019, vol. 65, N0. 4
  • Yasser El-Makaky and Hany K. Shalaby. Clinical and Microbiological Evaluation of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy as an Adjunctive Nonsurgical Modality in Patients with Periodontitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Tanta Dental Journal Vol, 17, No, 1, 2020
  • Yasser El-Makaky and Hany K. Shalaby. Impact of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy on Visfatin level in Gingival Crevicular Fluid of Type II diabetic patients with Periodontitis. Egyptian Dental Journal, 2020. Vol. 66, No. 2
  • Yasser El-Makaky and Hany K. Shalaby. The effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on   glycemic control in diabetic patients: A randomized controlled trial. Oral diseases, Vol 26, 2020 (Q1 Journal)

conferences & congresses that attended : 

  • Attending 11th International Dental Congress, Cairo, Marriott hotel, 16-19 December 2003.
  • Attending 1st Arab Dental Forum, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University, 20-22 Novemder 2004.
  • Attending 12th International Dental Congress, Cairo, Marriott hotel, 29 Nov. -2 Dec. 2005.
  • Attending the 6th International Implantology Congress April, 27-29, 2006.
  • Attending the Future University International Dental Conference Excellence in Dentistry, 8-11 May 2007.
  • Attending the 13th International Dental Congress, Cairo, Marriott hotel, 20-23 November 2007.
  • Attending the 2nd International Conference under the theme Medical Research in the Arab World- Modes of Collaboration and Development  National Research Centre, Cairo, 11-13 November 2008.
  • Participated in 2nd International Dental Congress, Intercontinental Citystars 24th- 26th March, 2010.
  • Attending the 17th Alexandria International Dental Congress, 2-5 November 2010.
  • Attending the 15th International Dental Congress, Intercontinental Hotal. Cario,City Stars. 26th-28th October 2011.
  • Attending the 3rd International Dental Congress, Intercontinental Hotal. Cario,City Stars.22nd-25th January. 2013.
  • Attending the Future University 2nd International Dental Conference, 30th April-3rd May, 2013.
  • Attending 16th International Dental Congress, Intercontinental Hotal. Cario,City Stars. 5th-8th November 2013.
  • Attending as speaker and chairperson in the Ismailia dental syndicate conference
  • Attending the International IMPLA Congress by Schutz Dental Gmbh 18- 19 March 2016, Berlin, Germany.
  • Attending Workshop Bone grafting and sinus lifting   ( 1st    international conference Nahda University & Glassgow University-UK)   2015
  • Attending the 2nd international Dental conference Ain Shams University 2016
  • Attending as speaker and chairperson the 1 st Dental Implant Conference of the faculty of dentistry–Suez Canal University Sharm El Shiekh 2017
  • Attending The 18 th International Dental Congress Intercontinental Hotal. Cario,City Stars 2017