Japanese School Visit
Sun. 20 Mar, 2022

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. El Sayed. El Sharkawy ……. President of the University and under the supervision of Prof. Dr.  Hany Shalaby …. Dean of the Faculty

In the context of his full participation in the celebration of the World Day of Oral and Dental Health, the community role of the University's Community Service and Environmental Development Sector and  Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, the implementation of a comprehensive awareness plan, and health support for school students, and participation in a package of initiatives launched by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi under the slogan "# million health" in the area of public health.

The Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine – Suez University made a health awareness educational convoy for the Egyptian Japanese school in Suez headed by Dr. Randa El-Sherbini, coordinator of the student activities of the faculty, where they were met by the school director, Professor Susan Youssef, and the Japanese supervisor of the school.

Today's events began with a simplified and interactive lecture to students through Dr. Ghaydaa Mahran, entitled "The Importance of Oral and Dental Health", which provided a simple explanation of the importance of teeth, primary and permanent teeth, the cause of tooth decay and its management, how to maintain teeth, shedding and eruption, and when it is necessary to visit a dentist.

This was followed by taking the students to a practical model exercise to show how best to clean their teeth, after which the students brushed their teeth to make sure that they understood the information presented and did the correct brushing. Besides, she stressed the need to visit the dentist twice a year for periodic checkups and make the necessary examinations to prevent and treat caries, and how to maintain the teeth.

The purpose of the visit was to raise awareness; a dental check on the students at the school was done, where Dr. Noha Yasser and Dr. Asma Al-Shami carried out a diagnostic examination on 70 students from the kindergarten stage and the first year to check on the health of their teeth and hand them a comprehensive examination form for each student in which the conditions of mouth and teeth were recorded and a statement of the necessary treatment measures required when visiting the dentist. giveaways, toothbrushes, paste, and alerting on the necessity of washing teeth after eating and before sleeping, and the need to visit the dentist periodically every 6 months to maintain sound teeth for proper health.

A group of college students also participated in the convoy to spread awareness in society and participate in various scientific and cultural activities.