An orientation day for new students in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, President of the University
Tue. 10 Oct, 2023

An orientation day for new students in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, President of the University

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, visited the Faculty of Dentistry, where he was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Hani Shalabi, Dean of the Faculty, the faculty Undersecretaries; Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atef Hamuda, the Faculty Undersecretary for Education and Student Affairs. Prof. Dr. Amira Fares, the Faculty Undersecretary for Community Service and Environment Development. Prof. Dr. Shima Mohammed Mahfouz, the Faculty Undersecretary for Postgraduate and Research Affairs, Faculty Staff Members, and Faculty Students' Union.

At the beginning of the visit, the SU President conducted an inspection tour at the faculty to see the latest developments of the equipment in the clinics and discuss some details with the Dean of the faculty regarding the operation of the clinics.

After that, the SU President went to attend an Orientation Day for old and new students at the faculty. The ceremony started with the reciting of verses from the Holy Quran and then a speech by the Dean of the faculty through which he welcomed the SU President and congratulated him on the political leadership's confidence in him and his appointment as SU President wishing him success and progress in promoting the university.

“Shalabi” then welcomed the students and expressed his sincere wishes for success to all, explaining that the Faculty of Dentistry includes a group of students from all over the Republic, which is a good opportunity for all to develop communication skills and meet colleagues from all over Egypt. This is one of the goals of university education, which provides many student activities aimed at developing skills and discovering talents. The Dean of the Faculty directed students to the importance of participation in student activities because of its benefits in building student personality.

Moreover, The SU President spoke to the audience, thanking them for the relentless efforts made by the faculty administration to develop and promote it to obtain academic outputs capable of serving the country and competing strongly in the labor market locally, regionally, and internationally.

Furthermore, praised the capabilities of the Faculty of Dentistry in terms of laboratories, halls, and various equipment, explaining that the clinics have been equipped with 21 dental units at the highest level and will be ready to receive cases from citizens of the governorate very soon to provide health services at a unique level of quality.

Then the SU President delivered his speech to the students, stressing the importance of organizing time and working with the utmost seriousness to reach the goal that the student seeks. He noted that the Egyptian state is making every effort to provide various services to citizens, especially in the field of education and scientific research. This was clearly demonstrated during his attendance at the events of the “Hekayet Watan” Conference which was held the last few days under the auspices of the Egyptian President. Therefore, everyone must preserve the nation’s capabilities that aim to advance its future.

Later on, Hnijal stressed that everyone should be wary of rumormongers and fraud professionals, and not comply with these electronic committees on social media, stressing the importance of judging reason and thought before judging matters.

The ceremony concluded with the university president honoring several faculty staff members who got master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as outstanding students. After that, the faculty dean presented the faculty shield to the university president in appreciation of his leadership, wishing success to the entire university.